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POWER OF ATTORNEY , t: i'~ i":' ~:' :'
TRAT ~. D~! C~r~y ~ N~cy Sua C~raz have ~dc, constituted ~d
and by ~ese presents do make; constitute and appoht N~cy Sue Carey as our tree ~d law~l
aaomey for us ~d ~ our n~es, place and stead to mo~gage md enc~ber and to execute all
dom~ents, including but not li~ted to, Promisso~ Notes, Mo~gages,.~fidaOits, Contracts,
Se~leme~t Statements, and Agreements necessaw to mo~gage ~d enc~ber ~e following
described real prope~, to wit:
A tract of land ~ the'SEfiSW'~ of Section 15; T34N RllgW of ~e 6th P.M.,
L~coln County, Wyom~g behg more p~iculafly described as follows:
~ ~)~. BEGINNING at ~e Sou~west co.er of a ~act of record found '~ Book 147PR on page
~:::,., 564 ~ ~e Office of ~e Lincoln CounW Clerk, and mhg thence West 114.47 feet,
~::_~ along the No~ line of the M~k L~sen Tract described ~ Wa~ Deed recorded
M~ch 24, 1980 ~ BoOk 164PR on page 236 m said Office;
· ence North, 300 feet;
flm~ce East 214,47 feet;
· ence Sou~ 300 'feet 'more or less'to ~e Sou~east comer'of.the above described
tract of record ~ Book 147;
~thence West, along the.South, line .of said .~act.of record.l!0.00 feet, more or
· giVing ~d granting unto our said aaorney, full power ~d au~ofity to do and perform all ~d
eve~ct and '~ing whatsoever, requisite and necessa~ to be done m ~fl about the premises
as ~1~ all':'i.n~nts,and purposes, as we ~ght or could doif personflly present wi~ ~11 power
of snbst~mtmn ~d .revocatmn, hereby rat.~mg ~d'co~mg fll ~at our smd anorney or her
substitute shall law~lly do or cause-to be done by vkme hereof.
~ In Wimess Whereof, we -have-hero. to. set- Ot~ ~ds ~d seal'.~s ~ ~ day of
Novbmber, 2001.
: / ', /
~ ' 0 N~Cy~ue C~
State of Wyoming
County of Lincoln
I; ~;~&ce.~' k~,,:.~ ,a Notary Public inand forsaid County, in the
State aforesaid., do hereby ~fl~'fy that said M. Daniel Carey and Nancy Sue Carey, personally
known, to me to be the identical persons, described in the foregoing insla'ument and whose names
are subscribed thereto, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that they
signed, sealed and delivered 'said instrument of'Writing as their free and voltmtary act, for the
uses and purposes therein set forth.
Given under my hand and notarial seal this ~ ~ day of November, 2001.
/,/ ' Notary Public
My Commission Expires ~.¢~/