HomeMy WebLinkAbout890478 RECEIVED LINCOLN ..... ~'~ CLERK BOOK PR PAGE ASS F MORTGAGE0'-~ -' :~'; -":' ;;" ~:' '~ FOR VAL~ ~CEIVED, the fIRST NATIONAL BAN~L~ST,' Ba~ing Co~oration, Organized and existing under THE LAWS OF THE ~ITED STATES OF AME~CA, the mo~gagee named in that ce~ain mo~gage hereinafter described, does hereby tr~s~er, assi~, set over and convey all right, title and interest in and to said ~o~gage, which was given to said modgagee by RIC~ BR~ JAQ~S & ~ K JAQ~S, ~SB~ & ~d appears recorded in B ook~ _of mo~gages, begi~ing on Page. 4~, in the office of the County Clerk of Ln~coLt~ property described as follows: County, Wyoming, and which covers SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE C Together with the note or notes secured thereby, to the COUNTRYWID_____E HOME LOANS,i-iNC. Its successors and assigns, subject however, to ~I1 o~-the agreements, conditions, covenants and stipulations therein contained~ as well as all rights of redemption provided by law. Dated this 2____0~___day of MAY ,20 0~3. STATE OF ) SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN _) _...,-EI-R:ST')NATI ONA~.BANK ¢_ WEST ROXIE ~S-REAL ESTATE LOAN OFFICER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by. this 2otn day of inky WHITNESs BY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. ROXIE JENKINS ., 20 03 Notary Public .... SEAL: My commission Expires: WCDA FORM NUMBER 203 8!2 SCHEDULE C That part of the NE~SE~ of Section 26, T33N RllgW of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being part of that tract of record in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 166PR on page 581 described as follows: BEGINNING at Station 335+90 P.I. (WHD) on the east right of way line of Sta~e Hi'ghway 238, N 46o06, E, 1887.85 feet from the South quarter corner of'said Section 26 as described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate of record in'the Office; thence N 0°09, E, 208.72 feet along the said East right of way line to a point; thence N 89o46, E~ 208 ~72 feet to a point; thence S 0o09, W, 208.72 feet parallel to said East right of way line to a point in an existing east-west fence; thence S 89o46, W, 208.72 feet, along sa~id existing fence to the STATION OF BEGINNING.