HomeMy WebLinkAbout888319 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In comptlance wi.th ~cheCO.l~t~q P]'P. PFIq~tO~ ~gD ~ ~C/', ~/yomlno S'ca.tu'tes, 1977 Sec'l:lon 36-11-101, e't. seq., and 'the Rules and Reguta'tlons of` .the BoGrd of' Pr'of`esslonal. £ngineers and Pr'of`esslonat Land Surveyors) i Reverse side of` .this f`orm may be used If` more space Is needed. Record o? orlglnat survey and citation o? source o? hls~orlcat In?orna~lon (17 corner Is {os~ or obU~era~ed). Description o? corner monumen~a%lon evidence ?ound and/or monumen~jand accessories es~abUshed ~o perpetuate ~he ~oca~lon o? ~hls corner. Sketch o? reta~lve Location o? nonumen~j, accessories, and re?erence points wl~h course and distance ~o adJacen~ corner(s> (17 de~ermlned In ~hls suryey>. Me~hod and ra~lonate ?or rees~abUshmen~ o? ~os~ or obU%era~ed corner, FOUND~I' IRON PIPE BENT DVER AT 90', BRASS CAP MISSING, SETi T-POST 2' SOUTH Monument location Date of Field Work: 2/4/03 Office Reference: 9344-9. Cross Index Plat + -I- + + + + '-~6~ 15, 141 +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ : : : ',: : : : : I I'L I +~+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ + + --~7 I I 8 I ~ 9 m I10~ Illin m12~ .,t., .,t., ,+ti .*t.* tr., +,t,+ --~18 ~ '17~ ~16~ ~15~ ~14~ ~13~-- .+t.+ .+t.+ ,+t.+ .+t. --~19 ~ ~ 20 ~ ~ 21 ~ ~ 22 ~ ~ 23 ~ ~ 24*' .+t.+ .+t.+ .+t.+ .+;L,+ ?t,+ ,+t,+ ~30 ~ ~ 29 ~ 128 i ~ 271 126 ~ * 25~ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ --~-311 1~21 e331 .*t.* rt.* ,*t.* .*t.* *.t? *,t,* e D Ir O H K L M N O Q R V Y Z Firm/Agency, Address D,R, GRIFFIN at ASSOClATESJ INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 8:2OO1 Telephone Number: Corner Name North Ouarter Corner Section 27, T 20 N, R 113 W, 6th County: Maco]n Wyomln~ This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction and supervision, P.M. Cross-Index No.: R-l§