HomeMy WebLinkAbout890414BOOK .,-~..'~ PR PAGE .616 RECEIVED LINCOLN OOUNTY CLERK. :, ::':; ~!,~!- i- :- ~ '~,'i. t' :'::' 'i SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that it is hereby certified by the First Security Bank, N.A. n/Ida Wdb Fargo Bank Wyomlng, National Association, "Lender" named in that certain mortgage given Call Air Foundation, whose addrezs is, , WY, a Non Profit Wyoming Corporation ("Grantor") to First Security Bank, N,A, n/k/a Wells Fargo Bank Wyoming, National Association to s~cure a promissory ndte dated August 17, 1998 and Recorded on September 2, 1998 in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Slate of Wyoming, with Instrument Number: 852970 Book: 416, Pg(s} 686-691, the following described land~: Description: Beginning at a point North $ Degrees 30 Minutes W'~t, 810.00 Feet from the Southeast Corner of ~ection 36, Township $2 North, ~?ange 119 Wesf, and running thence along ti, e Hig],~ay ~igl~t of Way North 0 Degrees $0 Minutes gl/est, $60.00 Feet, thence North 90 Degrees 0 Minutes West, 209. 7feet, thence South I Degree 05 Minules Eaxt 360 Feet, thence South 90 Degrees 0 Minutes East to the Point of beginning. Address Is Commonly Known As: 1042 US Highway #9, A f ton, I~'x' 83110. That the mortgage described herein has been fully satisfied by the payment ofth~ debt secured thereby, and is hereby canceled, releasad and discharged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First SecuriOy Bank, N,A. n~Ja Wells Fargo Bank Wyoming, N.A. has caused its name to be signed hereto by it~ operations officer, pursuant to due authority given, this 23~ day of May, ;2003. FIILST SECUtL]TY BANK, N.A. NfK/A WELLS FARGO BANK WYO1VENO, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF ADA · y y, ~vu.2.a oetor~ me to me personally known, who, 'being duly sworn, did say flint she Is V. ~'r-ff~. ' of Wells Fargo Ban~ National Association, that ~id inst~ent w~ sig~d and sealed on behalf of said corporation of au~oriW of i~, Bo~d of ~tm .be the f= act and deed of said co~omtion. My Commission Expims: ¢/~/~ ~ AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RE1XIRN TO; CALL Am ~OI.r~ATIOW PO BOX 1491 AFrON, WY 83110-1491 RE: 1400878986 & 0104502454-184W