HomeMy WebLinkAbout877998 QUiT CLAIM DEED CAROL DEE RITCHIE, Surviving Trustee, under the David E. Ritchie and Dee Ritchie J©int Living Trust, da~ed July 10, 2000 Grantor Thayne, County of L~ncoln, State of Wyoming hereby QUIT.CLAIM to ' JAMES NEIL VARGASON and TAMA~k VA~GASON, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties Grantees of 1621 K Street, Omaha, NE 68135 for the sum of One dollar and other good and valuable consideration .......... the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to-wit: , SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO Subject to reservations and restrictions contai~.'~di~;'~h.~'dh~ed States Patent and to easements and rights-o.f-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS the hand of said ~rantor, this !2~ day of Dece~er A.D. 2001 Signed in the presence of Carol' ~ee Ritc~ie, Sullying Tr'ust ee STATE OF WYOMING County of Lincoln On the 12~' day of December A.D. 200~ personally appeared before me Carol Dee Ritchie, Surviving Trustee, the s~gner of the within instrument who duly acknowledged ~o me that she executed the same. DeVonna Frasler ~ '~h (~J~'~ State O~ Wyoming J~ ~1 ~ %~ u~com co,,,y 3 NOtary '~'bblic ' - -- ~y Commission Expires July 1,2~ ' ,~.~CRIPTION FOR JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON VARGASON ADJUSTED TRACT 3 5 0 That part of the SW¼ of Section 1 and that part of the NW¼ of Section 12, T33N, R119W, Lincoln Coumy, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said Section 1; thence N01°-27'-30"E, 1318.96 feet, along the west line of said Section 1, to the northwest corner of the SW¼SW¼ of said Section 1; thence continuing, NO 1 °-27'-30"E, 65.03 feet, along said west line, to a point; thence S89°-21 '-58"E, 675.67 feet, to a point on an existing east/west fence line; thence S85°-50'-29"E, 113.51 feet, along said fence line, to a point at a fence corner; thence S62°-08'-41"E, 142.65 feet, along' said fence line, to a point on the north line of said SW¼SW¼; ~ thence S88°-54'-56"E, 410.62 feet, along said north, line, to the northeast comer of said SW¼SW¼; thence continuing, S88°-54'-56"E, 216.60 feet, along the north line of the SE¼SW¼ of said Section 1, to a point; thence cominuing, S88°-54'-56"E, 50 feet, more or less, along said north line, to the left bank of the Salt River; thence coursing said lea bank as follows: S240-14'-42"E, 27.86 feet, to a position; S39°-38'-04"E 90.89 feet, to a position; S60°-47'-50"E 71.68 feet, to a position; S69°-02'-16"E, 6'3.95 feet, to a position; S89°-42'-28"E 73.86 feet, to a position; NS0°-37'-12"E, 130.22 feet, to a position; N61°-15'-00"E 168.19 feet, to a position; S73°-46'-35"E. 155.94 feet, to a position; S78°-07'-45"E. 157.70 feet, to a position; S68°-54'-06"E, 142.72 feet, to the westerly right-of-way line of Highway 89, and leave said bank; thence S25°-17'-3 I"W, 50 feet, more or less, along said right-of-way line, to a point; ,.u, .. ~.,~., thence continuing, S25°-17'-31"W, 1101.46 feet, along said right-of-way line, to tile northeast ~,,,'a'°s'~'*~"~°~"°'~°~.o~,~,,~,,o.,~,0 point of that tract of record in the Office of the. Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 123 of ,,~, ~,~,,~,~o~o~0s Photostatic Records on page 257; Surveyor $cherbeJ, LTD, Big Pin~V, Wyoming t~. Ho*S~,~,,~,,~.ho "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the stJrveyor" DESCRIPTION FOR JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON VARGASON ADJUSTED TRACT PAGE TWO thence continuing, S25°-17'-31"W, 256.50 feet, along said right-of-way line, identical, in part, with the easterly line of said tract to a point; thence S90°-00'-00"W, 483.73 feet, to a point on the westerly boundary of said tract; thence coursing the westerly boundary of said tract as followS: S00°-28'-28"E, 55.00 feet, to a cap; S00°-3 I'-3Y'E, 261.58 feet, to a cap; S12°-09'-24"E, 207.71 feet, to a cap; S81°-21'-37"E, 40.07 feet, to a cap; S08°-46'-49"W, 421.10 feet, to a point on a jog line of said right-of-way line and leave said boundary; thence N64°-39'-02"W, 25.06 feet, along said jog line, to a point; thence S25°-18'-13"W, 572.15 feet, along said right-of-way line, to the northeast position of that tract of record in said Office in Book 387 of Photostatic Records on page 510, as shown on Plat No. 16lA; thence coursing the north and west lines of said tract as follows: N89°-01 '-55"W, ~919.30 feet, to the northwest point of said tract; S00°-54'-07"W, 466.53 feet, along the west line of said tract, to the northwest point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 387 of Photostatic Records on page 517, and leave said tract; thence continuing S00°-54'-07"W, 589.47 feet, along the west line of said tract on page 517, to the southwest point thereof on the south line of said NW¼; thence N89°-01'-55"W, 383.65 feet, along said south line, to the southwest corner of said NW¼; thence N00°-57'-03"E, 2646.07 feet, along the west line of said NW¼, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 136.12 acres, more or less; It is intended that the actual lek bank of the Salt River as it moves with changes caused by accretion and erosion of the river be the actual boundary of the tract for that part of the above described tract referenced as coursing the left bank of the river; the above calls along the left bank of the Salt River are an approximation of that bank for the purposes of determining the approximate acreage of the above described tract; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the SW~A of Section 1, 'T33N, R119W, being NO 1 °-27'-30"E, as determined by GPS survey methods; ~each "comer" found as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the ~..~o~.,~.~o,~ ~lerk of Lincoln County; W~t~. Ra~istralion No. ~.~..0,.,~.,~.~o.,~.0 each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed: u,~aa, a~gia,~,tionm, sa0s "SU'RVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS5368" and appropriate details; ~,.~".o'."'"o~"o-~'" each "position" is a calculated position with no monument found or set; Su~sy~r Sc~etbat, LTD. : aig P~ey, Wyoming ~....o~s,.~....,U.hO "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the su~eyor" DESCRIPTION FOIl JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON ADJUSTED TRACT. PAGE THREE each "cap" marked by a steel T-shaped stake with metal cap inscribed: "R'LS482"; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in said Office titled: "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT TRACTS FOR JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON JUNE NIELD REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED 4 JANUARY 1990 DAVID E. RITCHIE AND CAROL DEE RITCHIE JOINT LIVING TRUST, DATED 10 JULY 2000 WITHIN THE W~A SECTION 1 NW~A SECTION 12 T33N Rll9W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING-" dated 26 November 200,~as revised. vargason 'des.doc.p.l,2 W¥O, Regi$1tation No. 164 Idaho Ragi$1tatic, n No. 3990 Nevada Regi~lration No, 6805 S~eyot Schetbel, LTD, ~.~..~ts,~,,.., m~o "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of tt~e su~eyor"