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RUSS ASBELL, also known as RUSSELL J~8~'~L~, ~¢:~EN~ ASBELL, also known as
PENNY L. ASBELL, husband and wife, Grantors, for and in consideration of $~0.00 and
other ~ood and valuable consideration, hereby convey and warran~ a one half Undivided
interest in the followin~ described real estate, situated in the Coun~ of Lincoln, State of
Wyoming, to RUSS ASBELL and PEN~ ASBELL, Trustees, or ~heir successors in trust,
under THE RUSS ASBELL L~NG TRUST~ dated December ~2~ 200~ and an~ amendments
thereto, whose address is P.O. Box 2846, Jackson, Wyomin~ 8300~, and hereby convey and
warrant a one half undivided in[crest in the followin~ described real estate to PEN~ASBELL
and RUss ASBELL, Trustees~ or their successors in trust, under the PEN~ ASBELL
L~NG TRUST, dated December 12, 200~, and an~ amendments thereto, whose address is
P.O. Box 284~, Jackson, Wyomjn~ 8300], as tenants in common, hereby waivJn~ and
all rights under and by virtue of the homestead ~xemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to
Lot 302, River View Meadows Third Addition to the Town of Alpine, within the
S~/4 of Section 30, T~7N, R] ~ 8W, accordin~ to that plat filed JanuaW 21,
].994, Instrument No. 777657,
PIDN: 37183040008500
To~ether with and includJn~ all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and
hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions,
easements, rese~atJons, rights and rights-of-way of sight and/or record.
Witness our hands on the date indicated below.
On this 12th day of December 2001, personally appeared before me RUSS ASBELL
and PENNY ASBELL, and acknowledged their signatures on the foregoing Warranty Deed.
, WlTNESS my hand and official seal. ~ ~/!uA~b c~~~ ,~.~
My commission expires