HomeMy WebLinkAbout888397 Stutc of Wyoming Comer Record On comp{immce with the CORNER PERPETUA TION AND PlLOfG A CT. Wyoming 5tatu{~, 1977, Sectieu $6-1 !'101. ~- seq., md the Rules ~-d Rcgul~tlo~s o£ thc Board o£ Registrnti~ for Profi:~sional Engineers ,,,,d Prof~si~al Lnnd Surveyors) Reverse side of this form may be u.scd il' morc space is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if comer is lost or obliterated). Description of comer monument~tion evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate tho location of this corner. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this m~rvcy). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner. Record:-- South between Section'25, T3IN, Rll9W and Section 30, T31N, Rll8W for south one-Sixteenth corner. Found:-- A PK nail set during survey of 16 June 1995 of Section 25. Set:-- A 3/8x12-ins. spike in approximate center line of Smoot-Afton County Road No. 148. Ely. 30.00 ft. of rebar and SURV-KAP #5368. Wly. 32.5 ft. of PK nail in N. gate post. NWly. 33.15 ft. of PK nail set in S. gate post. Note:-- The 0+00 ¼ S.25/S.30 13+20.56 S 1/16 S.25/S.30 26~41.12 SE S.30 spike rep' Rebar·& SL~RV- KAP~, · ~ / Gate / % 5'-~-- Gate Post Gate post 0 U CC: BLM County Office SSLTD - Afton - Afton Work: 25 March 1997' Om~R~:--c~: Book ZP-74. pages 55-56. CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agmcy, Address This com~ record wa~ prepared ~ 9 10 31 lZ I'~ 14 I" l0 17 18 Ig Z0 21 ~ R:! ~4 2'" by me or und~ my direction ~ Surveyor Scherb~~ ,mdsupervizion. u' - ,SEAL & ~IGN~TURE = Box 725 D ~ · 46 West Third. Avenue ' ,,"- Aft;on, Wyoming 8'3110 ~, ' Tclcpho~eNumber: 307-886-9319 -/7/[ ~ ~ 739-9260 //f/~(FAX 739-9260 N v LINCOLN Co~:N~=,.: S 1/16 s:=io,: 25. T 31N ~119W: 6th p.~. Cro~J-dexNo.: U-25 S I]RI'EPLS/PLSW :M arch 1994