HomeMy WebLinkAbout888317 State of Wyoming Corner R cord (In compUance with the~0~d~l~ IP~PATIT~T~0~ d&9 IF~VC ~, Vyo~lno ~a~u~es, 1977 ~ec~lon ~6-11-101, e~, seq., and ~he Rutes and ReouiGtlons o~ ~he ~oGrd o~ Pro~esslonGi EnGineers and ProFesslono( LGnd Surveyors) / Reverse side o~ ~hls ~orm mGy be used I~ more spGce Is needed, Record o? original survey mhd citation o? source o? historical InFormation (17 corner Is lost or obliterated). Description o? corner nonunentatlon evidence Found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location oF this corner. Sketch o? relative location o? monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (17 determined In this survey). Method and ratlonate ?or reestabUshnent o? lost or obtiterated corner. FOUNDi STANDARD GLO I.P. & D.C., 1' A.G. T-POST 4'9' WEST Monument location Date of Field Work: 2/12/03 Office Reference: 9861-2 Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency. Address + 4- + 4- + + -O- + 4- 4- + 4- ~61 ~5m 141 ~ ,,,9 i ~21 ~1~ Tt,+;Ltt.+TTT ttT .+t.+itt ~7 I I 8 ~ ~ 9 I I10~ II1~ 112~ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ : : : '. : : : : : : : I +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ -~-18 ~ ~17~ ~16~ ~15~ ~14~ ~ 13-'-- · +t.+ .+t,+ .+ti .+t.+ .+t.+ +.ti ~19 i ~ 201 ~ 21 ~ i 22~ ~ 23 ~ ~ 24~ TtT TtT TiT TtT TtT ttT · --~30 eI 29 1 m 28 I I 27 ~ m 26 ~ I 25~ .+t.+ .+t.+ ,+t.+ +.t.+ rt.+ .+t+. ~31~ ~32~ 133~ ~341 ~35~ ~36~ TtT .+TT TTT TTT TTT TTT D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES! INC, 1414 ED< SIREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: This corner record was prepared by me or under ny direction and supervision. Corner Name Southeast Corner Section 6, T 20 N, R 112 W, 6th P.I~. County: lAnco~ Wyoming Cross-Index No.: