HomeMy WebLinkAbout888403 State of Wyoming Comer Record ~ compl;~cc with ~c COR~/ER PERI~ET'UATIONAND FIr. EvG ACT, Wyoml:i~ Statutes, 1977, $cc~i~ 33-79-140,et sea.md ~c gulcs a~d Rcgulatlcxas o£ I~c Bom'd of Rcgls~r~io~ fo~ Prof~.sim~l 'E~aglncm's. md Profmsio~al Lind Surveyor) Reverse side of ~is fm'm may bc ~ if more ~ac~ is ne~de, d. Record of original survoy ,,nd cit,,tioa of soUto~ of hlstoriOal information (if oomor is lost or oblitcratod). Description of corner monumontation ovidenc~ found and/or monumont'and accossorios establishod to porpetu~ta thc location of fi:is corner. Skotch of rclatiw loo,,tion of monument, ~co~ssorios, ,,nd rof~r~noo points with coms~ ~nd distan¢~ to s, dj,,cont cornor(s) (if dotormined in this survey). Mothod and rationalo for roostablishmont of lost or oblitoratod corner. Record:-- 1889 -- Jones. North between Secitons 27 and 26. 40.00 Set a post 4 ins. sq., 24 ins. in the ground for ¼ section corner marked.¼ S. On west face; dug pits 18x18x12 ins. N. and-S, of cor. 5½ ft. dist. and raised a mound of earth 1½ ft. high, 3½ ft. base around post. Found:-- A A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with brass cap inscribed as shown on Corner Record dated 21 September 1989. Unset lying by fence along edge of newly plowed field. 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with brass cap inscribed as shown as a Witness Corner, Sly., 18.50 ft. from the true point, which is in a cultivated field. The Witness monument is under an E/W fence 0.4 ft. above ground surface. 0+00 SE S.27 26+45.18 E¼ S.27 52+90.37 NE S.27 W.C. Monument ooo cc: BLM County Office SSLTD - Afton - Afton D~t,'or~i::~Wo~k: 25 Auqust 2000 Omc~]~er:=¢e: Book ZQ-30~ pa.qe 43; Book ZP-41, page 8. CROSS INDEX DIAGI~aM Firm/Agmcy, Address Tiffs comer record was prepared Z 3 4 $ 4 '7 0 ~ loll 1~'1314 1~ISI?ISIgZOZI:~24Z$ by m¢ or ~mder my direction , ,, '' : : : : Box 725 : : : : : : : ; : ; : : ~ 46 West Third Avenue .... .... :l: : : co.m ~,::~: ~ smim:26/.Z7'r33N :: I 19W 6th T-17__