HomeMy WebLinkAbout890055(in compliance with the CO~J~'EJ~ p~j~O# ~ ,eJUA'C JCl, W~jomln(j Statutes. 1997 Section 33-29-140 et. seq.. and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Professional EnGineers end Professional Land Surveyor,s) Reverse side of this form may be used if mare space is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumentotion evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this corner. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner. ORIGINAL RECORD:. FOUND:. S~I': Re-Survey of 1903 done by Stohle & Van Orsdel shows a sandstone 20-inches by 12- inches by 5-inches, set 15-inches deep; pits 18-inches by 18-inches by 12-inches, 3-feet North & South of stone, and a raised mound of earth, 5.1/2 feet by 1-1/2 feet, West of corner. Stone monument protruding 8-inches above ground with "1/4" scribed on the West face. Metal fence post 5 feet North of monument. Dim L~J Ifon__mn t location N89'27"06"~68.52 1: Manumit ln.a timi BASIS OF BEARING THE BASIS OF BEARING IS THE WYOMING COORDINATE SYSTEM WEST ZONE, NAD83/95 Date of Field Work: 02/28/2003 Office Reference: 6908 Cross hdez Flat I I I II II II I +~+ +~+ +~+ +~+ +~+ +~+ -~6' , 5: :4 ' ' 3 : : 2' , 14- ,+1,+ ,+t,+ ,+~,+ .+~,+ ,+~,+ -+ 7+41-~ B ~ , g ~ ~10: :11~ ~12~- ,+t,+ +.t+. -~18: :17: :16: :15: .'14t .+t.+ +.~+. ,+~,+ --~19: '. 20: : 21: : 22: : 25 ' ,24~-- ,+t.+ .+t,+ ,+t,+ ti,+ ,+t.+ .+t,+ -+ 31 i I 32: : 33: : 34 Corner Name West Quarter Corner Firm/Agency, Address Finley Engineering Comoany. Inc. Twin Oaks Suite B-250 1800 NW 169th Place Beaverton. Oreqon 97006 Telephone Number: (503~ 466-9460 Section 8, T 21 N, R 113 W, 6th P.M. County: Linco~ Wyoming Cross-ln&x No.: G-5