HomeMy WebLinkAbout890100BOOK..,'~.~-~_ PRPAGE 890100 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED THIS INDENTURE dated as of this 19th day of May, 2003 WITNESSETH: RECEIVED LINC;C, LN OOUr'.ITY CLERK WHEREAS, John Gray Hillstead, died on December 3,2001, domiciled in Lincoln County, Wyoming and seized of real property described hereinafter, and WHEREAS, the estate of John Gray Hillstead was admitted to probate in the Third Judicial District of the State of Wyoming in and for Lincoln County, Docket 5, No. 4140, and Jan Ellen Stock became the acting personal representative thereof on January 30, 2002 upon the issuance of Letters Testamentary to Jan Ellen Stock, and WHEREAS, the District Court of the Third Judicial District of the State of Wyoming in and for Lincoln County issued an Order Approving Sale of Property directing Jan Ellen Stock, as personal representative of the Estate of John Gray Hillstead, to sell to Melvin Dean Shoell and Angela COlleen Shoell the property described hereinafter and to facil~-- the Personal Representative was required to exchange certain property with C. Mark Allred ' and Darlene A. Allred, NOW, THEREFORE, Jan Ellen Stock,' personal representative of the estate of John Gray Hillstead, deceased, Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10) and other valuable consideration to her in hand. paid, the receipt whereof being hereby acknowledged, does, by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto C. Mark Allred and Darlene A. Allred, husband and wife, Grantee, all of said decedent's right, title, and 'interest in and to the following described real estate in Lincoln County, Wyoming~ to-wit: See attached Exhibit A TOgether with the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular, the above-mentioned and described real estate, together with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee, their successors, heirs, and assigns forever. /N WITNESS WHEREOF, the personal representative of the aforesaid esiate, has hereunto set hand and seal this 19th day of May, 2003. ~ Estate of John Gray Hillstead, Grantor. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF LARAMIE ) SS Representative The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Jan Ellen Stock, personal representative of the Estate of John Gray Hillstead, this 19th day of May, 2003. witness my -. :.:~_~ ...... ~. cormnission expires: .'~-_'~c'~-FD.%-~ Notary Public STAR VALLEY REALTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION EAST TRACT A t:'acL of',a~ld in the N 93 SE V, SW ~/; of Section 6, T31N, RIIS\V, 6TM P.M.. Lincoln '~.'ounty, Wyom~g, said (tact bey more pnrficuku.ly desc~'ibed as foUows: t3 EGINNING at the Nortl-~tst corn, e~- of said N ~4 SE P~ SW % (Ce~tev-South one-s~reen[h cf.,met), a 3'A" t~s cap ~scribed "M~.()~ 5CHE~EL PLS 536~" and appropriate thence S 00"09'50" W, 655,75 feet along the East line ~.ereofto the Southuast cot~e~ N ~'~ SE ~,4 S W b~ ~Cen;ct-Sou~-Soulh oae-sLxt~uth comer), a 3W' brass cap ~a~ri~d "PAUL ~CHERBEL R]..S 164" ~d appropriate details; thence S 89~36'14'' W, 78.92 Feet dong ibc South ~.e thereof: lhence N 06%0'35" W. 174.28 feet; ;hence N 05'59'17'' W, 189.36 feet; the.nee N 05%4'29" W, 121.75 feet; thence N 05~1T14'' W, 173.78 tEet to the North ~e or,id N t/: SE'. !d SW lhe~ce N 89%Y30" E. 149.16 feet along ;aid North b~e to II~e PO~'F OF BEGINNING. .,: Sa!d Iracl comainLng 1.74.5 ~res, more or less. Page I of l