HomeMy WebLinkAbout891179RLC.~:IvEu BOOK O~,~;.bPRPAGE , .q ]_ W~rrqa~y)Dqeed L & V Investments Limited Partnership a Utah Limited Partnership Grantor, for and in consideration of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other Good and Valuable Considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO: Redd Brothers, L.C. a Utah Limited Liability Company Grantee, whose mailing address is 2772 H Avenue, Ogden, UT 84401, the following described real estate situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all ri0hts under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State to-wit: "see attached Exhibit "A" Subject to any easements, reservations, restrictions or right-of-ways of record, of sight or in use. WITNESS my hand this -O-~''-r''~ day of 2003. Lance H. Redd General Partner State of Utah ) ) SS. County of ~ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Lance H. Redd, General Partner of L & V  stments Limited Partnership, a Utah Limited Partnership, this ~ day of ~ ~ , 2OO3. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: A portion of the Haderlie property referred to in Instnm~_nt No. 394942, recorded in Book 74PIL onPage 146, within tM N1/2N1/2 of Section 9'Lot 6 and the S1/2SE1/4 of Section 4, T34N, R119W, of the 6th. P~M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the boundary mad area being more parfie,larly described as follows: / BEG.INNING at the B.L.M. typ~ 'Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker (PE/LS 698) 2000 location for the Northwest Cornea- of said Lot 6 (Ida-S4 LS/L'6C. C-); thence Sg9°26'08"E, along the North line of'sald Lot 6 and said S 1/2SE1/~',:':~952.03 feet to a point in the Center llne of a 836.00 foot Curve to tl~ Right in tl~ Tlmyr~ - Freedom County Road 12-125 Right of Way Center Line, aid point being 259.80 feet N89°23'05"W from the B.L.M. type. MonUment set marking tl~ Marlowe A. Sehcrbel (PLS 5368) 2000 location for the Northeast corner of Said sE1/4SE1/4 of Section 4 (S1/16 S4-S3); ttumce Southerly, along said Center Lirm the following: So~ly, along said 836.00 'foot Radius Curve to the Right, through a central angle of 17°55'02'', an am distance .of26!.43'f.eet, S12Ol 1'39"E 199.86 feet, Southeasterly, along a 325.00 foot Radius Curve to the Right, through a central angl~ of 20°56'48'', an are dis~.of 118.82' feet, S8°45'09-W 195.77 feet, Southwesterly, along a 355.00 f~ot llnrlius Curve to the'LefL through 'a central angle of 6.°28'26'', anam distance of40.11 feet, S2°16'42"W 270.44 feet, Soulhwesterly, along a 268.00 foot Radius Curve to tho Right, through central angle of 21°06'47,, an arc distance of 98.76 feet, S23~2Y30"W 178.18 feet to point in the Dividing line between Said Section 4 and mid Section 9, said point being 243.29 feet N89~23'54"W, along said Dividing line, from.the B.L~".~.. type Monun~nt found marking tim Charles V. King PF_JLS 590, location for tl~ S5utheast comer of said Section 4 (S4.S3 /S9-S10), continuing.S23°2Y30"W 100.31 feet and Southwesterly, along a 275.00 foot ILadius Curve to the Left, through a cmffal angl~ of 4°36'43'', an are distance of 22.14 feet; themce N89°23'54"W 2922.29 feet to a point in the dividing line between Idaho and said Section 9; thence N0°57'04"E, along said dividing line, 113.21 feet to the B.L.M. type Monument marking the Paul N. Scherbel, .~80 location for Common Closing COmer between Idaho, raid Section 4 and said SeCtion 9 (Idaho- S4/S9CC); thence N0°34'54"E, along tho West line ofrmid Lot 6, 1317.17 feet, to the Point ofBeglnnlng,.