HomeMy WebLinkAbout878003 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE - - FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK-WEST~.a National Banking Corporation, organized and existing under THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the mortgagee named in that certain mortgage hereinafter described, does hereby trm~sfer, assign, set over and convey all right, title and interest in and to said mortgage, which was given to said mortgagee by. Walden S. Call. & Deanna M. Call HUsban & Wife And appears recorded in Book~79?R of mortgages, beginning on Page 213 office of the County Clerk of Linc6tn ~ in the County, Wyoming, and which covers pro.perty described as follows: Agtached Exhibit "A" and Made a Part Hereof Together ~th the note or notes secured thereby, to the Its successors and assigns, subject however, to all of the agreements, conditions, cov~ants and stipulations therein contained~ as well as all rights of redemption provided by law. Datedthis 8Bh day of December ,200~.  ATTEST: FIRST NATIONAL BANK - WEST ~tate Loa~~ffice& STAT~ OF Wy 6m i n ~ ) ss CO~TY OF Lincoln The foregoing instlumem was acknowledged before me bLpe~ Jones . this 8th dayof December ,2~1 WHI~E~S BY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. Walden S. Call Deanna M. Call Exhibit A 3 ~ 5~ Beginning at a point which is i0 rods West from the southeast corner of Lot 1 of Block 23 of the Alton Townsitef Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence West 10 rods; thence North 10 rods; thence East 10 rods; thence South 10 rods to the point of beginning, ALSO Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1 of Block 23 of the Alton Townsite, LincOln County, Wyoming and running thence North 5 rods; thence West 5 zods~ thence South 5 rods; thence East 5 rods to the p!aca of beginning, LESS AND EXCEPT the south 2 rods thereof. ALSO Beginning at a point.which 15 rods south from the Northeast corner of Lot 1 of Block 23 of the Alton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence North ~ rods; thence West 5 rods; thence South ~ rod; thence East 5 rods to the'place of beginning. ALSO Beginning 82.5 feet West and 165 feet South from the Northeast corner of Lot 1 of Block 23 of the Alton Townsite, Lincoln County, yomzng and running thence South 163 feet; thence West 82.5 feet; thence North 163 f~t; thence East 82.5 feet to the point of beginning'.