HomeMy WebLinkAbout891037'i~00K_~._~. pR PAGE_ ~ ~ 3 ~t f 0~3.~ a E C E IVE D IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISI1RI,~L ~i~-0 I t~'~TY~ OLERK IN ~D FOR THE COUNTY OF LI ~ATE OF ~ THE MATTER OF DETESTATION OF HEIRSHIP OF ) ROBERT F. VIC~Y, Deceased. ) Probate No. ) ) AFFIDA~T FOR DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE STATE OF ~OM~G ) ) SS. CO~TY OF L~COLN ) We, Robe~ D. Vic~ey, Ralph G. Vic~ey and ~ita M. Vic~ey being first duly sworn, on oath depose and state as follows 1. That we ~e over the age of~enW-one (21) years. 2. That Robe~ F. Vic~ey is our hther. 3. That our father, Robe~ F. Vic~ey died on the 20th day of April, 2003 in Ke~erer, Wyoming. 4. That our hther, Robe~ F. Vic~ey did not have a Will upon hs death ~d accordingly died intestate. · ha,. ~ooe~, F. Vicl~ey was not ma=ied at thc time of his death. 6. That the only heirs ofRobe~ F. Vic~ey are Robea D. Vic~ey, Ralph G. Vic~ey and ~ita M. Vic~ey. 7. That the value of the entire estate ofRobe~ F. Vic~ey, wherever located, does not exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00). 8. That they (30) days have elapsed since the date of the death ofRobe~ F. Vic~ey. 9. That no application for appointment of a personal representative is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction regarding Robea F. Vic~ey. 10. That we are entitled to the payment or delive~ of the personal prope~ owned by Robe~ F. Vic~ey and no other person has a right to succeed to our father's interest in the prope~ under probate proceedings. 11. That the prope~y ~own to be owned by Robeg F. Vic~ey is as follows: a. Account ~1497 in the Advantage Plus Federal Credit U~on b. Contents of Safety Deposit Box ~61 at the First National Ba~ Probate\VickreykAffidavit 6fDisthbution 12. That if any other personal property is located that is not identified above, we are entitled to that property in equal shares or percentages. Dated this i7- day of ~"O/)P__ ,2003. '- STATE OF COLORADO ) SS. COUNTY OF ) }, Robert D. Viekrey being first duly sworn, states that I am one of the affiants noted above, that I have read the same, know the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are true. RO2k D. 'e CKR Y ' ~~,'bed and swom before me this ftC"':' ..... _ ::""?... 1~- day of .~-'yC~a ~. NOTARY P~LIC ,2003. STATE OF COLORAD° ) ) SS. COUNTY OF _/~/',oe ) I, Ralph G. Vickrey being first duly sworn, states that I am one of the affiants noted above, that I have read the same, know the contents thereof,,aOd that the statements contained therein are true. l and sworn before me this I~ ,2003. M~e'ok~ii'sion Expires: q-I day of .~om O__ NOTARY PUBLIC Prob ate\VickreykAffi davit of Distribution 2 -~'~qlTA M. VICKRI~Y STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY 0 ,.gz~ ,' d~_- ) I, Anita M. Vickrey being first duly sworn, states that I am one of the affiants noted above, that I have read the same, know the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are tree. ~lXFITA VICKREY Subscribed and sworn before me this ~ "~ day of ,~j~.~,-~L ,2003. My Commission Expire .'~zJD NOTAR~IC Probate\V ckreykAfIidavit of Distribution FOR .x INEIrIIuCIION$ 1006 STATE'"?~ ~,.WY" .... OMING .. :,o ii~:., iiil ~:;~ ...... ;!::' DEPARTM~N~ OF.HEAETH STATE OF WYOMING :CERTIFICATE OF'DEATH ROBERT F~KL~N :: ? ~::VIC~EY · [~: Male'': April 20, 2003 March 17, 1909 442 - 10 - 7289 South LZncolh Medicaz?ce';';'';, No K~mmerer FMC Coke Plant )er ColIar Row This m a true ano exact rearoduction of the document on file n the office of Records S~ices, Gneyenne, Wyoming.. ......: . DATE ISSUED: APR Z 9 Depu~ State ~th ~:~ng~aved'~O~der ~,:'----~V" te i~il ~d:~ignat~e ~th¢ Deputy State Registrar ..... ..: ::.:. ::::