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WHEREAS, Brian G. Andrews and Amber L. Andrews, husband
and wife, as mortgagors, mortgaged to Old Kent Mortgage, as mortgagee, the
hereinafter described real property by that certain mortgage dated June 29, 2000
(the "Mortqaqe"), and duly recorded in the records.of the office of the County
Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln County, State of
Wyoming, on July 6, 2000, in Book 448 PR at Page 313, which Mortgage, and
the Note secured thereby, were assigned for value by Old Kent Mortgage to
Republic Mortgage by the indorsement of such Note and the execution and
delivery of that certain assignment of mortgage dated June 29, 2000, and duly
recorded in the records of the office of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register
of Deeds in and for Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on July 12, 2000, in Book
448 PR at Page 468; and which Mortgage, and the Note secured thereby, were
assigned for value by Republic Mortgage to PrinCipal Residential Mortgage, Inc.
by the indorsement of such Note and the execution and delivery of that certain
assignment of mortgage dated June 29, 2000, and duly recorded in the records
of the office of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds in and for
Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on July 12, 2000, in Book 448 PR at Page
470; and which Mortgage, and the Note secured thereby were assigned for value
by Principal Residential Mortgage, Inc. to Mortgage Electronic Registration
Systems, Inc. by an assignment of mortgage dated December 18, 2000, and
recorded March 2, 2001, in Book 460 PR at Page 427 in the records of the office
of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds in and f°r Lincoln County,
State of Wyoming
WHEREAS, the Mortgage being in default, the undersigned Sheriff
· ,.~.- ,cz?ftC'in and for Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, pursuant to the request and
, ,,/¢.¢'~J ~" directibn of Mortgage Electronic Reg strat on Systems Inc, acting under a power
~',;' t~- of sale contained in the Mortgage, proceeded to advertise for sale and did sell
the hereinafter described real property on October 28, 2002, at 10:00 o'clock in
the forenoon, at public vendue, at the front door of the Lincoln County
~ Courthouse, 925 Sage Avenue, in the City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, State
,t)-' of Wyoming; and
WHEREAS, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. made
the highest and best bid for the hereinafter described real property in the sum of
$226,201.38, and the said real property was then and there sold to Mortgage
Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. on October 28, 2002; and a Certificate of
Sale was issued by the undersigned Sheriff in and for Lincoln County, State of
Wyoming, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. on October 28,
2002, which Certificate of Sale was duly recorded in the records of the office of
the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln County,
State of Wyoming, on October 28, 2002 in Book 502 PR at page 862; and
WHEREAS, said Certificate of Sale was assigned to Federal Home
Loan Mortgage Corporation, its successors and assigns, by th-'--~t-~ilain
Assignment of Certificate of Sale dated December 10, 2002, and recorded in the
records of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln
County, State of Wyoming, on the !,D day of '-¢'f2..~,0~ ~ , 2003, in
Book ,~/x./ at Page ?,~,.~ ; and
WHEREAS, no one has appeared to redeem the hereinafter
described real property under the laws of the State of Wyoming, and the time for
doing so has now expired;
that I, Lee Gardner, Sheriff in and for said County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming,
in consideration of the premises, have GRANTED, BARGAINED, and SOLD,
and do hereby TRANSFER and CONVEY, to said Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation, 8200 Jones Branch Drive, Maclean, VA 22102, its successors and
assigns, all right, title, and interest to the following described real property situate
in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to-wit:
A portion of Lot 2 of the First Filing of the River View
Ranchettes Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it
being the intent to more correctly describe the land
contained in Corrected Quitclaim Deed recorded April
30, 1997 in Book 396 PR on page 645 of records of
Lincoln County Clerk and being more particularly
described as followS:
Beginning at a point in the east line of said Lot 2 and
the NE1/4SW1/4 of Section 25, T34N R119W,
Lincoln County, Wyoming, said point being 20.00 feet
S 0046'42'' E from a brass cap monument found
marking the Northeast corner of said Lot 2 and said
NE1/4SW1/4; thence running S 0o46'42'' E along the
East line of said Lot 2 and said NE1/4SW1/4, 121.58
feet to the northerly line of Ellis Lane, 60 feet wide;
thence S 79044'30'' W, along last said northerly line,
54.73; thence S 66°03'12'' W, along last said
northerly line, 204.10 feet; thence North, 235.43 feet,
more or less, to the north line of said Lot 2; thence S
89°41'36'' E, along last said north line, 208.47 feet to
a point lying N 89041'36'' W from said northeast
corner of Lot 2; thence S 56020'20'' E, 36.37 feet to
the point of beginning, with an address of 399 Ellis
Lane, Thayne, WY .83127
Together with all improvements thereon situate and
all fixtures and appurtenances thereto.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said described premises, together with
all improvements thereon erected and all fixtures and appurtenances thereunto
belonging, to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, its successors and
assigns forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this
Sheriff's Deed to be executed and delivered on the //L~r'- day of
'.¢~?~4~,h ,2003.
Lee Gardner, Sheriff in and for
Print Nam '~'
Sheriff's Deed
Andrews 21309-0609 [02-08-4487]
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The above and foregoing Sheriff's Deed was acknowledged before
me by .~_ ~.- -~_D, L~(~e__(- ,~ Sheriff in and forLincoln County,
State of Wyoming, this ~,./~ day of .~,~),,~ ,2003
~ .... .WLtr~_~.~r~~and official seal.
County of ~ State of
My ~mm,~ ~pkes 10/04/20~
Nota~ Public
My Commission Expires:
Sheriff's Deed
21309-0609 [02-08-4487]
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