HomeMy WebLinkAbout888316 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compliance wl~h ~heCOl~f~/~Jhu~qTl~03? ~/'l/~J~ Ifil', ~/yomlno S~a~cu~es, 1977 ~ec~lon 36-11-101, e'c, seq,, and ~he Rules and ReguLations o~ ~he Board o~ Pro~esslonat EnoIneers and Pro~esslonal Land Surveyors) Reverse side o? "chis f'or~ ~y be used IF ~ore spots Is needed. Record of' orlglnat survey and cH:a't;Ion o? source of' hls't;orlcal, In'F'ormd'tlon (If. corner Is lost or obliterated), Description of. corner monument;o.'l:lon evidence f.ound and/or monumen'~ iand accessories es'~o, bl, lshed 't:o perpetuate 't:he I. oco,'~lon of. 't:hls corner, Ske'l:ch oF' rel, a'~lve I. oca'Hon of. monument:!, accessories, and re'F'erence points wi'th course and dis'trance '~o adjacent corner(s) (If. de't;ernlned In 'l:hls sur~ey), Method and ra'l:lon0, te .For rees'l:abtlshmen't: of' los'l: or obll'~erat;ed corner, ~ FOUND, STANDARD OLD I,P, & B,C., 1'1' A,G,, WITH A MOUND DF STONES TD WEST, T-POST 9' NORTH CO Monument location ... Uonumenf Inscnptm ;, Date of Field Work: 2/12/03 Office Reference: 9361-1 Cross Index Plat + + + + + + + + + + + ~6 I 1,51 I 4. ~ I ,.3 ~ m 2 I ~ 1'+-~ .+1-.+ .+t.+ .+t.+ .+t.+ .+t.+ .+1..+ ~7 ~ ~ 8 ~ I 9 ~ ~101 II11 ~12~ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ : : : :: :: :: :: I +,[+ +,[+ +$+ +,[+ +,~+ ~18~ ~17~ ~161 ~151 ~141 113~ .+t.+ TTT TI'T TI'.+ .+1..+ TTT ~19 I I 20 I I 21 e I 22 e I 2,..3 e 124.'+-' TI'T TTT Tl'T TTT T1.T TTT · --~',.30 e I 29 I I 2B ~ e ~7 I I 2~ I ~ TTT TiT TTT TTT TiT .+1'.+ ~31~ $32~ i331 ~341 ~351 .+1'.+ TT.+ Tr.+ .+'I'T T'l'T T'I'T Firrn/Agency, Address D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES,i INC, 14.14 ELK STREET. SUITE ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 8;2901 Telephone Number: Corner Name East Ouarter Corner Section 1, T 20 N, R 113 W, 6th County: Lincoln Wyoming This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction and supervision, p.l~'. Cross-Index No.: C-25