HomeMy WebLinkAbout888856 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compUance wi'th .theCO~l~ P~I~OI¢ ~ l?~G ~C~, ~/yomlng S'ta.tu'tes, 1977 Sec'tlon 36-11-101, e~:. seq., and 'the Rutes and Regub,'tlons oF 'the Boo, rd o? Pro?esslonni Engineers 0~nd ProFesslonnl. L,,nd Surveyors) Reverse side o? 'this ?orm m,,y be used I? more spo~ce Is needed. Record o? original survey and citation o? source o? historical InFormation (IF corner Is lost or ob[Iterated), ])escrlptlon o? corner nonunentatlon evidence Found and/or nonunent and accessories established to perpetuate the location o? this corner, Sketch o? relative location o? monument, accessories, and reference points ~lth course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (17 determined In this survey), Method and r~tlona~e ?or reestabUshment o? lost or obliterated corner, FOUND~ STANDARD GLO I.P. & B.C., 11-I/2' A.G. T-POST 3'-11' NORTHEAST CAIRN ADJACENT ;WEST Monument location Monument er o Date of Field Work: 3/07/08 Office l~eference: ~37g-ll CrOss Index Plat I I I t I I I I I 5 4 5 2 1 ~t*,~*,t*,-~,*t*,~.*t*,~.*t,*~*,t5 8 ~ 9 -~1~-10'~1~-1 1+-~- 12~ + + + + + + + + ~ttttttttttttttitt~t~t~ 17 17 1,5 1,4 1,3 Firm/Agency, Address D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction and supervision, $~tL ,D $I~NA~JI~