HomeMy WebLinkAbout888854 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compliance wl~h ~heCO~R PI'RPi'~/4i~Oltr ~ ?E2Ni: ~CI,, WyoMing S~a~cu~es, 1977 Sec~don 36-11-101, e~. seq., and ~he Rutes and Regulations o? ~he Board of Pro?esslona[ Engineers and Pro?esslona[ Land Surveyors) Reverse side o? ~hls ?orM May be used I? More space Is needed. Record o? original survey and cl~ca~clon o? source o? hls~corlcal In?orma~lon (17 corner Is lost or obll~cera~ced), Description o? corner monumen~ca~clon evidence ?ound and/or monumen~c and accessories established ~co perpe~cuate ~he Ioca~clon o? ~chls corner. Ske~cch o? rela~clve [oca~clon o? monunen~c, accessories, and re?erence poln~cs wl~ch course and dls~cance ~co adjacent corner(s) (17 de~cermlned In ~chls survey). Ne~chod and ra~clonale ?or reestal0llshmen~c o? los~c or obll~cera~ced corner, FOUNDI STANDARD GLO I,P, & B,C,, 7-1/2' A,G, T-POST 2'-0' EAST STONE ADJACENT NORTH Monument location Monument Inscription Date of Field ~ork: 3/07/03 Office Reference: 9379-13 Cross Index Plat 7 8 G 10'II'I21'~I4151e1718~tG~Q ~"122 23 24 eK I I I I I I 5 4 3 2 + + + + + + + 8 ~ 9 ~10~1 1~12~ + + + + + + + ~18~17~16~15~14~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++a Firm/Agency, Address D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: 362-5028 This corner record was prepared by Me or under my direction and supervision, S~J~L & SI~VA~TJI~