HomeMy WebLinkAbout888863 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compUance wl~h ~he6'ORb~R Pl~l~lP/Oh'IJ~ i~ It"Y, Wyoming $.tatu~es, 1977 Section 36-11-101, e~, seq,, and ~he Rules and Reguto'l:lons oF 'the Board oF ProFessional, Engineers mhd ProFesslonat Land Surveyors) Reverse side oF 'this ?om May be used IF More space Is needed, Recorcl o? original survey and cH;a-tlon o? source o? hls'l:orlcal, In?orMa'tlon (1? corner Is tos'l; or obl, l'tera'ted), Descrlp.tlon o? corner nonuMen't;a.tlon eviclence Found and/or MonuMent and accessories es'l;ab~..~,hed .to perpe'tua'te the toca'tlon o+' 'this corner, Ske.tch o? rel, a'tlve toca'l:lon o? nonuMen'l;, accessories, and re?.,~ence points el'th course and dls'l:ance '1;o aclJacen't; corner(s) (17 de'l:erMInecl In 'this survey), Me.thod and ra'l:ldi.=l~[N.e ?or rees't:abl, lshmen'l: oF los'l; or obl. l-I:era'l:ed corner, ~ FOUND' STANDARD GLO I,P, & B,C,, 7-1/2' A,G, T-POST 4'-0' WEST ~?O4/E 1'-0' NORTH Monument location Monument Inscription Date of Field Work: 3/07/03 Office Reference: 9379-4 Cross Index Plat A. I . I , I . I . I . I . ) _ I . I . I . I . I .A .t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t° 0[-+ 7 +-I--+ 8 ~ 9 ~--1--~104--1--~11 4-t-+ 12~--I · .t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t+t. ~1 '/' I ~/' I '/~ I :-: : :-: : :-: :~ · 18 17 16 15 14 13 L Firm/Agency, Address D.R. GRIFFIN at ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: ~ This corner recorcl was prepared by Me or uncler My dlrec'l:lon and supervision, SEAL & SIGNATUP~