HomeMy WebLinkAbout888954Hat' id 03 17:.48 P. 02 'Warranty Deed L-I ¥ I fl'~ Irt. lit Dated January 27, 2000 Dolly V, £dmonds and Mary Esther Hubls, Truslees ,, Grantors, for and in c0nsidera[~on o{ TEN ($1000) DOLLARS and other Gocd and V~luable Considerations In hanC paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowled~eC, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO: A *Ingle ~rson ,, RECEIVED LIt'IOOL~] COUNTY CLERK 801 Grantee, whose malD~,g address ;:~ 1001 Cedar Avenue, Kemmerer, WY 8310[ Ihe following de~cnbed real estate sltuale In Lincoln Cour~!y and State ni Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving, all right3 under end by virtue of the homestead exemptlen !ev,,$ of the State lo-wit: See attached, legal de$criptiun tosether with all buildings, improvements aRd appurtenances lhereon sit,uale or in anywise apper:ainin.~ there(o 5ubJect to al'~y easements, reservalions, restrictions or rlgt~l-or-wey~ ur reuerd. of sight or in use. WITNESS our hand this//~74¢~' day of ~l/~/~/'/ , 2003. Dolly V. Edmonds Lfvl~g Tru.~t Dated January 27, 2000 Dol!y V,.,/~d~onds, Trustee Mar~,~/ather Hubls, Trustee The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me, a nataW pub!lc in and fur sold Counly and $~ate, by Dclly V, Edmonds Living Trust, Mary Esther Hubis: Tluslee and Dolly V. Edmom:t9, Trustee, th'Is /~... day of "'~']~ , ~003. WiDess my 13sr/d and offi¢:idl seal. Notary PuOIl¢: 8 0 2 Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the Lot Numbered Twelve in the Block Numbered Fifty of the Second Addition to the. Town of Kemmerer, thence running northerly on the easterly boundary lines of-~Lots Twelve and Eleven of said Block Fifty a distance of seventy feet; thence westerly at right angles to said line and parallel to Opal Street a distance of one hundred and three feet; thence Southerly on a line parallel to Cedar Street a distance of seventy feet to the southerly boundar, y line of said Lot Twelve; thence easterly along the southerly boundary line of said Lot Twelve a distance of one hundred three feet to the point or place of beginning, being a part of said Lots Eleven and Twelve of said Block Fifty of the Second Addition to the Town of Kemmerer as surveyed, platted and recorded, one hundred and three feet on Opal Street by seventy feet on Cedar Street