HomeMy WebLinkAbout889317STATE OF WYOM_i, G COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ) ss ) STAR VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, Plaintif};' ~,~ g3 PAGe.__ I 0 2 .BOOKO-12 C'" PR ¢ - VS ) ) Defendant. ) IN THE CIRCUFI COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY REO£tVED LINOOkb~ COUNTY OLERK ) Docket No SC-0210-0002 SMALL CLAIMS JUDGMEN)J' The above matter calne before tile Court for trial on theGr/ ~ clay of Evidence was introduced and considered. SAINUg~ k. HA'f~iNr.:3 CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT 3rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT LINr..,O ~ c.,O U NTY, =STATE el: WYO~IINI3 (~ ~-~2, 2002. PLA1NTI{o~_..¢ F_.~_(S);-. Appeared In Person. Did not appear. DEFENDANT(S)i __ Appeared l:n Person. ~,....Did Not Appear. Based upon1 tile evidence presented the Court finds in accordance with the Judgrnent stated below: 1T IS HEREBY ORDERED, CONSIDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED as follows: Plaintiff has Judgment against tile Defendant as follows: Ill the principal amount o:f ............................... $ Prejudgment interest Of .................................. $__ Attorney's fees ................................................ $ . Costs ................................................................ $~ .F. rD Other. ............................................................... $ Total ................................................................. $ Defendant has judgment against the Plaintiff as follows: In the principal amount of. ................................ $__ Prejudgment interest of .................................... $ Attorney's fees .................................................. $__ Costs .................................. ' ................................ $ Other. ................................................................. Total .......................... ~ .................................. $ - . ' / IT 1S FURTHER ORDERED, CONSIDERED ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Plaintiff shall have interest at the rate of 10% per almum fi'om and a~er the date of Judgment, and is entitled to accruing, costs of execution ,,, ~,~ ~ ~ g a arnishment . Dated this ay o .' . "'- THE SLATE 0F ~0MING) )ss BY TnE COURT:~' : ' '..v ':' "~' 0 5 83_ , TO THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR 103 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CLAIM EXEMPTIONS AND TO HEARING You are informed that since a judgment has been entered against you, the JUDGMENT CREDITOR may proceed to seize your property, funds or wages by Execution or Garnishlnent. You may be entitled to have the property, funds or wages seized returned to you as exempt fl*Oln Execution or Garnishment. The following are possible claimed exemptions to which you may be entitled: 1. Social security benefits pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 407 and supplemental security income; 2. Veteran's benefits; 3. Black lung benefits; 4. Aid to families with dependant children and general assistance payments; 5. Federal civil service and state retirement system benefits as provided in 5 U.S.C. 8346 and W.S. Section 9-3-426 and 9-3-620; 6. Worker's compensation benefits; 7. Unemployment compensation benefits; 8. A portion of wages as provided in W.S. Section 1-15-408, or in the case of consumer credit sale, leases or loans} as provided by W.S. Section 40-14-505; 9. Homestead, personal articles and articles used for carrying on a trade or business to the extent provided by W.S. Section 1-20-101 through Section 1-20-109; l 0. Other exemptions as provided by law. IF PROPERTY, FUNDS, OR WAGES ARE EXECUTED ON OR GARNISHED, THEN AND ONLY THEN, MAY yOu assert your right to any of the foregoing exemptions and, to do so, you nmst file a written request for a hearing with the Clerk of this Court within ten (t 0) days, not counting Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays, after seizure of your property, funds, or wages. If you tkil to make a written request for a hearing and claim one (1) or more of the lbregoing exemptions within ten (10) days after seizure of your property you may waive or lose your right to claim the exemptions. IF NO PROPERTY IS SEIZED OR GARNISHED, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO A HEARING! Exenaption hearing request forms lnay be obtained at the Lincoln County Court, Alton, Wyoming.