HomeMy WebLinkAbout888343 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ~,~ ~y ~. '{x~_.t..atutes, 1977, Section~36-11-1~1, el seg.,~ and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Profession~_E~j~/i~,~l Professional Land Su~VeyO~)': RECORD; North atong the line be~veen Sec. 12 and Sec. 7, T30N, R118W 40.OO chains. By Warren and BIout , July 4U~ thru 9th ,1899 FOUND; Nothing SET: BLM Type Monument VICINITY MAP Section 1~ T3ON~ RII9W ' 1322.3~' 1~9 ~1322.3~ 2643.86' 104 i ~ i 113 S89~46'05~ 114 5305.60' 1~ 107 ~ 2651.82' 1326.89' ~ZU.~ I ~ 202~ ~ ~ 133 S89"40'24~1352656.82' ~_~ ~.4~' W '~32& g-F · 131 ~ 115 ~ 2659.86' 1329.93' 132 : , 1329.93' 154 N89~34'~ 112 5319.72' 2~.~,~ ) ~ 116Se~-? LEGEND BLM type Monument set BLM type Monument found Quarter Corner set Quarter Comer found Section Corner set Section Comer found Calculated Point nothing set Th.e Bea/lngs o.n this. map were obtained b,y a G.P.$. SUrVey usl. ng as e. ~. a..~s t.~. vvyo. mlng .Del:~_rrrnem of Transportatloh ,p~nt~s. esraD~sne~ In an~ near [ne ~ own of Thayne using /wu 83 (1993) Horizontal end NGVD 29 Vertical control. No. No~lnq Easing Desc. 104 2.396.508.521 I A-25 107 1,099,707.476 2,396~494.320 C-25 108 1,102,119.871 2.393,864.803 A-23 109 ~,I02,115.204 2.392,542.443 A-22 110 2.391.220.0~3 A-21 112 2.393,813.840 E-23 113 1.099.728.95~ 2,391,188.767 C-21 114 1,099,718.217 2~393,840.567 C-23 115 1,088,125.607 2,396,482.220 D-E-25 116 1,096,810.160 2,396~471.706 E-F-25 131 1.098.378.779 2,396,483.972 D-25 132 1,087~059.856 2,395.143.732 E-24 133 1.098.393.924 2,392J, 827.204 D-23 134 1,099,712.84~ 2,395,167.444 C-24 135 1.096.3~,351 2,395,155.588 D-24 154 2,396,473.624 E-25 202 1,099~441.054 2,396,492.734 :-D-25 207 1.097.08~,179 2,391,154.056 C-25 Date of Field Work June, 2000 Office Reference ERIC NEBEKER PARCEL DIVISION CROSS INDEX DIAGR~/I 7 8 9 lO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ;A C ---~ 6~ ~ 5 ' ' 4 ' ' 3 ~ ~ 2 ~ * I~-- C 7 . . 8 . , 9 . - - -~ ..... ~ ' - -' .... K ', 17', ....... 13% 18. 19' ' 20 ' ~ 21 ' r 22 ' ' 23 ' ' 24-L-- p 30 , 31 , ~ 32 , , 33 , , 34 , , 35 , ~ 36T-- X -,- r ', 1-,-r,- This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction and ~uper~fs~on. SEAL & SIGNATURE STATE OF W~OMING Of~e of Clork a~d Recorder County of Lincoln This 'corner ~ was filed on the dav of Firm I Agency, Address Lloyd B. Balmr and Associa~ Box 210, 285 North Main Thayr~, Wyoming 83127 Phone/Fax (307) 883 - 2t94 County c~rk Oepay Corner Name: Southwest, Section: 1, T3ON, R 119 W, of the 6 TH. P.M. Cross Index No: E-21