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HomeMy WebLinkAbout888318 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In co~ptlance with theCOl~l~ P~l?,PgFfY4rlOtl ll~ ~ .4~'T, Wyoming S'ca~utes, 1977 Section 36-11-10L ReguLG~lons of` ~he Board of` Prof`esslonai Engineers and Prof`esslonGi Land Surveyors) Reverse side of' ;chis f`orJ~ may be used If` more space Is needed, et, seq,, and ~he RuLes and Record o? original survey ond cl~ca~lon o? source oF hls~corlc~[ In?orm~lon (1? corner Is tos~ or obtKcera~ced), Descrlp~clon o6 corner monumen~c~clon evidence 6ound and/or monumen~ and occessorles es~c~btlshed ~co perpe;cu~ce ~che [oca~clon o6 ~chls corner, Ske~cch o? reta~clve rotation o? monumen~ accessories, and re?erence poln~cs wl~ch course and dls~cance ~co adJacen~c corner(s) (16 de~cermlned in ~chls sur;'ey), Ne~chod and r~clonate For rees~abtlshmen~ o6 [os~ or obtl~era~ed corner, FOUND, STANDARD GLO I,P, & B,C,, 1'3' A,G,, WITH PART OF ORIGINAL ROCK MONUMENT 1/2' TO THE SOUTH, ~ T-POST 1'2,5' SOUTH CO Monument location Monumetn :insCHpt Date of Field Work: 2/12/0~ Office Reference: 9361-3 Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency, Address + + + + + + + + + + + ~6~ ~5~ ~4~ ~3~ ~2~ ~ 1~ ~+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ ~7 ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ 9 ~ ~10~ ~11~ ~12~ ~18~ ~17~ ~16~ ~15~ ~14~ ~13~ ~19 ~ ~ 20~ ~ 21 ~ ~ 22 ~ ~ 23 ~ ~ 24~ TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT ~50 ~ ~ 29~ ~ 28 ~ ~ 27 ~ ~ 26 ~ ~ 25~ ~31~ ~32~ ~33~ ~34~ ~35~ ~36~ ~tt tt~ tit ~t~ ~t~ D.R. GRIFFIN &: ASSOCIATESL INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING ~2901 Telephone Number: Corner Name South Quarter Corner Section 6, T 20 N, R 112 W, 6th County: Lincoln Wyoming This corner record was prepared by me or under my dlrec~clon and supervision, P.M. Cross-Index No.: