HomeMy WebLinkAbout889175QUiT CLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that ROBERT C. PATTERSON and DONITA PATTERSON, grantors of Smoot, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released and forever quit claimed unto the said CARMEN LEANNE PATTERSON of Gillette, Wyoming, g~b, ntee, her heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to all the following described property, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit: Attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and Exhibit "B" and Exhibit "CY, being three parcels of property. TOGETHER with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record. WITNESS my hand this,~ ay of }~t~Ld~4- ,2003. 889,1-I.5 THE STATE OF wyOMiNG ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LiNCOLN ) ROBERT C. PATTERSON ?, EC~IVED LINCOL~q C~L1,NTY.CLF..RK ~ ~ ~[-..3, ' ' ,. . ., ..... :.. The fo egoin instrument dayof (-7~ ~ ,2003. _- _- _- ,~W a__,?~ = ~,'~ ~ ~fi ci al SUE E. ~N-Nm~Y ~BMC . ~ ~ sa~ ~ . My Commission Expires: was ackmowledged before me by ROBERT C. PATTERSON this seal. ~TARY PUB--~IC'~ ./ THE. STATE OF WYOMiNG ) ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) SS. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by DONITA PATTERSON this c:~_ff/h day of /r~)aFt~h ,2003. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC Patterson Quit Claim Deed Page 1 $4. O0 DEED GEORGE PATTERSON amd HIDEKO PATTERSON,..hu~band .s.~d wife, grantors, of Smoot, Li~col~ County, %4yoming, for and' :~'t' cnnsideratio~ of the ~um of Te~ an~ No/1OO Dollars ($10.00), the receipt whereof is hereby ac~owled~ed, COi~VEY and ',/A~NT to ROBERT CLINTON PATTERSCY~ and ~NiTA J. PATT~SON, husb~d a~d wife, by the ~ntirctie~, gre~ee~, of Smoot, Li~colm County, Wyoming,'the follow~g described real e~t~te, ~itu~te in Lincolm Co.ti, State 'of Wyom~g, hereby re].ea~ing and waiving ~ll rights ~der and by virtu~ of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: A 0~994 acre parcsl of l~nd located i~ the vicinity of Smoot, Lincoln County, ~omiug, aa8 being a Portion of the S~SW~ of Section 32, T 31 N, R ll8 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, show= upon that cOrtaiD ~record s~vey of the property of George Patter:on ' ~md Hideko Patte~mom, hu~bmmd and wife, prepared by Lloyd B. Baker i~ Jume, .1974 mmd p~ticu].arly described as follows: Beginning at a point marked by am 80 penny ~p~e met in the westerly line of said Section 32, maid point being North 0° 46'28" West, a distance of 961.84 feet from the marking the Southwest Cormer of maid Sectiomi themce r~ning North 88°13'32'' East, a di~ance of 2~9.OO feet to a one (1) imch %ro~ Pipe; %hemce South 2°16'28" East 174.73 feet to a one (1) inch Iron Pipe; thence South 89° 13'32" t~es~ feet to a mpike ~et ~ said We'~tsrly line; thence North O~'28'' ~'.. West alsmg.said Westerly line 170.13 fee: to t~e poi=t of beginning, les~ a 75' wide strip of land lying between the We~t bo~dry of Se~tiom 32 amd 2Rrallel to the center line and on the ~aterly side of the existing Highway, ~uch parcell dimini~ing the origimal descriptio~ by ~bout .18 acre and leavimg m property size of .81 t~able acrem more or lee~. our ba~ds this 12th day o~/~y, 1980. · ~// ~ ~ ~/~ ~ ~ '7~eorge 'Patteraon - ~l N~,28, 1983 'EXHIBIT A .-;,%-,-.-.::.,; .; ,'.., ........ . .~ : i · 643 ~4 .oo~' " WARRANTY DEED--FORM NO. 9 RE¢--,~~3~1 ,Aug'.'' 6','''1.98¢ ...... .,,o~,: 2~_7~ ..~v~,~9~"''~"mw '~ EXHIBIT B gran~rs ,or . Lincoln ~ Wyoming ~randin ton~daration of and valuable co~si~erations. Ten ($10.00) a~d other ~ood CounW, ~nd State DOLi~RS in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND W.4~RRANT TO_ ROBERT C, PATTER~0N and BONITA J. PATTERSON, husband and wife, 644 as tenants py the entireties grantm~ s . who~ 'addzess ~ Cokeville ~ e ~llox~d ng descri bed real esta~, situ~e in T,~ n c n ] n CounW and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and w~Mng M1 risb~ under and by Mrtue of the homestead exemption laws of the S~ate, A tract of land in the S½NW¼ of Section 32, T31N, ~lSW, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being a part of that tract of record in Book 123 of Photostatic Records on.page 201 in ~he Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming described as follows: BEGTNN1/~G at the northwest corner of that tract of record in said Office in Book 105i of Photostatic R~ords on page 207, which is northerly along the west line of said section, 587 feet from the southwest corner; thence continuing Northerly along the said west line, 204.71 feet to the southwest corner of that tract of record in said Office in Book 179 of Photostatic Records on page 89; thence Easterly along the south line of said tract of record in Book 179, 253.30 feet to the southeast cor~er of said tract of record in Book 179; thence Southerly on a line parallel to the said west line, 206.71 feet, more or less, to s point on th~ north line of that tract of record iR said Office in Book 112 of Photostatic Re~ords on page 445; thence Westerly along said north line 80.30 feet to a poin; ~n the east line of sa/d tract of record in Book 105; thence Northerly along said east line 2.00 feet to the northeast corner of said tract of record in Book 10S; thence Westerly along the north line of said trect of record i~ Book 105 to the POINT OF BEGID-NING: CONTAINING an area of 1.19 acres, more or less; WITNESS our hand s this ATn.nd Beth Iiit~hell ' - S~te of County of this ~o~_~o } ss, LINCOLN The foregoing instru~nent was ac]mowledged before me by Kirl~ c. liitchell and Anna Beth }litchell, husband and wife Wim~ my h~d and o~ci~ s~l. Silage Title of Officer 645 WARRANTY DEED KIRK C. MI~T~LL AND ANNA.BETH M_rTC!~r~LL, Trust~ of ~ iV~TCH~LL FAMrLy TRUST, dated May 6, 1991 ~'t~.mors '0f Li~oln County, Stzt,~ of Wyom/ng. for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable coruidemtion ia h~nd~ receipt wh-.rcof it h~cby acb.towlcdgcd 'CONVEY AND WAILKANT TO ROBERT C. PATTERSON AND DONiTA PATERSON, ~.u~ban~l and Wif~ al Temz~ by the Entiretie~, grant,4cs, whoa-, add. teas L~ '~vr~v ~,.~,~ ~'/ ~. , ~'vs,.a~. ~J~ · .~he followiag deacribcd real estate, dtuate ta Liacoln County and Stat, of Wyoming, hereby rel¢~lng and waiving all rlgh~ under and by virtue of th~ ~omestead ,`xemption lawl; of th~ state ..to wit: A p~cel of !and ia Sec*don ~2, '~ .... ~ RI18W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, 'Wyoming, mor~ particularly d~r!b.-d ~ fo!!ow~: ~Bcgimatng at.a.'point marked bFan.80 penny spikt: 32, ~aifl po~t being N 0"46'28" W, a dia~nce of 961.84 feet ~o~ ~ ~tone tuareg · ~ So~t C0~r of s~d S~tion', ~e S 2"16'28" ~, ~81.24.~et; In Boak~,L~.~;P~e..,..~.~.:~,.Kemmerer, WV ~ence N 0'46'28" W, 5~.~ f,~t', No_....S3.OO~.3 !_~ ........ Ma,sBa M~, Cler~ ~e'"West ~o~ the easement for ~oln Co~w h~r~e~on wi~ U.S. Highway 89; .~nc~Sou~ ~on8 ~ casement for U.S. Highway 89, 2~.7 feet beg~g, ~ta~ of Wyoming Co~m~ of LSmoin The foregoing instrument w~s anknowledgcd beforo me by Kirk C. Mitch,ll and Am,.bcth Mitchell, Trastees of th~ Mitchell Family Tru~t detect May 6, 1991 thi~ /:~eg_ day of Novembor, !996. ~ Wimess my hand ar~ off%tel i~al.