HomeMy WebLinkAbout890851 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In cOMpllo.nce with theCORNJ'R PERP8f'UAflON AND nuNC AGT. 'WyoMing Sto.tutes. 1977 Section 36-11-101, et. seq.. o.nd the Rules o.nd Regulo.tlons of the Boo.rd of Professlono.l Engineers o.nd Professlono.l Lo.nd Surveyors) Reverse side of this forM Mo.y be used If More spo.ce Is needed. Record of orlglnQI survey Qnd cltQtlon of source of hlstorlcQI InforMQtlon (If corner Is lost or obllterQted), Description of corner MonuMentQtlon evidence found Qnd/or MonuMent Qnd Qccessorles estQbllshed to perpetuQte the 10cQtlon of this corner. Sketch of relQtlve 10cQtlon of MonuMent, Qccessorles, Qnd reference points with course Qnd dlstQnce to QdJQcent corner(s) (If deterMined In this survey). Method Qnd rQtlonQle for reestQbllshMent of lost or obllterQ ted corner, FOUND' STANDARD GLO B.C. 8. I.P., 11' A.G. T-POST 5'-0' 'WEST co \.D o 0:> U1 Monument location r z o o t :~ ::0 ':":I fTl 6° :._ ïTl ,-. ","J: c.C.. :::.'< Monument Inscrip(ion~ 8 <./) ~ Date of Field Work: ~ Office Reference: ~ Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency, Address This corner record WQS prepQred by Me or under MY direction Qnd su In,-- 1 2 3 .. a I 7 . . 10 11 12 13 ,. 18 " 17 " ,. 2Ø 21 22 U 24 21 · . · . c C D D [ E , , o 0 H H · . K K L L M M · . o 0 p p o 0 · . · T U V · . x x v z Z 1 2 3 .. a I 7 . . to n 12 13 '4 15 ,. 17 ,. ,. 10 21 II 23 24 21 D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: 362-5028 Corner Name Northwest Corner Section il, T .22 N, Rill W. 6th P.M. County: Lincoln Wyoming Cross-IndeJ: No.: .l=11