HomeMy WebLinkAbout890739 'e '. State of Wyoming Comer Record (In compliaoce with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILOIG ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1977. SedÌ.CIl 36-11-101, ct. seq., aod the Rules aod RegulatiClls of the Board of RegistratiCll for ProfessiCllal Engineen IIIld ProfessiCllal Land Surveyors) Rever.¡c side of this fonn may be used if more space is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if comer is lost or obliterated). Description of comer monumentation evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this comer. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this swvey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated comer. Record:-- North between Sections 16 and 17 for south one-sixteenth corner of Section 17. '^. ,~ No evidence of prior monumentation. A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with brass cap inscribed as showni, 0.10 ft. above ground. Sly. 0.30 ft. of fence post at end of N/S fence line. Sly. 22.03 ft. of S. 1/16 Corner of Section 16. Found:-- Set: -- S. 1/16 S.16 111 111 tij~ 0.301 -s. 1/16 S. 17 f .._,... 0+00 13+18.46 26+36.92 1 " . . 4:S.17 S 1/16 S.17 S[S.17 cc: BLM County Office - Afton SSLTD - Afton 25 June 1990 Date offield Work: 12 Auqus t 1997 Office Reference: Book ZP-30, page 78; Book ZQ-2, page 41. CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Addrcss This comer record was prcp:u-cd by me or IDlder my direction aod supervÌ5ÍCIl. SEAL & SiGNATURE I I I I I I , I I I I f" _..~. --t-- -~-- --~-. --t-- ...--:-- -..~... --t-- ...-:-- --~-. -...t-- ...-:-- I : : : : : : : : 11-+-t-+12-+- I I I I I I I I I H --,.- -...~-- -.,-- -...,.- "'-1'-- -.,-- --,.- --r-- .......-- --r- --¡..- -,-- I 2 3 4 ~ 8 7 8 9 10 I' 12 13 .4 I~ 18 .7 18 19 20 21 22 2:J 24 2~ A I I I : I : : : : : : I : Ð --r- --¡-- -~-- --r- --r~- ..~-- --¡- --r-- "'TO'" --r- --1--r-·r- u C I I I I I I I I 1-¡- c I I I I I . I I o ....- -...-- -¡.... -'10- --roo -~-- --roo --!-- -1-- --roo --T-- -~-- 0 £ E r c II Surveyor ScnerblÙ. Ltd. Box 725 46 West Third. Avenue Afton. Wyoming 83110 TclcpbĹ“cNwnber: 307-886-9319 _ 739-9260 /~ FAX 739-9260 ¡;/~ c " I , I , , I I , , , I I K L ~I~ ---;.; " 14-+--+13+- L N --~.. ' -~_.. --~~_-t-- -~-- --~.. --t-- --:-- -.+- --in -~_.. W I ,-", I I I I I " N I I I C --roo --,-- -~-- --roo --~-- -~-- --~- --{-- -~-- --~- --~-.. -~-- (J I , I I I I I ': 24' ,,' : I I I I : : :: :J~P " -...... --~-- , I , , I I I I t I R 5 p Q I I ' I I , I s u~-1""~-" -~-- --~- --~-- -~_.. .._~- --~-- _.J.._ ....~- --t-- _~n 8:0-:.- '~' , '~7+- -:-2' , 2'5-7-- , ;. , I . I I I"" U l: --~"l-";"- ";--1--¡- --,-- -....-- --r- --,-- -.,-- -"r· --,-- -.,-- . __~.+.;u _~_+-~- ' :, :: __:_+-~n w ~:r-i--~''': : "4-:--+3: : 3:~ x __~.J..:._ .~n·r_~. n._L"__ __~_ u:__ _~__I__~_ u'uL."n y , ¡" I I : I: I : : : : r : ~ . ~ f, 7 8 9 10 I' 12 '3 14 I~ 16 P 181920 21 ~2 2:J ~4 2~ County of ComcrNamc: S 1/16 Scction:~T32N_R119W:~P.M.Cross-IndexNo.: M-~~ SßRPEPLSIPLSW:Marcb 1994 LINCOLN