HomeMy WebLinkAbout888439 STATE OF WYOMING CORNER RECORD (In complionce with the CORNER PERPEIUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyomincj Stotutes, 1997 Section 55-29-140, et. seq., ond the rules ond Recjulot;ons of the boord of Re§;strotion for Professionol F'ngineers ond Profess;onol Lond Surveyors). Reverse side of this form moy be used if more spoce is needed. Record of originol survey ond cltotion of source of historicol informotion (if corner is lost or obliteroted). Descriptio~ of corner monumentotion evidence found ond/or monumented ond occessories estobl;shed to perpetuote the Iocot;on of this cornel. Sketch of relotive Iocotion of monument, occessories, ond reference points with course ond clistonce to odjocent cornc'~(S) (if determined in this survey). Method ond rotionole for re-estoblishment of lost or obliteroted corner. ORIGINAL CORNER MONUMEN TA TION: DEPOSITED A MARKED STONE 12 INS. IN THE GROUND, DROVE A PINE STAKE, 2 FT. LONG 2 INS. SO., 12 INS. IN THE GROUND FOUND: HUB STAKES AND LATH AROUND BROKEN STONE. HAS GOOD RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING CORNERS SET: AT THE CORNER POINT, SET A 5/8" DIAMETER ALUMINUM ROD 30' LONG WITH A 3 I/4' ALUMINUM CAP, ~I. IR/ED STONE ALONGSIDE S89'35'15"E ! I t 5268.07' 20121 ~ 21122 / ~- - ; N89'55'17"E 5260. 71' LOT $ ', LOT £ LOT 1 ............................................................75' LOT 4 : LOT ? LOT 9 LOT 8 BASIS OF BEARING: 5278. 93' .......... ,__. zglz8 ~ zBJ.¢? WYOMING STATE PLANE, WEST ZONE (NAD 8J) DATE OF FIELD WORK: 2002 CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM A OFFICE REFERENCE: FIRM/AGENCY, ADDRESS SuRRESTFE~T~ PO BOX 3082 SHERIDAN, WY 82801 307-672- 7415 FAX 674-5000 25N R. 112W. 6TH P.M. DN: 2000\200058CREC THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION AND SUPERtqSION, SEAL & SIGNATURE CROSS-INDEX NO.: R- 5