HomeMy WebLinkAbout878057 QUITCLAIM D~D,~,~.l,,i..' ' ~,,",~ i ...... ,.,i,il'i~.,3 · ~?/.. ¢.., . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that ~THE~NE M. MOR~S, a single person, of the Town of Diamondville, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, Grantor, for and in considorafion of tho sum often dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, tho receipt wbemof is hereby acknowlodged, CONVEYS A~ QUITCLAIMS to GARY F. K. IREN, as his ,sole propetCy, and to BEVERLY JO ~REN, as her sole propo~y, as joint tenants with rights of snmivorship, Grantee, all interest presently owned or heroafter acquired in and to the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyomi ng, to-wit: A portion of Parcel 29 of the Town of Diamondvillo~ said portion of said Parcel 29 being more particularly described as ~bllows: BEGINN~G at comer Nmnber 2 of Parcel 30 which is also the Easterly co, er of Parcel 29; thence fi 38°30' W aloug the Easterly bounda~ of Parcel 29, a distance of 7.1 foot; thence N 58°35'51'' W, a distance of 69.55 ~eet more or loss to tho Wosterlyboundary of Parcel 29, said point also being the Easterly right-of-way of US Highway 30N; thence N 30024' E, along said right-of-way and Westerly bounda~ of Parcel 29, a distance o:f 15.93 feet to comer Number 3 of Parcel 30; [hence S 51 °30' E, a distance °f71.4 fee[ to the point of beginning. ~. A~ Parcel Number Thirty (30) of the Town of Diamondville, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as shown upon the plat thereof dated August 31, 1942, together wilh all improvements and appurtenances thereon, and containing 7600 square feet, more or less; EXCEPTING therefrom all that portion of Parcel 30 of the Town of Diamondville which is a parcel of land containing 3,205 squm'e feet, more or less, described by metes and bounds as follows: beginning at the north property corner of said Parcel 30; thence S. 10°35'27.93"E a distance of 121.4 feet to the east property comer of said Parcel 30; thence N.50°58'45.8Y'W. a distance of 81.48 felt, more or less, to a point on the westerly boundary of said Parcel 30; thence N.31 °04'05.6"E. along said westerly boundary a distance of 79.43 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning that has previously been Convey by Warranty Deed dated March 15, 1983 and recorded in Book 211PR at Page 188 of the public record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hands this i""~' day of December, 2001. I~ATHERINE M. MORRIS Quitclaim Deed - Mort'is STATE OF WYOM1NG ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing inarument was acknowledged before me by Katherine M. Morris this day of December, 2001. Witness my hand and official seal. DEBRA A. HAIqSEN~ t,,IO'[ARY PUBLIC ~ MY C0dMiSSl0N EXP,REo ~~_ NOTARY PI~LIC My Commission Expires: Quitclaim Deed - Morris 2