HomeMy WebLinkAbout890582O2O When Recorded Mail To: THE JACKSON STATE BANK & TRUST 1'12 CENTER ST.. P 0 BOX 1788 JACKSON . WY 83001 8 LOAN NO. 28141502 RECEIVED ,,, cc,! NTY CI_ERK O582 ;BOOK 5~;}t'~, PR PAGE ?. fl 0 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Corporation Assignment of Real Estate Mortgage FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby grants, assigns and transfers to Countrywide Home Loans. Inc. all the rights, title and interest of undersigned in and to that certain Real Estate Mortgage dated M a y 2 0 . 2 0 0 3 executed by Donald L. Baker and Claudia B Baker. Husband and wife. as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not tenants in common to THE JACKSON STATE BANK & TRUST and whose address is 1 1 2 C E N T E R S T.. P 0 B 0 X i 7 8 8 . J A C K S 0 N . W Y 8 3 0 0 I and recorded in Book/Volume No. 52i , page(s) 884 , Li ncol n Records, State of Wyomi ng , as Document No. 890258 on real estate legally described as follows: see exhibit 'A' attached hereto and made a part hereof. TOGETHER with the note or notes therein descr b~,.er,,r-.efe_rred to, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue uncJef'~i~ld R'~:F~§tate Mortgage. DATED: M__a_~' 20. 2003 ~;'..,,' ¢::'~',: ~ ~ THE JACKSON STATE BANK & TRUST Wilness: STATE OF w Y 0 M I N G ) ss. COUNTY.OFT E T 0 N ) On M a y 20TH ~ . 2003 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, personally appeared ~__~,:~/m~.~.~ ~ to me personally known, who, being duly sworn by me, did say that he/she is the ~' of the corporation named herein which executed tt~e within instrument, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealJ¢.~ on behalf of said corporation pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors and that he/she acknowl~::fges'~said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation· . ~/¢~¢~..A~C N~c for the state of w y o m i 'n g My commission expires: ISC/ASMTG//O990-L Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~e~inning at a point $89"47'2g"W, 2867.23 £~-et from ~3a~ brass ~ monist marki~ the Ea~r ~a~t~ c~r ~f said Sucti~ 1g; ~ce Sou~ 253.17 feet; ~c~ N60'Z~'lO"W, 4~8.96 f~; ~ Nor~ 30 feet; ~h~c~ ~9'47'2~,E, '390.3~ f~=~ ~o ~he ~oimt of begi..~ng P~C~ 2 ~~ Z~ST: ~ Za~t for accuss acro~ ~e ~I/4~W1/~ of Smct~n i0, T3SN, RI19W of ~e 6th P.M., ~ncmln Co~ty, Wyoming ~ bming mo=~. W~t, Linuol~ cowry Road 12-1E9, ~d =i~ ~c~ W~s~ 227.23 ~e~, more