HomeMy WebLinkAbout888860 State of Wyoming Corner Record tln conpUance wl~h ~he~9}RN~ PFRP~4~OiV ~4~ ?~ 4~, Wyoming S~a~u~es, 1977 Section 36-11-101, e~, seq,, and ~he Rules and Regulations o? ~he Board o? Pro?esslon~t Engineers ~nd Pro?esslon~l L~nd Surveyors) Reverse side o~ ~hls ~op~ ~y be used I~ ~ore sp~ce Is needed, Record o? origin(l!, survey lind cl't(ii;Ion o? source o? hls.torlc(il. In?orn(i'tlon (17 corner Is tos.t or obl, l'ter(i'ted), Descrlp.tlon o? corner monumeni;(ii:lon evidence Found (ind/or monument (ind (iccessorles esi:(ibtlshed 'to perpe'tu(i'te 'the I, oc(i'tlon o? 'this corner. Ske'tch oF rel,(1.tlve loc(1.tlon o? monumen.t, (iccessorles, (ind reference poln.ts wi'th course (ind dls't(ince 'to (idJ(lcen't corner(s) (IF de'termlned In 'this survey). Me'thod (ind r(i'tlon(il.e ?or rees.t(ibl, lshmen.t oF I, os't or obl. l'ter(i'ted corner. FOUND~ STANDARD GLO I,P, & B,C,, 7' A,G, T-POST 7-1/2' NORTH CAIRN 2'-0' WEST TWO-TRACK ROAD 6'-0' SOUTH Monument location Monument -Inscdi tio Date of lqeld Work: 3/07/03 Office Reference: 9379-7 Cross Index Plat 2 3 4 s s 7 e e IO 11 12 13 14 16 11 17 la IS ~ il/i/l/Iii/iii . I-i-I , I-I- 6-1--~--+5..m--~--1-4+-~5..I--~--t-2-m--~,-l~: t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t~ t+?+T+f+~+~+~+~+~+~+~" Firm/Agency, Address D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: ~ This corner record w(is prep(ired by me or under my dlrec.tlon (ind supervision, S~AL ~: SI~IqA~II~