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State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUA TION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1997, Section 33-29-140, et seq., and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors) Reverse side of this form may be used if more space is needed. Record of orig~ s~vey and citation of so,ce of hiaodcal information (if com~ is lost or oblit~med). Description of corn~ monumenmtion evidence found an~or monument and acc~sories established to perpetuate ~e location of ~is com~. Sketch of relmive location of monumen~ accessories, and ref~ence po~ts wi~ course and ~stance to a~acent com~(s) (if determ~ed ~ ~is s~vey). Me, od and rationale Mr reestablishment of lost or obliterated com~. Record:-- 1889 -- dones. North between Secs. 1 and 6. 77.55 Set a flint stone 30xlOxlO ins. in the ground 22 ins. for Cor. to Tps. 31 and 32 N. R. 118 and ll9W marked with 6 notches on N. S. E. and W. edges, dug pits 24x18x12 ins. lengthwise on each line 6 ft. dist. and raised a mound of earth 3 ft. high, 5 ft. base ....... ~ alongside ., :~:<:: 1911 - daecke] and.Voight. ....... :,:::!' North bet. sees. 1 and 6. ::~:::: 787;771o a point 84 1ks. E of the closing cor. of Tps. 32 N., Rs 118 and 119 W which is a granite stone 5 x 9 x 8 ins above ground ....... ::::>::!:: firmly set, marked C C on S., and with 6 grooves on S., E. and ~' W faces; no trace of accessories was found at this cor :L 1981 -- Wilson. <:::::~ NOO°-O2'W beginning new measurement. 37.51 The closing cor. of Tps. 32 N., Rs. 118 and 119 W., on the projection of U. S. Highway No. 89, at intersection with the Eighth Standard Parallel North, as reestablished by Paul N. Scherbel, Wyoming Registered Land Surveyor No. 164, with a bridge spike set flush with the surface of a gravel road extending E. from which An iron post, 2½ ins. diam., firmly set, projecting 8 ins. above the ground for a reference monument, bears S. 41½°E., ~ 0.670 chs. dist. with brass cap inscribed PAUL N. SCHERBEL r~. RLS 164 BIG PINEY WYO and mkd. T33N Rll8W T32N Rll8W Sl c© S 6 CC RM 44.27 FT 1980 and an arrow pointing to the corner. cD This position is accepted as a careful and faithful determination (SEE REVERSE SIDE) of the original corn~ion. CC: BLM County Off. - Afton SSLTD - Afton WY DOT Date ofField Work: 2 August 2002 OmceRe~rence: Book ZQ-46, page 57. CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Comer Name: C C Section: SBRPEPLS/PLSW: March 1994 (SSLTD 10/18/2000 version) Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction and supervision. SEAL & SIGNATURE Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. P.O. Box 725 46 West Third Avenue Aflon, WY 83110 Telephone Number: 307-885-93 Telefax Number: 307-885-9 County of L I NCOLN 1 T32N Rll9W: 6th P.M. Cross-lndexNo.:A-25--R.evised