HomeMy WebLinkAbout888403 State of Wyoming Comer Record
~ compl;~cc with ~c COR~/ER PERI~ET'UATIONAND FIr. EvG ACT, Wyoml:i~ Statutes, 1977, $cc~i~ 33-79-140,et sea.md ~c gulcs a~d
Rcgulatlcxas o£ I~c Bom'd of Rcgls~r~io~ fo~ Prof~.sim~l 'E~aglncm's. md Profmsio~al Lind Surveyor)
Reverse side of ~is fm'm may bc ~ if more ~ac~ is ne~de, d.
Record of original survoy ,,nd cit,,tioa of soUto~ of hlstoriOal information (if oomor is lost or oblitcratod). Description of
corner monumontation ovidenc~ found and/or monumont'and accossorios establishod to porpetu~ta thc location of fi:is
corner. Skotch of rclatiw loo,,tion of monument, ~co~ssorios, ,,nd rof~r~noo points with coms~ ~nd distan¢~ to s, dj,,cont
cornor(s) (if dotormined in this survey). Mothod and rationalo for roostablishmont of lost or oblitoratod corner.
Record:-- 1889 -- Jones.
North between Secitons 27 and 26.
40.00 Set a post 4 ins. sq., 24 ins. in the ground for ¼ section corner
marked.¼ S. On west face; dug pits 18x18x12 ins. N. and-S, of
cor. 5½ ft. dist. and raised a mound of earth 1½ ft. high,
3½ ft. base around post.
Found:-- A
2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with
brass cap inscribed as shown on Corner Record dated 21
September 1989. Unset lying by fence along edge of newly
2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with
brass cap inscribed as shown as a Witness Corner, Sly.,
18.50 ft. from the true point, which is in a cultivated
field. The Witness monument is under an E/W fence 0.4 ft.
above ground surface.
0+00 SE S.27
26+45.18 E¼ S.27
52+90.37 NE S.27
W.C. Monument
ooo cc:
County Office
SSLTD - Afton
- Afton
D~t,'or~i::~Wo~k: 25 Auqust 2000 Omc~]~er:=¢e: Book ZQ-30~ pa.qe 43; Book ZP-41, page 8.
CROSS INDEX DIAGI~aM Firm/Agmcy, Address Tiffs comer record was prepared
Z 3 4 $ 4 '7 0 ~ loll 1~'1314 1~ISI?ISIgZOZI:~24Z$ by m¢ or ~mder my direction
, ,, '' : : : : Box 725
: : : : : : : ; : ; : : ~ 46 West Third Avenue
.... .... :l: : :
co.m ~,::~: ~ smim:26/.Z7'r33N :: I 19W 6th T-17__