HomeMy WebLinkAbout888791When Recorded Mail To: THE JACKSON STATE BANK & 112 CENTER ST., P 0 BOX 1788 JACKSON , WY 83001 TRUST LOAN N0.1765000170 OOK~PR PAGE RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK ' :- ' . · ~.:. :.2 '.': "::.. ;", E'_, ',.. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Corporation Assignment of Real Estate Mortgage FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby grants, assigns and transfers to Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation all the rights, title and interest of undersigned in and to that certain Real Estate Mortgage dated M a r c h 1 0 . executedby Roy D. Walters and Catherine M. Walters. Husband and wife 2003 to THE JACKSON STATE BANK & TRUST and whose address is 1 1 2 C E N T E R S T . . P 0 8 0 X and recorded in Book/Volume No. 515 , page(s) , L in c o ] n Records, State of 1788. JACKSON, WY 83001 ill-126 , as Document No. 888533 W y o m i n g on real estate legally described as follows: See "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof ~th the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon with k~/,~er~..~all rights accrued Or to accrue under said Real Estate Mortgage. ~o~ . Vice President Wi~s: ' ~~~ , C NTYOFTETON ¢ ss. On H a r c h 10th 2003 before me, the undersigned, a ~otary Public in and for the said County and State, personally appeared Kay Johnson to me personally known, who, beino duly sworn bv me. did say that ~/~h~ TRACT EXHIBIT "A" To-wit:-- That Dart of the SW%SE~ of .Section 26, T]SN. RllPW, Lincoln CountY, Wyoming, being pert of that tract of r~cord in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in ~ook 34¢ or PhotOstatic Records on page 165, described as follows: BE~INNIN~ at. the southeast cor~er of'said SW¼SE% found as d~-~tbsd in the Corner Record filed In said office;. thenoe N00*-07'-25"W, ~15.52 fe~t, slon~ the east line of said trmot~ identical with 'the .a~t ~tne of s~ld SW%$E%, to the n~r%-hos~t point of ~mid ~act; th~nc~ ¢our~ing along th. northsrl~ lin& of '.aid ~rac% .~ follows: S~9"-29'-11"W, 217.81 ~et to a point; S45'~27'-17"W, 119.18 ~ast to a puint;: th~ce S0fl'-O7'-25"E, §b3.72 feet, parallel with the dust line thence $89"-37'-48"E, 289.29 feet, along said sOUth line, to ~t~Jze~ tn a right-of-way aamem~nt for Sanderson Lane County No. 12-~D7; ~ho BASE BF~IN~ for %his .urvey i- th. ms~t line of the NR~ of ~ootion 35, T36N, RllPW. Lincoln Co. nt¥, Wyoming bain9 NORTH; iby a 5/0" x 24" ~tcol r~in£or~lng rod with m 2" alum~.~.m cap "~OR S~[~ ~D A~ON WY P~ .~6S"~ and ~ith approprlat~ ~Oh "point" ~rk~ ~ a ~/8" x 2~" steel re{nfo~cing rod with WY ~S 5368" or "SURVBYOR SCM~EL LTD A~ON ~ P~ 5368". and