HomeMy WebLinkAbout888400 State of Wyoming Corner Record On compliance wi~h thc CORNER PERPEI~rATIONAND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statmes, 1997, Section 33-29-140~ et seq., and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regi~lration for Professional Engineers and Professiorml Land Surveyors) Reverse side of this form may be used if more sFace is needed~ Kecord';Of o~ig~al survey and citation of source of historical information (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of ~rner ~onmentation evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this comer. ~Sketcl¥6frelatiVe location of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent comer(s) (if idetemi~ed inithis survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated comer. i:i~Record: rr 1889 -- Jones. c~;::. !..i;:40.00 Set a sandstone 18x12x6 ins 12 ins in the ground for ¼ sec. ~::~::: !i:;;:. cor. marked ¼ on W. face. Dug pits N and S of stone 2½ ..... .,:..:~ ft. dist. and raised a mound of earth, 1½ ft. high, 3½ ft. !i]:]::ii . ::7~',. ~'::base alongside. .Zi 1981 -- Wilson 40.20 The ¼ sec. cor. of secs. i and 6, determined at the intersection of U. S. Highway No. 89 and the projection of fences extend- int E. and W. At the corner point Set a railroad spike flush with the surface of the highway. from which An aluminum post, 28 ins. long, 2½ ins. diam., set 24 ins. c?~:~:, in the ground for a reference monument, bears N. 57½° E., c:D 0.876 chs. dist., with magnetic aluminum cap mkd. RM T32N .... ~:!~'~ Rll8W ¼ S6 57.8 FT 1981 and an arrow pointing to the corner. An aluminum post, 28 ins. long, 2½ ins. diam., set 24 ins. in 7~; the ground for a reference monument bears S. 59° E 0 823 chs. dist., with magnetic aluminum cap mkd. RM T32N Rll8W ¼ S6 54.3 FT 1981 and an arrow pointing to the corner.(Continued below) Found: A railroad spike approximate center-line of Hwy. 89. Also RM #1 NEly. 57.80 ft. marked as shown. RM #2 SEly. 54.30 ft. marked as Set:-- shown, Nothing. Both under N/S Ely. ROW fence:line, m ~ Record:-- ~Continued) 1911--Jaeckel RM#2 40.00 Set a granite stone, 14xlOx8 ins. 10 ~ns. in the ground, for ¼ sec. cor. ¼ on W. face; and raise a mound of stone, 2 ft. base, 1½ ft. high, W. of Cor. DateofFieldWork: 22 April 1982 OmccRe~renc¢: Book ZP-7, pages 15-16. "<',,~. O.L -lf~-3 z,.,: ' ~-'"="~rked Co. Office - Afton SSLTD - Afton WY DOT CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM F rm/Agency Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. and supervision. P.O. Box 725 SEAL & SIGNATURE 46 West Third Avenue Aflon, WY 83110 Telephone Number: 307-885-9319 Telefax Number: 307-885-9809 County of LINCOLN 1 Comer Name: ~ Section: 5BRPEPLS/PLSW: March 1994 (SSLTD 10/18/2000 version) T32N Rll9W · 6th P.M. Cross-lndexNo.: C-25