HomeMy WebLinkAbout890146 oor%2I --------._._PR PAGE RECEIVED o~¢d::;/4,/~, LINCOLN COUNTY, CLERK FOR VALUE 7.~¢: :he ~RST ~ATIONAL B~K-~'~:~ ~:- '..:: Ba~ing Co¢oration' o . aaa ex~~~S:T~: .NCt, on~t STATES OF AME~CA, the mo~gagee named in that ceaain mo~gage here;namer described, does hereby tr~sfer, assign, set over and convey all right, title and interest in and to said ~o~gage, which was given to said moa a ,. , ~N ~ s~L a ~ ....... g gee by ' ~ - ~-~cu mmooR 519 of office of the Co ~ mo~gages, be i ' - unty Clerk of LINcm.~ ~ g ~ng on Page 700 ;n Lot 13 and part of Lot 14 of Block 71 of the Second -Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, L~eoln County, Wyoming lessa portion of ~t 14 of Block 71 more particularly described as follows: Beginning ~[ the NW corner of Lot 14 of Block 71; thence ~ e · 08o ~7'27"~,.aloUg - the n~rtherly boundary of said Lo~ 14, a distance of 98.$ feet; Thence S72 08'42"W, a distance of 104.$ feet to the westerly boundary of said Lot 14, sai~ point being a point on ~ curve to the right, said cu~e t~ the right having a radius of 494.3 feet. Thence alon~ lbo westerly boundary of said Lot 14 and said curve lo right, through a central angle of 4 ~1'19", a distance of ~9.01 feet to point of beginning. Together with the note Or notes secured thereby, to the Its successors an~ .~_ yov~ants and stipulations m~__: .... r( to all of the agreements co-m,;~-- - by l*,- [,,*tcm comamed a ..... - .... ' .... ¢ ..... a wcu as all rights of redemption provided Dated thS~day of~, 20~. STATE OF_~_~7_Q_~N6 ) "'"~J-~' J~/tClNS-REAL ESTATE ~ OFFiC~ The foregoing instrument was ac~oMedged before -~~~*~ [~m 0, ~00~ ~1 this ~day of u~ ~ 20 0~. ~ESS BY HA~ A~ OFFICIAL SEAL. -, Notary Public SEAL: My Commission Expires: ~cg/-~-~. o~csm WCDA FORM NUMBER ~S