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Come, s now, 1 die undersigned, Dary! Billings, whose address is P.O. Box 143,
Henderson, Co. 80640, bei~)g duly sworn on oath according to law do hereby make the
/bi lowing sla emem of t~5,:s and c:ertil3,:
That 1' mn thc owner and proprietor of real property show~ hereon a,d recorded h~ Book
474PR, on Page 25. recorded wid'~ d~.c Ollb::e of dm CJerk of [,incoh~ Court'[y, Wyoming
on d~e 2nd. day of' October, 2001, being more particularly described as fo~bws:
l)escriptkm - AIpiae ViIJage No l-Plat'2 Amended Foudb F~. ling - 5.248 Ac. res
Lot 37 of the Alpine Village SuMivision No. I, Plat 2 Amended, within the NWl/4. SE1/4
of Section 19, T37N, R118W. of the 6th. P.M.. Lincolu. TM ' · '
Cotmty, ~ yomtng, the metes and
bounds ~ing more p~ticularly descdb¢cl as follows:
BEGI~4ING bmg at the South Comer of said lot 37. said point being 190.44 l~et
N 18°40'14"W fi'om the B.L.M. '(ype Montmmnt mark~.g the Alden Brewer 1973 location
tar the Southeast Comer of :mid NW1/4SE 1/4: thence NmXher!y, along a 1,138.66 foot
Radius Curve to the Left, through a central"~gle of 17009'54''. an arc distance of 341 13
feet: thence' '"" ' ' ,,; ,
. Nz0 3,10 ] % 793.50 feet: thence S6~',~',''' 3~4.01 feet; thence
~ -u t~, :,o .b 1,171.86 ~e'~., to the .Poh~t ofBeghming, contaJn~ug 5,25 Acres
That d~e S ubdivMon of this prope :tyis with our J:~ee cot~sent and deskes.
'/'hat thc Ut~ties l~ght-ofLWav Easement, as sho~ on said Map, is and shall be gq'anted
to the oYvne~s, successors and assigns of each Lot created,
That alt rights under and by vimle of the Homestead Exemption Laws of t'he State of
5~)ommg e hereby released.
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Witnessed my hm~d told o
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