HomeMy WebLinkAbout878091 401 N. EXECUTTVE DRIVE BRDDKFIELD, WISCONSIN 53005 {SpQce Above This Line For Recording Daze] PHEPARED CHAHPFUND MORTGAGE, ZNC. 139 WEST SCHROCK ROAD WESTERV]LLE, OHZO 43081 Corporation Assignment~_~Rpal Estate Mo~gage/Deed of Trust FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby grants, assigns and ~ransfers to N&[ BANK F.S.B, 401 N. EXECUTIVE BROORFIELD, WTscoNsxN 53005 ali the rights, title end interest of undersigned in and to that certain Real Estate Me,gage/Deed of Trust dated De,ember 10, 2001 , executed by TERRY V. HOOPES AND JENNZFER A. HODPES, HUSBAND AND W~FE ( mCHA~PFUND NORTGAGE. INO. organized under the laws of THE ~TATE OF OHZO and who~e ~rincipal place ~"~ of business is 139 WEST SCHROCK ROAD WESTERVILLE, OHZO, 43081 . and recorded in Book 479 page(s) 429 LINOOLN County Records. State of WYOMING described hereinafter as follows: Land situated in the , LINCOLN County, WYOHINQ ~EA~ SEE A~AC~D E~B~ Parcel~ 32183030613600 Commonlv~nownas: 431 HAD[SON STREET, AFTON, NY 83001 Together with the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon with in~eresL and afl rights accrued or to aocrue under said Real Estate Mortgage/Deed of Trust. STATEOF ~0 cou. OF CHANPFUND NaR~GAGE~ INC, undersigned, e Notary Public in and for said County snd State, personally appeared Its: known to me to be the ~1 By: and ~ Its: known to me to be of the corporation herein which executed the Witnes~:I .~ within instrument, that said instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of . Directgrs and that he/she acknowledges said ' instrument to bo the free ac~ and deed of said c°rp°ration' ~/~ Notary Public/v ~ ]~ ~-,,F~~ My Cammisaign Expires q g ~ ~ . .~ } N0ta~ Publ~. Slate 0fOh~ .;:. ... , * ~ . My C0mmi~i0n E~im8 ~,~ ; '~;" "." ' ,1-28-2~4 EXHIBIT "A" O~D~. Beginni~g at a point 104 feet South of the Northwest Corner of Lot two (2), Block 23 of. the Alton Townsite Survey, running thence North 33 feet, thence East 102 feet, thence South 33 feet, thence West 102 feet to the point of beginning. Also beginning at a point 104 feet South from the Northwest Corner of Lot Two (2) Block 23 of the Alton Townsite Survey, and running thence South 61 feet, thence East 102 feet, thence North 61 feet, thence West 102 feet to the point of beginning. Purported Address: