HomeMy WebLinkAbout889534 State of Wyoming Corner Record (in complionce with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FI&/NC ACT, Wyoming Statutes. 1977 Section .36-11-101, et. seq., and the Rules and Regulotlons o! the Board of Professional Engineers and Professlonol Land Surveyors) Reverse side o! this form may be used il more space is needed. Record of origlnol survey ond citotion of source of historlcol information (if corner is lost or obliteroted). Description of corner monumentotlon evidence found ond/or monument and accessories estobllshed to perpetuate the Iocotlon of this corner, Sketch of relotlve Iocotion of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distonce to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method ond rotionole for reestablishment of lost or obllteroted corner. FOUND: A STONE 1,~"xS"x7" ABOVE GROUND FOR CORNERS TO SECTIONS 5, 4, 9 & 10 WITH 5 SCRIBES ON THE SOUTH SIDE. SET: Monument location Date of Field Work: 12/16/02 Office Reference: 5878-02S Monument { cription Cross Index Plat "+6' '5' '4' '3' '2' , 1+-- e 0 '-+7 ' ~ 8 ' ' 9 ' '10' ,11, ,12+- o -+18' ~17, '16' '15, ,14, ,1.]+- L +1.+ ...... + 1.+ +1.+ +1.+ + 1. + + 1. + " '-+19' '20' '21' '22' '2.]' '24+- + I + +1.+ + I + +1.+ +1.+ + I + o --~30 ' ' 29 ' ' 28 ' ' 27 ' ' 26 ' ' 25+- +1.+ ...... +1+ +1.+ +t+ +1.+ +1.+ '-+.]1' '.]2' ' `]`] ''.]4' '.]5' ,56+-- +t+ ,t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ Corner Name: NORTH EAST CORNER SECTION: 9 County: Firm/Agency, Address JFC. Consulting Eno_ineer~, Architects & Surveyors 1.515 Ninth Street ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: (.]07).362-7519 T 21 N,R 113 W. 6TH P.M. Lincoln WYOMING This corner record wos prepored by me or under my direction and supervision. SEAL & SICIVATURE Cross-Index No.: El3