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HomeMy WebLinkAbout891173GARDNER LA W OFFICE O. David Gardner, Attorney P, O. Box 96 Aflon, WY83110 (307) 885-3183 891 ~,' f~ ,.~PR PAGE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING IN THE MATTER OF THE PROBATE OF NORD SEARIGHT PUTNAM, Deceased. ] ] ] ] ] Probate No. 4242 DECREE AND JUDGMENT THE APPLICATION FOR DECREE establishing Right and Title to Property, having been filed on June 2, 2003, praying that the Court enter its Decree establishing the Petitioner's right and title to the real property described therein. THE COURT FINDS: 1. Nord Searight Putnam, a/k/a Nord S. Putnam, died intestate on May 12, 1997. That Nord Searight Putnam was survived by Gayla S. Putnam, his wife, Lynette McConkie, Nordell Putnam, and Dennis 'Putnam, all adult children of the decedent. Even though they are all heirs, the property is claimed by Gayla S. Putnam, in its entirety. DECREE AND JUDGMENT Nord Searight Putnam, Probate No. 4242 Page 1 of 3 385 That the value of the real property was valued at the time of the Decedent's death at $25,000. That no application for Personal Representative or other probate proceeding has taken place or is pending in this matter. 5. The estate consists of the following real property, to-wit: Nord Searight Putnam, a/k/a Nord S. Putnam's interest in: Lots two (2) and three (3)in Block eleven (11) of the Auburn Townsite, excepting therefrom the one (1) acre tract heretofore conveyed to the United States Forest Service, to-wit: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of Lot three (3) in said Block eleven (11), and running thence East ten (10) rods; thence North sixteen (16) rods; thence West ten (10) rods; thence South sixteen (16) rods; the place of beginn ng. Nord Searight Putnam, Husband of Gayla S. Putnam, preceded Gayla S. Putnam in death. By evidence presented, his interest became hers. The Court 'finds his interest terminated at the time of his death. Applicant has given Notice of Application for Decree Establishing Right and Title to Property as required by statute. Affidavit of Publication by Dan Dockstader, Publisher, on June 5, 2003, and June 12, 2003, in the Star Valley Independent, a newspaper of general circulation in said county is on file and attached herein as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereofi Each heir was timely sent notice of this pending action on the 30th day of May, 2003. DECREE AND JUDGMENT Nord Searight Putnam, Probate No. 4242 Page 2 of 3 386 No objections are on file and no interested persons have appeared to show cause or object to granting of this application. The Court, having examined the proofs and evidence, considered the matter and finds that allegations of the application are true; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that Nord Searight Putnam, a/k/a Nord S. Putnam died intestate on May 12, 1997, and Gayla S. Putnam, Lynette McConkie, Nordell Putnam. and Dennis Putnam are his heirs. Gayla S. Putnam, is the Fee Simple owner of the f~llowing described real property, to-wit: Lots two (2) and three (3) in Block eleven (11) of the Auburn Townsite, excepting therefrom the one (1) acre tract heretofore conveyed to the United States Forest Service, to-wit: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of Lot three (3) in said Block eleven (11), and running thence East ten (10) rods; thence North sisteen (16) rods; thence West ten (10) rods; thence South sixteen (16) rods; the place of beginning. DATED this~"~/day of June, 2003. ' /~ District Judge . S L. SANDERSON-"'-'- ST,",'~E OF wYoMIkG''] COUNTY OF LINd'OLNJ :.-' .SS. DECREEAND JUDGMENT I, Kenneth D. Roberts, Clerk of the Third Nord Searight Putnam, Probate No. 424~udicial District Co~hin and foresaid Page 3 of 3 county and i)~'Ee State't~ foresaid, do ! DAN DOCKSTADER~ Managing Editor of the Star VaH~y Independent, published weekJy a~ Afton, Lincoln County, 5Vyoming, do solemnly swear that the notice, a copy of which is hereto aRached, was published weePdy in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for TCc¢© consecutive issues, commencing with the issue date ,-~C!Y] ~., _~ 2003, and ending with issue dated L-~( ) I%~ [ ~ 2003. Subscribed and sworn in before me this . _ ~2~vL 4~2~ 2003. My commission expires October, 15, 2003 day of Notary Public 387 ,. OF ~HE THIRD C';¢r~ S:. :De~r~e to' decia~:)':her:, · Fordgt.'Se~ice, to-Mt: BEGIN:: NING: at. the Southwest eleven(il), and running, thence East;,ten (10)]roda; N0r~h .:~i¢[ee~:](::i6) rods;' th~h~g West: ten (i0) rods; theh.ce south ·.Sixteen (16)r0ds; place '.: . ' ' e C[ionS, J i{ 'th~;e':, be, mus~ be filed Mth the aforesaid Court 09 iater.·than June 13, 2003, or be forever barred.: . · DATED ·this 2nd day o.f June, 2003. s/s ~NNETH D. ROBERT8 Clerk of Lincoln Coun[y District Co~t Publish dune5 & 12, 2003.