HomeMy WebLinkAbout877958 ~ ~ ~ KNOWN ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, That u ~ B~D N. JENSEN, A Married Person, :gOOK ~...PR ~AGE ~ r~ 1 ~ ~ ~ of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid by Brad N. Jensen and Julieta S. Jensen whose address is P.O. Box 68, Afton, WY 83110 The receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have remised, released, convey and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do for my heirs, executors and administrator~, remis, release and forever quitclaim unto the 'said BRAD N. JENSEN AND ~IETA S. ~NSEN, Husband and Wife as Tenan~ by the Entireties, heirs and assigns, forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as we have, ought to have in or to all the following described premises, to-wit: That part of the SW~NE~ of Section 6, T32N Rll9W of the 6~ P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described on the attached E~ibit A labeled "Description for Michael Bird ~om Obed L. Wogerman and Theresa A. Wogerman Tract B" prepared by Su~eyor Scherbel, LTD dated March 12, 1993 and revised January 26, 1996. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption l~s of the State of Wyo~ng. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto the said Brad N. Jensen heirs and assigns, to his and their own property use and behoof forever. So that neither we nor any other persOa in o~ names or behalf shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right to title to the premises or any part thereof, but they ~d everyone of ~em shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred. Dated this .~' day of ~~.~~ 2001. Brad N. Jensen STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN he fo[egoing instrument was ac~owledged before me by Brad N. Jensen this ~ day of Ehq CF ,200 . Wimess my hand and official seal. My Co~ission Expires: [- .,~-. ~ ~, ~:~ %; EXHIBIT A DEBCRIPTION FOR' MICHAEL BIRD FROM OBED L. WOGERMAN AND THERESA A. WOGERMAN TRACT B To-wit:-- That part of the SW¼NE¼ of Section 6, T32N, Rll9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part, of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 286 of Photostat- ic~Records on page 112, described as followS: BEGINNING at the northeast corner of that tract of record in said Office in Book 207 of Photostatic Records on page 169, marked by a point, S89o-50.5'E, 250.00 feet from the .northwest corner of said SW¼NE¼, found as described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate filed in said Office; thence S00°-03.3'E, 646.04 feet, along the east line of said tract in Book 207, to a point on the northwesterly right-of- way line of the Stump.Creek County Road No. 12-,133; thence continuing S00°-03.3'E, 38.29 feet to an intersection with a non-tangent curve to the right, said curve being the centerline of said County Road No. 12-133, marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike, N41°-22.9'W from the radius point of said curve; thence traversing said centerline the following courses and distances: northeasterly, along the arc of said curve, 74.75 feet through a =entral angle of 18°-52'-04'' with a radius of 227.00 feet to Station PT12+15.71; N67°-29.1'E, 46.24 feet to Station PC 12+61.86; northeasterly, along the arc of a circular curve to the left, · 213.87 feet through a central angle of 10°-40'-27'' with a radius of 1148.00 feet to Station PT 14+75.73; N56°-45.7'E, 67.76 feet to Station PC 15+43.49; northeasterly, along the arc of a circular curve to the right, 260.46 feet through a central angle of 05°-16'-30'' with a radius of 2829.00 feet to Station PT 18+0'3.95; N62'°-02.2'E, 78.8~ feet to Station PC 18+82.75; northeasterly, along the arc of a circular curve to the left, 196.74 feet through a central angle of 13°-52'-57'' with a radius of 812.00 feet to Station PT 20+79.49; ~..i,.,,,.,,~L...,s ..... y .... N48o-09.3,E, 262.30 feet to Station PC 23+41.98; I'~ul N. Re~i~lfali(lll N(J. 164 ~.lrlnwe A. 5chl,rbel. %iRV~YOR ~Cltl:~Bfl, lTD. "t~todificalion in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor'' DESCRIPTION FOR MICHAEL BIRD FROM OBED L. WOG~.RMAN TRACT B 22.3 PAGE TWO northeasterly, along the arc of a circular curve to the right, 47.55 feet through a central angle of 030_35,_05,, with a radius of 760.00 feet to an intersection with the north line of said SW¼NE¼, . marked' by. a 3/8,, x 12,, steel spike, and leave said centerline; thence N89o_50.5,W, 46.89 feet, along said north line, to a point on said northwesterly right-of-way line; thence continuing N89o_50.5,W, 991 55 feet to .the POINT OF ENCOMPASSING an. area of 9.00 acres, more or less; SUBJECT to easements of sight and of record, including but no limited to, an easement 'for the Stump Creek County Road No. 12- 133;~ the BASE BEARING for this survey is the'E% of the south line of Section 7, T32N, Rll9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being N90o_ 00.0,W; each "point,, marked by a 5/8,, x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" a umlnum cap inscribed "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD BIG PINEY WYO. PLS 5368,,; , . , all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled "OBED L. WOGERMAN PLAT OF TRACTS WITHIN THE NE¼ SECTION 6 T32N RllgW LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING March 1993. liLm No. 164 $churbel ~ lion No. 1889 ()R SCI'I[RflEI., LH'). "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveynr"