HomeMy WebLinkAbout877950OOK~PRPAOE 1 7 L:;] QUITCLAIM DEED . , ~t.~r'",-'=, ,'~, ,.-,.--.,, ~.!].y (.,LEFtk . KNOW ALL MEN BY THE8E PRESENTS, That Rex $. He@,w~rth,...and. Nola~E. Hepworth, husband and wife, of Auburn , Lincoln County, Wyoming, it~Y~'efi~ide~ratl~n,.,~,f, l J~he trust created herein and for the other covenants contained herein CONVEY and QUITCLAIM unto Rex S. Hepworth and Nola E. Hepworth and their successors, Trustees, for the uses and purposes set.forth in the Rex and Nola Hepworth Family Trust between Grantors and Trustee, dated the 28th day of August, 200'1, Rex S. Hepworth and Nola E. Hepworth, beneficiaries, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as they have or Ought to have, in or to all the following described premises, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: Home Place: N1/2SWl/4 (except a tract of land described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said SW1/4, thence South 40 rods, thence West I rod, thence North 40. rods, thence East 1 rod, to point of beginning, of Section 36, T33N, R119W. ALSO Beginning at the East Quarter Corner of Section 35, T33N, Rl19W, and running thence E. 2 rods, thence N. 20 rods, thence W. 82 rods, thence S. 20 rods, thence E. 80 rods, to point of beginning. ALSO E114NE114SE114 of Section 35, T33N, R119W. Together with all water rights, ditches, improvements thereunto belonging. ALSO, W 3/4 NEll4 SEl/4 of Section thirty five (35), Township thirty three (33) North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming together with improvements and other·appurtenances thereto pertaini.ng' EXcI~PTING AND RESERVING from the above-described Home Place: Describing a parcel of land in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter ,' (NEI/4SEI/4) of Section 35, Township 33 North, Range 119 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian as follows: COMMENCING at a point which is three hundred and sixty seven (367)feet North of the Southwest Corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEI/4SEI/4) of said Section 35, 'Township 33 North, Range 119 West and running thence East for two hundred (200) feet; thence North for two hundred and eighteen (218) feet; thence West for two hundred (200) feet; thence South for two hundred and eighteen (218) fee~t to the point of beginning. SAID parcel of land contains one (1) acre,, more or less. Kennin.qton Place: In Section 35, Township 33 North, Range 119 West 6th .P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the West 30 acres of the N1/2SW1/4, more specifically described as follows: Per on site measurements; Commencing at the NW Corner of said N1/2SW1/4 and running thence East 983 feet, thence South 1293 feet to the North edge of Lincoln CountY Road 12-133, thence West along the NOrth edge of said Lincoln County Road 12-133, 983 feet, thence North 1293' feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: A plot located in the SE'Corner of the area, which measures 277 feet N. & S. & 609 feet E. & W.. with a b'~ginning point East 983 feet, and South 1,016 feet from the NW Corner of sai~l N1/2SW1/4 and running thence South 277 feet to the N. edge of said Lincoln County Road 12-133, thence West along the North edge of said road 12-133 609 feet, thence North 277 feet, thence East 609 feet to the point of beginning. ExcePted area contains 3.873 acres, more or less. The deeded area contains 25.327 acres, more or less. There being a discrepancy in' this description from the initial 30 acres mentioned at first. The N. & S. should actually be 1320 feet, the E. & W. dimension should actually be 990 feet. The Deed description is made from actual on site measurement made' by the Grantor, and the Grantee. Their measurement is made on actual fence lines which excludes 27 feet along the North edge which is in the road right-of-way. AlSo it appears the East & West fence lines are Situated 7 feet short of where they should be. DEEDED LAND COVERS ACTUAL LANDS iNSIDE THE FENCE LINES. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Rex S. Hepworth and Nola E. Hepworth, husband and wife, have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. Rex ,.~; i-¢epw-o~th "-' E. Hepw~//'rth . STATE OF WYOMING ]' 8 0 SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN · The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by Rex S. Hepworth and Nola E. Hepworth, husband and wife, this 6th day of December, 2001. Witness my hand and official seal. ¢ County of ~ State of ~ Uncoln ~[~.~ Wyoming . My commission expires: February 26, 2004.