HomeMy WebLinkAbout890717 e e State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1997, Section 33-29-140, et seq., and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Protèssional Land Surveyors) Reverse side of this form may be used if more space is needed. ~~ Record ~ origil1al sµrvey and citation of source of historical infonnation (if comer is lost or obliterated). Description of comer ~$um~tatiòn evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this comer. Sketcð QI relatiye loCation of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent comer(s) (if deter!íùijed in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated comer. . . Rec !I;<!.i:'.. Q~). L~...1 \. - I D:~ 40.£)0 _c::_ 1909 - Stahle and Parshall NOoo-Ol'W between Sections 25 and 26. Set an iron post 3 ft. long 1 ins. in dia. 26 ins. in the ground, for 114 sec. cor. marked on brass cap, S2614 on W. half and S25 on E. half; dig pits l8x18xl2 ins. N. and S. of post. 3 ft. dist. and raise a mound of earth 3 Yz ft. base, 1 Y2 foot high W. of cor. thence. Corner Record of Randall J. Rowley dated 6 December 1983. Corner Record of Paul N. Scherbel dated 21 January 2003. Found: Severed part of 1 ins. black iron pipe with top lOins. below surface of ground and unset mangled remains of top part of pipe plus brass cap inscribed as shown lying Sely, 50 ft. ± in mound of stone. No fence post was found. r- Set: ¡-.. a 01 c:J A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with brass cap inscribed as shown atop part of original monument remaining alongside to NE. Placed green steel fence post Wly, 9 ins. and set tire casing filled with stone around monument and post. Monument is Ely, 6 ft. of east edge of graded N/S roadway and Sly IS ft. ± of 18 ins. X CMP in roadway. Note: Rowley Corner Record calls for the monument Ely, 30 ft. ± and Nly, 10 ft. ± of original posi- tion. Possibly Rowley was working in snow conditions and frost and did not notice that his found monument has been disturbed. ii:/ CD cr:: U1 {) 0> /V "Jrn·'.l S/Q T22N R112W ~ ~ ~ ~ 0' \~ {'i~ \I. \,..~ND O~k .¡~. "".,<:,0 fO/9 ,J' ~....\ '\I. if <,.,,, '.'" '\ 51.'" ~ . '-''''';:\.' .:" 'i, ~ßj:r... S261;4 S25 '~ ~:í1l ,\, ~;;? ?.."3 ~~.'~ ~~: ~ l'!.;';.u'! ~ ~ ~"f1¡.,j' ;i \'¡ 'i, ~,,~ 1909 -- """'..J .~,x.:~ C.;i;>;r:. <t",' tJNi&ftI ~~,,} '.::~' ~ ""\)., i\,,¿.i ."7J.~' " . I';-j ~ '~(f ~ f s <- 1- Iµ '¡~ c;. .2 i S261s25 2003 cc: BLM EOG - Cow Creek 8-26 Smith OC>~IØ ;C' Date ofField Work: 12 April 2003 Office Refèrence: Book AL-3, page 56 '7 vV 5.;¡-3 CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction and supervision. SEAL & SIGNATURE ] 2 :1 4 G (3 -/ B 9 1011 121:1 1'1 l~ IG 1-/ 15 I\:J 2021 ëë 23 2425 A M --1-- '-,.. ; ,..;-- :3~c l--;~ --:- c_ -..-- --- -- : , : ' ; - : : : nu , : ~';'-l " ; , - :1 -- : --- 00 : -'·1 c- ;- - _00 --,... ,- --:-1 : " ,- " - -,--- 00:00 1.._ ; I u_ ,,- ~-- ---- .... --- - ,- . --:- . '-. r-- --'00 -- -- - , : ~--- --- .. :p- -- -- I~f:j '_0,0 J6-¡- 00- 00' rc-- ; Telephone Number: 307-276-3347 Telefax Number: 307-276-3348 l Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. P.O. Box 4296 283 Main Street Big Piney-Marbleton, WY 83113 ',\, County of LINCOLN Z 1 2 :ì 4 5 (j 7 II g 10 11 12 1~- 14 If) If> 17 If! 192021222:] 2<125 Corner Name: ';' Section: 25/26 T22N R112W: 6th P.M. Cross-Index No.: SBRPEPLS/PLSW: March 1994 (SSL TD 10/18/2000 version) T-21-Revised