HomeMy WebLinkAbout878100 8 7 8 1 0 WARRAN~Y,,D~E.D . ,.., :..:, ., Alta F. Hillstead aka Alta Fanny Hillstead, a single woman, grantor, of Fairview, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00), ':and other valuable considerations, in hand paid, receipt whereof is 'hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS and WARRANTS to-Rick H. Hillstead .and RoSa Ycela Hillstead, husband and wife, as tenants by.-the entireties, grantees, of Fairview, Lincoln County, Wyoming (mailing address: 5996 Bitter Creek County Road No. 140, Afton, WY 83110), the following described real' estate, situate in Lincoln County, and State ~pf Wyoming, hereby r~leasing and waiving all rights under and by vi~ue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: ~ All lands described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a pa~ hereof. : WITNESS my hand as of ~his 17th day of December, 2001. Alta F. Hillstead '~ STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by Alta F. Hillstead aka Alta Fanny Hillstead, a single woman, this/~ day of ~~4J ., 200~. Witness my hand and official seal. ~ '~~ My commission expires: February 26, 2004. Tract No. 1: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the NE¼ and 'running thence South 40 rods, thence East 96 rods, thence North 40 rods, ~hence ~est 96 rods to ~he place of beg~nnlng, containing Z4 acres of land, more or less, and ALSO Beginning at a point 40 rods South of the Northwest Corner of the NE~ and running thence East 104 rods, thence South 39 rods, thence west 85-5/6 rods, thence North 13 rods, . thence West 18-1/6 rods, thence North g6 rods to the point of beginning; and ALSO, Beginning at a point which is 18~1/6 1 rods East from the Southwest Corner of the NW~NE% and funding thence East 81~ rods, thence North 1 rod, thence West 81~ rods, thence South 1 rod to the point of beginning, containing in all 48.83 acres, a.ll in Sectiond0, T 31 N, R 119 W of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, and EXCEPT~G and RESERV~G THEREFROM the following tract of land:. Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the NE~ and running thence South 39 rods, 15 feet, thence East 584.11 feet, thence North 39 rods, 15 feet, thence West 584. 11 feet to the point of beginning and also EXCEPT~G and RESERV~G THEREFROM a tract of land heretofore deeded by the grantors herein to ROYCE H. HOOPES and PAULA DESPAIN NOOPES, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common with full rights of survivorship, more particularly described ~1 1 as follows: A tract of land l~ng in the NWTNE~ of Section 10, T 31 N, R 119 W of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, and more particu- larly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is North 890Z7' East, Z560.0 feet, and South 0~02' West, 654.0 feet from a granite rock marking the Northwest Corner of said Section 10 and proceeding thence'South89°Z0' East, 151.95 feet, thence South Z03.0 feet, thence North 89"Z0' ~est, 15Z. 30 feet, thence North 0~0g' East, Z03.0 feet to the point of beginning. Tract No. Z: 1 1 ~iSE7 of Section 15, T 31 N, R 119 W, 6thP. M. ~oming, c. ontaining 80 acres of land, more or less, and ALSO Commencing at a ~oint which is the Southwest Corner of the SE~NE~, Section 15, T 31 N, R 119 W of the 6th P.M., Wyo~ng, and running thence East 33 rods, 4 feet, thence in a Northeasterl~d{recti°n 17 rods, 6 feet, to a poin~ 1 rod South from the Southwest Corner of the corral of-Esse Harmon, thence East approxlm~tely 11 rods, 13~ feet to the West side of the CounW road, thence Northerl~along the West Side of the County road 1 rod, thence West approximately 11 rods, ~?:. :'. ., 700 13½ feet, thence Southwesterly 17 rods, 6 feet, thence West...~ 33 rods, to the division line between the SE¼NE¼ and SW¼NE¼ of said Section, thence South 1 rod to the point of beginning, said described land being a lane 1 rod wide extending from the 1 1 County Road to the Northeast Corner of the W¥SEi of said Section 15; and ALSO W 1 cE 1 ~E 1 · The ~ g,, ¥ of Section 10, T 31 N, iR 119 W, 6th Wyoming, containing 20 acres of land; more or less; and A'LSO Commencing at a point which is the Center of Section 10, T 31 N, R 119 W of the 6th P.M., wyoming, and running thence Ease 82 rods, thence South 1 rod, thence West, 8.2 rods, thence North'l rod go the point of beginning, and ALSO Tract No. 3: An undivided one-half (½) interest in and to the following described tract of land: , 1 1 A portion of the SE~SE¥ o£ Section 3, T 31 N, IR 119 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, more particularly described as fotlows: 1 1 Beginning at the Northeast Corner of said SENSE7 of Section 3, T 31 N, R 119 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence West, along the North boundary line of said SE~-SE~, 20 rods, thence South, on a line parallel to the East boundary line of said SEgSEy, 80 rods, more or less to the South boundary line of said SEySE~, thence East, along said ~outh boundary line, Z0 rods, more or less, .to the Southeast Corner of said 1 i , SE~-SE¥, thence North,- along said East boundary line 80 rods more or less, to the point of beginning, consisting of 10 acres, more or les's. EXCEPTING and RESERVING THEREFROM · unto the grantors herein, the following described tract of land: 1 Beginning at the Southeast Corner of said SE~SE~-, Section 3, T 31 N, iR 119 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence 1 1 North, along the East boundary line of said SEyS~, 150 feet, thence West, on a line parallel to the South boundary line 1 1 said SE¥SE7, 200 feet, thence South, on a line parallel to said East boundar~r line, 150 feet, more or less, to the South boundary' line of said SEySE-~, thence East, along .said South boundary line, 200 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING and RESERVING from all of the above-described tracts of land unto the Grantors herein a one-half (½) interest in all oil, gas, and other mineral rights. All of the above-described lands to include water rights associated therewith and improvements located thereon, and to be subject, to all existing reservations, easements, and ~ri~hts of way of sight or record.