HomeMy WebLinkAbout889279Know All Men By These Presents: 889279 IRRIGATION. EASEMENT BOOK 5~_ ~ PR PAGE LI,'~,OLN OLERK That for and in consideration of the sum ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, Phillip D. Lee and Debra $. Lee, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties of the, County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereinafter called the grantor, hereby grants to THE LEGALLY ENTITLED WATER RIGHT ItOLDEI~ to the North Canal as located in Sections 30, 19,. 18, 7, & 6, Township 32 North, Range 118 West and Sections. 33, 32, 30 & 29, Township 33 North, Range 118 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, its assigns or successors, hereinafter called the grantee, the right to lay out, construct, inspect, operate and maintain irrigation facilities, and the right to dispense irrigation waters f6r the ben,fit of the grantee, being over, across and upon the following described lands located in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, to-wit: The easement hereby granted being more particularly described as follows: A portion of Lot 1 in Block 4 of the Town of,Grover, Lincoln CoUnty,-Wyoming,,lying betWeen the presently existing southerly right-of-way boundary of Wyoming State Highway No. 237 and a parallel right-of- way line 40.07 feet to the left or southerly side when measured at right angles to the fo~ll.owing:de,scribed survey line of highway. Said parallel right-of-way line begins in said Lot 1 and ends on th~'.~eSi b'6'urid~y:of said Lot f.,...~: 7'-: ~: ' .-:. ':7 '~.. Commencing at the east' quarter comer of said Section 32 from which ~'he. southeast comer'themo~.bears S. 00°26'15'' W. a distance of 2,633.44 feet, said southwest comer being m0numented .~ith ~"'st'eel, spi.K~; thence S. 15°37'52.1" W. a distance of 2,729.18 feet to a point on said'stkvey line c}fhi~g, hway ~ihffTHE TRUE POINT. OF BEGINNING; :.:,": ...... ~ ', '"" ' ~' :" ." thence with a~ parallel' right-of-way line 40.07 feet to the left or southerly Side:and the Pres~h{l~:'existing southerly right:of-way boundary of Wyoming State Highway No. 237 being the righi or. fidrth~rI3):"b'ouhdary of this parcel, '. N. 89035'38.5'' W. a distance of 241.03 feet until said parallel right-of-way line intersects the west boundary of said Lot 1, and the point of ending. i. ~ .' ~ .: . The above described parcel of land contains 2,413 square feet, more or less. The basis for bearing is the east boundary of the SEV4 of said Section 32, it being Si 00°26'15" W. The grantor(s) will not construct, place, or cause any obstruction which would inhibit the flow of the irrigation waters and impede maintenance of the irrigation facility within the above described area. - Grantor(s) also grant(s) the right of ingress and egress to and from the said land for any and all purposes necessary and incident to the exercise by the grantee, of the rights granted by this conveyance. Grantor(s) hereto do hereby waive(s) and release(s) all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming insofar as affected by this conveyance. The grant herein contained is an easement and shall be perpetual so long as the said land is used for the aforementioned purposes. IN WITNESS WltEREOF, the' parties have hereunto ,set ". their hand s this A.D., 2003, by. day of · ..; ,.. .~: : ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF 1,4~/~/tlU;>~ ) SS. COUNTY OF. .~., ~'~__.~::~~ .. ) : The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this,~._~t''''~ by. ~::~t'/--.~/-~'.. D. ,~,'~'~____~, "~"~O t~_ff=x_*~Z~ -..~, - '~ ',. :WimeSs my .h~d =d official' se~ '' ' ' ' ':' ~" ' ~'T" ; ' .' :' ;.' ' "~- · - '": " ' '." .' '. ' ,~ ), :~;. '. ; · · ~:, ,2003, NOTARy,PUBLIC · ..~ ,~. ,. ;~.', . :, ; : i.. '. ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ) · '~ "' ' '" ' :' ~")'SS. ' ' ' COUNTY OF .) The. f0;~going in's~efif was ackn~wi~dg~d 'i~efore me this by. :..::, :' ........ .,,..'....:i:: .:,:.~ .~. .-;: ;: · ... . : ,2003, Wimess my hand and official seal. ' ':' ~:,!i ' -' ~, ' .' : ' : .' :?:~ My commission expires ::NOTARY PUBLIC