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,-51 CyR p^oE_ 0;17
I/We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to be responsible for our proportionate share of
the continued maintenance of that certain easement more particularly described on
Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.
All costs of said maintenance which are the responsibility of the undersigned shall be
paid when due.
Said responsibility shall run with the land and usage of said easement.
Dated: 3 - ~ "" C)~
STATE OF ~ ~Or~5~ 6, , / ;^,~, 1,,, COUNTY ss:
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
Legal Description for
Michael S. Fluckiger and Airica I. Fluckiger
That part of the SW~ASW¥~ of Section 3, T33N Rll8W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in
Book 269PR on page 162, described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the west line of the said SWx,~SW1/, South, the base bearing for this
survey, 459.87 feet from the northwest corner of the said SW ~,~SW xA, found as described in the
Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate filed in the said Office;
thence N 85 °50.2' E, 33.92 feet along an existing fence to a point;
thence S 83012.9, E, 52.90 feet along an existing fence to a point;
thence N 82029.8, E, 97.31 feet along an existing fence to a point;
thence N 78012.8, E, 64.08 feet along an existing fence to a point;
thence N 80035.6, E, 22.48 feet along an existing fence in part, to the centerline of the Willow
Creek Supplemental Canal;
thence coursing the said centerline as follows:
S 29029'49'' E, 27.65 feet;
S 72007'07'' E, 67.70 feet;
S 86019'37'' E, 98.84 feet;
S 23001'54'' E, 29.24 feet;
S 34048'55'' W, 75.94 feet;
S 09034'37'' W, 38.36 feet;
S 16009'45'' E, 93.34 feet;
S 28029'03'' E, 69.62 feet;
S 50013'57" E, 85.76 feet;
S 04o24'42'' E, 45.40 feet;
S 37o52'08'' W, 37.98 feet, to the southwest corner of Lot 65 of the Fertile Acres
Subdivision, Vacation and Second Filing of record in the said Office as Plat No. 285;
thence S 84013'35" E, 334.89 feet along the south line of said Lot 65, to the southeast corner,
marked by a pipe;
thence North, 171.38 feet along the east line of said Lot 65 to a intersection with the south right
of way line of Zella Court, marked by a pipe;
thence S 89o40, E, 60.00 feet along the said south line, to the northwest comer of Lot 64 of
said Subdivision, marked by a pipe;