HomeMy WebLinkAbout891231Remm To: wZLL~ ~J~,~,gO ~CIl,t~ MORTGAGE. I~C, 3601 ~II~SOTA DR. SUITE 200 BLOOmiNgTOn, ~ P/cparc~ By: W~T,'[,S FAR(tO ~{ON~ I~ORT(~A(]I], IHC, 891231 RECEIVED :LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK Or,.., ~t;, PR PAGE 1919 DOUOLAg,, OMAtiA. ~ 601010000 MORTGAGE DEFINITIONS W,'.ds used in m:uldpl: ~ocuons ct lilt5 documem zre ~d ~low ~ml ,,h~r w.,ds ~ d~ncd ~ Section~ '3, il, 13, 18, 20 ~ 21. Ce.~in ntlc~ mg~ding ~c u6agc of words u~d ~ ~is do~ment ~e t~ provid~ in Se,;4,,,, 16. toge~er wl~h ~1 ~d~ m Ih{a ,h~cuiu~%L Burruwcr is t4c raonsazor undcr thi.~ .Security Instrument. (C) "Lender"is w-~L~.R .)'ARGO ]i014~ I,IO~TGAGtl, Il-lC. I k.dcr b a CORPORATIO!'I organized and exist~l~ under the laws of l'HI= I]TAi'~ OF CALIFOI~IIA 00256?110d wyr)MlmC,;.Single Farrllly-Fannle Mao/F, add;e Mac UNIi'onM IN6TRUM~I'IT Fo~m 3051 92_, 9Cg ~DP PJH_-IF'I c~c~ ..-c~? · ~ ~J4 Gl3: 9 I FJDD~ 9F_. t"4FIl~ 4B3 Lcnd~r'~addrer~i~ P-o. Bo~ 10~0,t, DES l~.0Ilg~$, IA 503060~0'i Lender is thc mortffa~: undor u~i~ Secumty lru~rurr~nI. (D) "Note" me~ns the pmm~sn~ note ~i~ by ~aowcr ~d dat~ ~ 27, 2 o o ~ ~c Nme ~ta~cs ~at Bo=owcr ow~ ~de~o ~t~u~n ~ FI~ ~0~ ~ 00/100 Dolt~; (~,~. ~ *-'-225, oo0. o0 ) plu~ inmre~t, ffo~ower h~ pr~;e4 to p~y ~hi~ dcht iLS tC~ P:rio~c ~) "~peny" nicm~s ~c p,~pcny :~at is dc~cfibcd bctow ~aor me needing 'Tr~;fer of Righ,~ (~ "Loon" ~ ~e debt evldenc~ by d,c Note, plus intreat. ~y prcpavmmt ch~go~ ~d late a,e und~ ~c Nutc. ~d dl sum) duc under this Sc~rity ln~mmem, ptus tntereit (G) "~d~s" mc~a ~l Rmere to ~is Se~rhy Iu,m~m~ t}i~t ~e ~x~t~ by Do~owcr. ~e ibtlowmg Ride~ ~e to be execmcd hy Bu,owcr Ich,ok box ~ applicable]: ~ Adjustzble Rate Rldtx ~ C,,dmniaium Rid~ ~ S~ond ~o~ Rider ~ B~loon Rider ~ Pl~ed Umt ~e.,~opmmt Rloer ~ I~ F~,,dl~ Ridc~ ~ VA Rl~ ~ Biweekly P~y,~l Rid~ ~ Oth~(a) t'/d) "Applicable Law" m~a,Lx all coauolling applicablc fcdcrat, g]ato ~nd local statutes, regulations, (.,nlina.c~'; and admiui~tr~vc rulc~ ~d order, (~a{ have the effect of law) as well a.~ ail applicubl~' 1~~,1, nan-appcahbic {udict~ opinion. (B "~ily As~oclaIi~ B,~, F~, and A~ts~t mc~o ~1 dues, fe~, ~se~g~:l ~d mher ch~rg¢-~ Ihat a,'c hnpo~ on Borrower or ~e ~openy ~y a cond~nium asmc~acinn. association or siml~ org~iz~ion. (~ "El~c ~d~ Tra,,~fc," mc~ ~V tr~af~ of ~nds, oth~ th~ a tr~s~ti~ originate0 by d,~k. draft, or simil~ pap~ ~ns~ut, whi~ is im[iatefi ~rough an elec~ranic wined, tclc~ha~c inatm~t, computer, or m~ic tape so ~s m m,le~, instruct. ~ au~odzc s fin~ innitution m debit or credit an ar.~:mmt. Soch ~cml include, but is got {i~ IO, poinbol-iate ~rm;fc~, anram[~ teller n~hiae tr~s~tions, tr~fer~ initiated by {ele~o~, ~lre rrnn~f~s, mtd auton~tcd c[~i~housc ~) "~fiscdhnm~ ~oc~" me~s ~y compe~ation, mn}~. awed of dm~ugcs, or pro~cds phd by ~y ~rd pray (o~her ~ban In~nr~cc prucccd~ paid m~dcr ~c covcragm dc~cribe~ la Section 5) for: (il dm.ag~ m, ~ dc~tmcdon of. the Property; (ii) con,marion or o~er ta~tr, gaf ~1 ur mt~ ~[ of thc ~o~Yi (iii) conveymce m hen of co~enmafion: ar (iv) ~rcpl~catafioas ~. or ~a~iona ~ m. v~ue md/or ~n0~don of the Prup~ty. (~ "M~gag~ ~ncc' me~ ingrate protecting Lend~ agatn~ the nnnpaymait of. or d~ault ~. ~e ~. ~ "Fe~ndlc ~ym~t" m,~l~ hc ~cgul~l~ ~ul~ ~t due :or (il princip~ ~ lnt~e~ under Note, plus (ii) ~Y ~munt~ under Secu~ 3 of ~is ~cud~ (O) "~YA" ~ the g~al B~a[e Sc~ticmcm p~ur,~ Act ([2 U.S.C. ~6on 2601 et ~q.) md lmplem~ring rcg~atiuu. Rcgula~on X (~ C.F.R. Pm 35~), ~ ~ey m~t be mend~ ~t,m Hmo thl~. or ~y additiong or ~ucce~or legi,l~kon or ~latk~ ~at gov~s d,c ~ne su~ matter. As uscd ~ ~i~ S~tty l~t~nt, "RFSPA' rcf~ to ~ i~uifcn:nB ~d ~ctiona ~ut ~e impose~ in rcg~d to a "federally.related ,~z~agc to~~ cvca if ~c ~ d~ not qu~i~ ~ a "fe~er~ly relar~ lure" raider R~PA. Form 3051 l/fl1 (I:9 "$ueeec~or in Inl~r~t of Borrower" raca.:~ any party that h~. takcn title to the Property, whe',b, er or ool that party hw,~ a,-.~mncd Dorrowcr'3 obligationa under the Note ;n4lor lhl~ Security Imam.hoot. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY 'Ibis 5ccurit), In;trument securm I. T~:u&-t': Ii) thc r~ayrrmnt of ~; ~=, ~d ~1 r~eW~S, extensl~ mM mudifica~io~ of ~c No~c; ~ (ii) ~ pcrto~ of B~wer'~ r~v~nu~ m~d ~g~cn~ ua~r ~i~ Security ~otmmt ~d ~e Nom. p,.~r dfia l:mPosc, Bottler doca ~crcby ~ongage, gr~t ~d ~nvey to ~der :~ntl r~.dec'~ ~ccc~ora md a~i~a, wi~ power of s~e, ~e follow~g d~:6b~l t.-l,e~ty l~atcd {T.v~ vf Rc~d~ Jud~lc~io~l [Nanw of ~ ~n~mg Jun,~k~onl LO~ ~2 RI~gVI~ ~ow8 ~DTTION TO THE IO~{ OF ~PI~, LINCOL~ CO~, ~O~NE AS DESCRIBZD 0~ T~ OFPICI~ ?~T T~REOF *SK~ ADJ~-qTA~L] 1ZATE RIDER THI~ Ig A pI/RC~IASE MON'Ie, Y SZCITRII'Y I~ISTR~}fE1TT. T~T( STAT~ld~ISF/S ~qHOULD D~ ~BI~T T0~ WELLg FAJ[~O }{O~fE I~ORTC-A(;E. INC., ~.0. BOX 1030%, D~-~ MOII~E~, I~ 50308~,a P~, cee ID Number: ~.,hich cu~rc~fly ha~ thc addrcsa of 370 RI~Kv~xW DRT~ ~PI~ [C~] , Wyo~B~ 83118 IZip Code] TOGETHER WITH al~ thc impro~enr~ now or herea~er ~ecr~ ~ ,h< pml,ecty, ~d c~emcnt$, appu~mce,, ~d fixmre~ now or b~afi~ ~ Fa~t of ~c prop~. All r~l~.em~t~ ~d addifio~ ;n~l ~o be ~'~r~ by riffs S<m~tY Instm~t. All of lbo [omgom$ ~* refe~ed to l.n 5~u,ity Iaatmmmt ~ ¢c "Prop~y." BORROWER COV~ANTS ~at Bo~/~rr ;~ lawfally ~$cd of ~c c~tatc b~eby ~nveytd ~ has ~e right to ~.g~5~. g,~m( ~d convey ~c Propcgy ~d ~at ~a ~ope~y x~ unem~b~, exnepr for encumbr~ of rc~ord. Bo~w~ wa~B ~d ~1 defe~ ge~ll~ d,e [itle m ~ ~peny agMmt clam =d a~ds, :ubjec~ to ~y ~,:,,,,,h,~,,c~ of ~IS S~CIIRITY INSTRUMENT mmbines unifo~ ~vm~u for natioa~ use and covm~t~ ~ liafitcd v~iationc by jufifidiction to conmm~c a ..ir,,m ,~ccuri~ ~tmmcm ~v~ng U~PORM COVENA~S. Bo~wcr md ~d~ cayenne ~d agr~ ~ follow~: 1. P~ent of ~neipal~ ~t~t~ E~crow Ite~, ~e~ymrnt Clmrgo. aud ~tt Char~. Bonewer ~hMl pay when d,~ ~e pmcSp~ .r. ~nd hncr~r on. ~c dcbr cvidmc~ by ~e NOte md my pr~ ~gc~ ,,~,l late ~gca due ~d~ thc Note. Bo~ow~ ~h~l ~o pay ~x for p.~,~,,w ltern~ l,.rm~t to S<tion J. Paymenra due ~der ~e Note ~d ~ S~:urhy h,~t~mncnr ~h~l be ~c M U.S. c~e~)'. Howex,¢r. if ~y ~<k or other insmm,e:~t r~.civ~ by ~dcr ~ pavm~t under ~e Note or ~ClC:J ) el) C4C': T ~ ~Cg ZOP [,JHJFI ~J GO:91 485 flu~ u~er ~h~ Nme ~d flfi~ S~rity Instant b~ m~de in one or ~re of ~he l'Ollowmg fo~. ~cl~t~ by ~nder: (a) c~h; (b) ~ order; (n) mnlfi~ c~k, b~ d'~k. trt~'~ check or casper's c~eck, pru*ided a~ ~h ckeck [~ dra~'n upon ~ ~0tim~ion whoie a~oiits ar~. Inq~r~ By a f~crd agca~ in~t~a[Mity, or ~y; or (fl) ~lronic Funflx ~[~r. Payments ae d~ re~ived by ~[O~ ~h~ r~eivM at ~c location d~i~at~ in ~e Note or ~uch uth~/loc~fioa ~ ~Y bc dcaignated by Lea~er to accord~e w[~ ~he nofl~:n lm~Vi~iuaa ~t S~fioa 15. Lender my re~ ~y pay~ or panlal paymt if tim 9aymcnt or p~i~ paym~ta ~e mgufficiom bring ~e ~an n~ent. ~det ~y acc~c ~y p~y~ol or p~i~ paym~t i~ficl~t ~o b~g ~he tun,al, wiWout wfivcr of my nghtc humunder or prentice to h~ righm~ m ~{'use ~U~ pa~cat or p~tid paymen~ in ~e ~ture, but ~der i~ m,~ ,ddigatcd [o apply ~ p~ymc~U ut ~e ti~ ,uch pas~ent~ acceptS, If ~h P~[~ic Paint ia uppliod ~ of i[~ gchedule~ flue dam, tb~ lmul<~ nc~ not pay ~uch ~nda or rcmm acm to florrow~. If ~ applied v~rlier. ~ucl'l ~dl will bc applied ~o ~e out~ding (night have now or [n ~c ~[ure agamtt LeMer ~fll relieve Bom,w~ hum ,~ng p~mcnt~ duc uad~ thc ~ote ~0 ~is Sc~i~ Inst~ent or I)~rfin)~fing die CO~ ~d agrc~ts s~r~ by ~i~ S~rity 2, Agpli~tion o~ Pnym~ or ~. ~c.~r a~ nthe~isc dc~tib~ ia ~fi~ Section 2, pnymen~ acc~t~ md ~plie0 by 1 =.der shill ~ appLi~ in ~c followiog ord~ of priority: (a) inte~e~ due under ~t,e Note; ¢) p~cip~ duc und~ ~e Note; (c) ~o~ts due ~der Se~lnn 3. Such ,hill ~ applied to e~ Periodic Payn~t in the orde. r J~ which it bccmuC duc. Any r~ai~ ~1 be appti~ first [o late chargr& ~cond to m~ od)ct ~n~ duc under ~i~ ~nty lns~t, ~en to r~uce the principal b~cc of hc No~c. If ~cr receivog a payment lrom Bo~ower far ~ delinquent Periodic P~yment which includes a ~ufliciem ~o~t to pay any late dt~gc duc. tl~c pa)'mcnt my ~ applied to ~0 delinquent pay~nt ~he late ch~gc. If ~llOre pm one Periodic pu)'~nt is oui~t~diug, L~r may ~pp~y m~y paynim from ~owcr to ~e repay~[ of &e Pe~odtc Pay~,s ir. a~d to, &c ~t ~at. each puym~t cm bo pm~ m ~11. To th{~ exr~t [hat ~y ~ACeS~ ~ists ah~ ~c pa~ h applied to Ce ~11 ?y~m of ~e or more Periodic paynim, auch ~a~ muy be appii~ to ~y lx[e ~ges flue. V,{ltu~t~ prcp~'~nu ~hMl bc applied first to ~)' prepaym~i ch~ges ~d th~ ~x ,}e~c, ib~ in ~c Note. Any appllc~ion or 1,ay,,,e,mq. i~ur~ce proceeds, or Mi~coli~mu~ Proceeds m principal dne fl~c ~0~ ~dl nC ex~cnd or poutpono ~e due date, ~ cringe ~e ~u.m, ~,[ the Periodic p~cnts. 3. t'~O~ for gswoa' I~em. Boa ~w~ ~1,~11 pay m ~dcr on ~ day Periodic paymeuu ~e due un. Ocr ~e Noli~, umil the Note is paid in ~11, a ~um (~e "k'undC) to pro~ige for pa~m, ,~[ amt~unt~ for: ~a) ~c~ ~d as~c~mc~u ~ diner ite~ which c~ attain prh,,'i[y ov~ ~is Security Inserat li~ or ~cumbr~ce on the property; ~) lcamhold paymmta o~ gro~d ream on ~e Prope,y. if ~y; prumhi~,[~ [0r ~y ~d ~} i~ur~ requir~ Oy ~der un~ Section 5: ~nd (d) Mo~gagc Imur~ce pm~, it' ~y, or my ~ms payable by hnmm'c~ tu ~ttda iu lieU of ~c payment of Mortgage I~r~ce yr~um~ in ~ofd~ with thc provbi~* of ~tion 10. 'l~ese ite~ ~e c.~l~ "~.scmw he, ~. At' originudon or at my dmo during mc t~ of ~e ~m. Lc. after may r~uhc flint Conununity Asa~ation Duo~, Pe~, ~ A~,esi~nts, if any, be ~scr~ by Borrows. md mcr dues, lees ~ses~enti {h~l be m~ F.xcmw hcm. Boffowc~ ~di promptly ~mieh to Leu~r ~ ~tices or ~mmmcq m . bg paid and~ ~is Section. Bo~ower ~hfll pay ~der ~e ~di for Escrow li~ ~u~ ~ndcr Bo~ow~'0 obligation to pay ~e ~d{ for any ~r all Escrow ICc[re. ~dcr may wfivc Bo~w~'~ obligation to pay to Lender F,,,,ttq for ~y or ~[ E~row I~ m my t~. Any m~ w~v~ may o~ly he ~ ~6ti~,g. In tim ~ml o~ ~uch wdv~ ~o~owet ~.hfll pay direly, when and wh~e payable, ~e r'r~ / r~? · ,4 ~. 486 ~h~l ~mt~h m ~=.dm' ~'c~cip~ cvidcnc~e ~h p~ym~t wi~ ga~ t~ ~fiod a~ l~ader may require. Bonewcr's obligation to ~e such pa~ts ~fl m provide receipt~ ~h~l fo~ ~1 ~osc~ bc dc~ be a corelli ~8 ~grne.~m com~2=d Jn ~i~ Sccnrit~ Inst~t, ~ ~e p~e "covert ~d Bo~ower 1~1~ to p~y ~e amo~} du~ fro' ~ ~c~ Item, ~ndcr ~y exerci~* i~ n~t8 ~der ~tlon 9 m~d pay ~uch ~t ~d Bo~ow~ ~h~l ~en be obtained B~der ~ctitm 9 to tcp~ m ~nd~ my auch mo~t. Lender may revore ~he waiver ~ cu ~/y ol dl Eoc~w hcnm a~ ~y ~i~ ~7 a noti~ given acc. rdanm wiflt'3~utio~t 15 ~d, upon ~ch rev~ation, Bonower sh~l pay m ~nd~ all F..ds, such ~x~nt~, fiat ~e ~ r~aired ~der thi; Section 3. ~der my. ~ ~Y trine, s:.llmt ~d bold Funds in m ~t {a) ~ulhmont to pem~ Leaner to ~ply ~c ~ul~d~ ~t dxc time spccifi~ u~der R~SPA, ~ (b) not to ~c~ th~ m~xi..um ml~o~t a Imd~r c~ mquire under RgSPA. Leaner shill esfim~le tl.e elint of F~nds duc on ~e b~[~ ot' e~ent data re~oaable f:sl~m~tca o[ ~p~dit~rcs of ~cum E~row lt~ or o~e In acccrd~m:e wilh Al)lflicablc Ibc Fun~ sh~l ~ held in mx in~filution who,c d~o6it~ ~e inmred by a federfl i.st~ ument~ity, or cnfity (including ~n~er, if Len~ ti ~ ggtll~fion a, ht~xe deposits ~c ~ imurcd) or mV F~ Ho~ Lo~ B~. ~der shall at,ply rte Fund* to pay ~c ~cmw 1~ no later ~ ~e t~me spect~ed unO~:r RESPA. ~dcr sh~l not charge ~ow~ [or holding ~d applying me ~mdx. ~u~ly ~l~y~ig thc coctow ~ount, or ver~¢m8 Ce Escrow l~em~. ]tnl~x ~udc/pay~ Borrower ~l~c~t on F~dg ~d Applic~le Law ~h~ Ir.der to m~c ~uch a ~gc. Unle~ ~ ~greemem ~; ~dein writing or Appti '.a~e I,~w requires interest to be paid on ihe ~n~. ~der sh~l not be reqnlred m pay ~y intcrca or c~ings on ~e ~ands. B~ro~'er gna Iender ~n agzm iii wl'iting, how~cr, &at iatcrem ~h~l be p~ on ~e FunOs. lend~ shall give to Bonoa'cr, wi~out ~hzge, m ~u~ accomtin8 Pun0~ ~ re~nir~ by R~SPA. If ~c ia o m~lug o[ ~unds held in escrnw, ax defined midol' gESPA. ~dcr ~fll ~cco~t ~o Bo~ower lot ~e excess ~mflx in ac~rd'~ wl~ RESPA. I[ ~mc i~ a ,honago of Fund; held m e;crow, as ~Je~ned under RESPA. ~ad~ ,hill notify Bomowm ~ reRuired by ~5PA. ~ Bom,~'=~ 3hall pay to Lo~d~ ~e ~t nc~as~ to rage up ~e ~on-age in a~u~r l~,~ce wi~ R~PA. but ~ no ~re ~ 12 mon~ly payments. If there i~ a dcfici~ucy of Funds held in escrow, m del~ed under ~SPA, L~er ~1 nml~ Bvr~wc~ ~ r~uir~ by RESPA, ~d Bonower ~fli pay to Lender the z,,~,.,s .~css~ to up ¢c deficient)' ia ~or6~e ~,~i~ RESPA. but [- ~,~ re. se thai 12 n~n~ly payments. Upon payment in fi.il .f gl ~ secured by ~i~ Secufi~ in~, Lend~ ih~[ prompdy to Boitow~ ~y Funda held by 4. Char~; Li~s. Bo~ow~r ~t pay ~1 t~es, a~s~ss,,,~.m, cl3~gcs. ~ne$, ~d i~o~ition~ attributable to ~e Pro~y wh~h ,:~n atcai, priori~ o~cr ~is Sccurity )ng~ont, leopold pay~t~ or ground ren~ .. the Prop~y, ii ~Y. ~d Cockily A~ociation D~*, Feea. ~ Assmx.~,~q, if ~y. To ~c ;x[~t ~m ~c [t~ ~e B~cmw ltem~. Bo~er s~a]l pay them in ~c ~ provid~ ~ g~don 3. Bo~)wct shall promptly disch~gc ~Y lien which h~ priority over ~is 5~:s,fi~y h[stmm~t Bonowcr: (a) agree~ in wntiog to ~e pa~ent of ~v obligath,, s~u~cd by ~c lien in a ~ not.table to ~nder, but ~ly ~o ting as ~.ri.wcf is ~[o~ ~uch agrccment; (b) co~tests ~e tim in 8ood faith by, or (lc~em[x aghast mfo~cnt of ~e lira in. leg~ proceedings ~hich in ~ end~'x opinion prove.at thc cmt'omement of ae lien while ~ose pn~t~mtl.g~ at'c pmding, but oily ~ti[ ~u~ proofings ~ conclude; or (c) sec.~ fi.m ~hc hoid~ ~f ~c li~ ~ s~em oa6[f~o~ m Lender ~e limn m this Security ~mt. If ~nder d~c~ae* mt my pm of ~he ProPerty is subj~t wh~ cm atria priority over ~g Security In~wm~, Iznd~ my ~ve Bo~row~ & notice i&nti~ing Form 3061 1101 487 licn. Within lO 0.:~y~ of the clare on whh:h ti,al aoticc i~ ii, yen. Borrower shall ~at{~5.7 the liea or ta.~ one or more of the aL'-liml~ ~el forth abo¥c in ihS.~ Secdon 4. l.,cndcr rrmy r,~quiro Borrower to pay a one-time chin-ge fu[ a vzal caa~e ~mx vcrificarion and/or ropoaing s¢~ice u~ed by I ,riMer h'~ conn¢ctio~ wi~h chis Lo~m. 5. Propcrty ~,mcc. Borrowm' ~hall keep the improvements now cxi~tiitl or hrrcaftcr crcctcd on the Propeay imured against ln~x by fire. ha~adi includcd within thc tc-rra 'e×t~ndecl coven~e,' a.na any olhk'r h~iird~ iilcluding, bill not lirmmct to, ,;~-tb. qualce~ anQ flooos, for whit:h Lcndcl ir_.qui~'c~ ir~mcc. T~i~ insura/lce ~11~11 l)e mliirllRin*dl tn £hr B_rllOtlll[~; (including deductible lcvel~) nnd Io[ the periods that Lender requires. What L~ndcr rcquires pursuant to th~ pr,.~cdmg sentences can ~angc dudng the tc~'m of rigtll ro clisapprove Bortowr,"~ choke. '~'hich righ~ ~hnll not bo oa-rciscd unreasonably. ]~ndrtt require Buifowcr to pay, in corm~cnon with thii Loan. either: (~) a .ue-fiam ch~rl:¢ for flood zone determination, c~mficadon and trac.!dng ar, ~ita~: ot (b) a o,~c-timc chgge toe llooQ zon~ anal cerQflc~fi~m sm .icc-~ and =ub~¢quc~t ehurg~ each tim~ remapptngg or similar d~auge~ oc;.ur which fz~oai~bly might atlcct ~ctx aeterminsdon or cenifi~:~,l,,. Borrower shall al~o bc re~oncibl~ for the payment o[ my ree~ imposed by thc Federal Enm-rgc~c¥ Managornent Agency in ¢ormecti,3n ~lrh revi~' ,.,r a,l flood zone dctcrruination r~.,.~ltmg from an obJecqion by B~ If Borrower lml~ to maintain an), of Ibc c, vragcs do~cribc, d abovc, 1.2:nch~r may obta3-.I1 m~;urance covera~e, at Lender'x ,ptlon ~d Borrowcr"~ expenr~. Lencle=' i~ urtaer no obligadnn m purch~= p,r*}cul~ typ~ or amoun~ of covarage. ;lhcre~ote, ~uch coYemge ~hall cuvgr I.~adcr. but mt.iht or ngght not protect Borroweri Borrowe.r'~ ~.qully i,~ thc Prcrpcr~y. or thc ¢~merm; of th~ Property: =gains't any haz~0, ol liabilhy and might provide greuter or lo~er coverage than was prevlnu.tly in effect. acknowl=dtrc~ r. Mt the cor. t of the insurance covc~'-og~ m nhtaincd might lignifioand¥ excccd the co~t o! in~uronce tMt Borrower cmilCl have nhufincd. Auf ~,nount~ disbursed by Lender un~l~r thii Set'don ~ become ~tttdnn~ debt u£ Borrower ,ecurcd by chis Security Instruu~.nt. The~e tmut,,..~ ahall bear intcr=a · t th~ Note r~ttc from tM da~e of dilbur~enmm ~n~ ,~hall b~ 9~abl=. with such intcrcit, upon nor. ice t-rom l.~mder w Bon-ower requesd ng paymmm All Inar~cc policks ~cq~ircd by I.,cndm' md renewal~ of such policiei ~;hMI bc ~flbjc'c! to Lender's figlit ~o db~.ppmv¢ ~uch polt¢~, r,&all include a sla:odard ,nr)ag~gc ¢lttu~¢. and sh~ll n~e l_.eoder as mortgagee ar, d/or as ~n addifion',d lo~, payee. Lender ~all have the right ~o hold the policies and Cenlflcate,~. If Lo. icier rcquir¢~, Borrower ~'hall promptly five to Lender all rr~ccipL,~ of paid premiums ired fcncw,fl notico~. If Borrower obtaing any form of Jnxme, uce c.~¥cra, gc. not o~ca-wbe reqtur~a ~y Lender, for ciamage to, or desm,;fi,, of. Oac Propeay. such policy ~hall include a ~tancls.rd mortg;~ge clause shall tt~ne Lender a: mortgagee ~md/or a~ ~n additional logg In the ~,ent of los~, Borro~.'er ~h~ll ii. Dc prompt aolicc to the insurnnco =a.qi~r and Lenaer. Lender may m~e prone .f los~ if not rmidc promptly by Borrower. Unlt~ Lender ~.d ~.rn,wet' othc-rwi~c ~.grcc iii writing. ~ny imutam:e proceedg, W~e~er or no, ~h= m.lc~lj, ing in~ranC~ was r~quirc,:l by L~der, ~hall be applied to re~xorad, o- or rq~al,' of thc P'ropcrty, if thc rcato~'ntion or zepmr is ec. onomically feasible and L~nder'~ ~:., it7 b not le.~cncd. During =uch repair and re~orad, on p~5o, I. l~t,de~ shall have thc righ~ to hold ~uch in=ufo, nee proeee~ until Lender h~s had att ,,pponunity to in,pc, ct ~uCk Property to emote me work ha~ been completed ,, l.efldcl'$ ...atbfar'Qon, provided that ~;uch inspection shall be promptly. 1 t. mle,' ma), disburse proceed= for the repmrs and rertoralion in a ~inglc pa~meitt or in ~ ~cric~ of prol~'¢~ payrm.'nt~ m~ the work is comple~e~. U,,lr.~ a, agrccrncm i~ rnadc in writin~ or Applicable Law require~ inter~zt to be paid on x,ch insurance procccch. Lend~ r.,hall not be required to pay Borrnwer any imerest or r~,r-inli;S on ~uch procccdo. Fee~ Iht pubbc adju~erL or other third p~,tir,L ttv~incd by Bcn~owcr shall not bo paia out of the msttravrm proceeds and sh'~l bc thc aolc obligation of Borrower. the rzaoration or re?air i~ not econ. omicaJly fea4bl¢ or lender'= r, ecurity would be lessenS, me in.sunm~.c proc'er*ls sh~.ll bc appligd to ~ atun~ ~'ured by this Securi~ Irn'qmment, whc0m o~ not thrn duc, with 9~ NFtf' 488 the ex,:=~, ~[ any, p~d to Borrowe~. Such ~rmurance proceed; ~l ~ '~l,pE~ hi fl:c or&r provid~ for m c1~ ~d roland m3tte~. If Bo~ow~ d~e~ m,t ,~o~ wi~m 00 daY~ to a no6~ from ~der ~ ~e ~;ur~e c~rr h~ uffct'cd to ~¢ttlc a cl~m, ~en ~der ~y nego~ate ~fl selrl~ ~ claim. ~c 30-fl~ ~i~ will bcg~ when me nod~ ii given, la ~mc, event, or if ~nd~ acquirc~ ~e Prope~ Se~ioa 22 or o~herwi~c, Bo~ower hereby a0~icm Io ~nder (a) ~o~ower's dg~r~ m any pn,~ed~ in m ~o~t not to ~ce~ ~e ~mo~t; ~p~d un,er ~he Nut~ or ~i~ ~curi~ ~st~nt, md (b) my o~ of Bo~ower's fi~s (.d,et fl~ ~; fight re ~y mhnd of uaeme~ pre~m pflfl by ~Onower) .,,1~, ~1 iasur~cc policie~ ~ve~g ~e Pro~n7. miof~ ~ suc~ rtghm are appg~ble to Propocy. Lea~er may us~ ~e Iox~rance pru~ ei0~cr re r~ir or ~storc ~e Property or coverage of Ce . · re pay ~mrs unp~kl raider ~; Note or Ibis Seedily Im~t, wh~er or riel then flue 6. Occupant. gogow~ sh~I occupy, establish, and ~se ~c Property ~ Do.owl's ~fincipfl r~idmee within ~ day~ a~ the exccudun of fl~b ~ufity Inammcnt md gh~l continue m occupy prowrty ~ Boaow~': pfincip~ re~ideace for at [e~t one ye~ afl~ me date of o~up~Cy, m~css o~c~e a~e~* in wining, whi~ consent shill not ~ m~te~n~blr wi~cld, or u~ extenuating drc~tmces exist whi~ ~, beyond Bo~wer's ~n~ol. 7. ~afion, Ma~t,nanc~ ~d ~ot~ion ~ the ~npgty; ~Sp~fio~, Bo~owcr ~bdl not desley, dmge or in~r the Property. ~1o~ O~c Pr~e~y to deteriorate or corot w~te on ~e Prepay ~her or not Bo~ower ia rc~ding in ~e ~o~y, Boffower ~fll m~hnah~ the Propc~ in officr to pr~t ~ Prepay ~om deteriorating or ~rc~h;g in ~du* due to it~ condition. U~o~ dtt~ne~ pursu~l ~o Section 5 fltat ~c~,dr or tmmmfion i~ not ecouo~c~ly fea~ibte. Bo~ower shall promptly r~ ~'te Properly if d~g~ to avoJ~ ~ ~tertoration ~.,r ,l~.,ag*. If iarur~cc or condcnmtion proceeds ~e p~d in co~rtnn wi~ dmtmgg to. or ~c t~ing of, ~c Property, Bo~wer ghfll be re~po~ible for repairing m te~tofing the Pricey oily if ~nder h~ rde~ea proceeds .r.r ~nch pnCmes. ~a&~ [~ dbbursc prettY; tot ~e r~mrs ~d r~t~ation i.n a .~Srtglc paynmu ~ in a scric~ of progres~ payment~ ~ ~e work is completed. If Otc ittsm'~ or co~d~ation proz~ds ~o not sufficient [o r~r or remote ¢c Property. Bo~w~r is not ~li~ed el go~ower's obligation for thc c,,,nl,letiOa of suuh ~gpah or r~toration. ~der or iri agar may m~c tv~onablc cntr[co u~n ~d i~pe~tions of ~e ~ope~y. reasonable mu~z. ~adct' ~y in~ct ~c interior of Ce improx,~tl on ~e property. ~adcr ~hdl give Borrower noti~ at ~e ~me el or prior to i~ ~ in~-r i,,~pmxioo sp~i~g such re.enable cause. 8. Bo~ower'g~T,nan Application. Bo~er ~hdl be in default if. durin8 the ~ appli~iu.. proc~. BellOw'ct or ~Y ~.r3on3 or enttbOg ~ing at ;he dir~lion of B,,,mwcr or wi~ Bo~owcr's ~owlcdgc or consent ~ave nmteflflly f~se, m ~l~lh,g or in.curate infomdOa or ~tat~m to (or t~l~ {o pravi~e ~der with matcri~ infection) m con.non wl~ ~e ].~,a,,. rcpr~cata6ons include, bm ge not Izmited to, r~re~entatiom iu.mt~,fiug Botrower'~ o~up~cy of Pro~y ns gonower's pri~ctpfl 9. ~ot~tioa of L~d~'s ~t~ in the ~o~y ~fl ~8ht~ Ll~er this 5~urity ~m~t. If (a) Borr~cr falls to p~tom ~e covemt~ md agt~m~,~ c,,,,uln~ in ~i~ S~ufity I~t~em, (b) ~ere ~, a ]eg~ preceding ~at ~gh{ ~ig,,ific~ly affe~ ~nd~'s int~em m ~e Prope~y ~or fi~ th~.s ~fity lu~ttmllcnt (~h ~ ~ proceeding m ~m~, Frobare. for ,;on,l~,,,,ation or forfeiture, for eafor~ent of a lien whxch my atatn Wi~ity ,.,~ fl,is 5~utity I~t~cm or to ~{or~ lawg or tug.afloat), or (c) gonow~ b~ al,~don~ ~: ~pmy. ~ ~d~ ~)' do ~d pay for tea.tunable t~r a~opriatz to prot~ Lender'g mt~e~ m me property and riEht,s ~dcr ~i4 hm~x. includ~g pro~c~ng ~o/or ~fe*~g the v~h,e ,',f thc ~opc~>', ~d ~curing ~d/or rep~mg ~c Prope~y. Lender's ~dons on h,clude, but ~c no{ 1~[~ to: (a) VaT~g mY s~ ~r~ by a 1~, ~c.h hz~ priufiiy ~cr ~i, Scarify ln~ent; (b) appearing In ~u~: aml (.c) paying ~e~ablc Farm3~l 'ilO1 F'C~ /c47 · M £:002 92 I'.,I Fl I' irs ~cm~ po~ifion ~ a b~P~ pinching. 5~ng ~e Prop~r~ include, bu~ i~ nor [in~tcd ~om pip¢¢, eli~na~ ~uildi~g nr mh~r co~c ,,[ulatioa~ or d~gcr~a co~iti~¢, ~d have utttttte~ u~ o~ off. Al~ough ~d~ may t~:e action ~e~ rhi~ S~Liotl 9. ~gcr d~a not have to ~o ~o ~ is not ~flO~ a~llhnri~=d undcf flli~ ~c6on 9. Any ~o~z diiburi~ by l~nd~ mde~' els S~tioa 9 ~h~l becon~ ~dition~ ~br of Bo~ow~ s~arcd ~' ~ia ~urity I~~t. Thege ~nnr~ nhall boa ~ttcic~l al ~c Note rate I~om m~ date of dxsb~r~x~l an6 ~h<[ b< payable. ~'i~ au~ int~est, upon notice from ~nder h, got'mw~ pay[neat. I~ ~hia Security l~at~:=t ia on a lc~old, Boftow~ shall comply wi~ ~1 ~c proviaions of l~e. I[ Bo~owex axlui~es fcc tiflc to ~c Pio~Y, ~0 l,~old ~a ~e f~ ,hle ~h~l nm nmge anlcsa 10. Mortgage l~anc~, n k=a~, go,ewer Shall pay ~r pt'¢lO~g Icquircd to ~int~n ~ Mo~ga~e l~ur~ce in rfr~t. If. for a~ re,ion. , , · - ~dcr ~ to be available from ~e ~gag* {ILXLLI'~f tl~ equivocal to ~c coot to Bo~o,~ of ~he Mnngage In~ce ~r~iou~l~ in cff~t. Item ~ ~temate mortgage ln~r~ ~=1~ by ~ndcr. If ~ub=t~iY equiv~t Mon~gc h~aJ'~ m~cragc i~ not Available, Bonower sh~l cn~llnne co p~' tv ~l~d~ ~e ~nt of Ce 6oparately dehgnat~ p~ymn~.: Lh~t Wet; duc wh~ ~c ~aur~ce coverage ce~e~ to be in ~ffmt. Lender will ~,~t ucc ~a reran ~e ~ayments ~ a non-rcfim~lc lo~t rmcD'c in lieu of Mortgage Inmr~cr. S~ch loss rc,c~c a~l bc non-re,ridable, no~4~smding tbr tact that ~ ~ ia ultim~dY paid in mit, ~d ~ ~hall nnt bc ,~luh~ m pay Borrowc~ ~Y in[~t or eamiag~ on stroh [n~s roctv~. ~ad~ c~ no [ong~ require r~e pa~.n.rs qf Mortgag: 1L~r~Cc Covcragc (.in a~e ~o~t ~d for ~e ~o~.t iI,~t ~ndcr provided by ~ i~urer telected gy l~nder ag~n ~m~ avdl~blc, i~ chimneY, ~d Lenaer a~ar~dy d~i~at~ pa?menu towed th~ preniu~ ~r Mongagr hmm'~. If ~nd~ r~uir~ Mortgage require~m rot M,m.g~ge Insurm~ ends in acmr~ ~'i~ ~y wfiu~ agree~( bctw~ go~'~ow~ ~nd= providing lot ;~h t~na[lan ar ~ti[ tcmha~on is rcquir~ by Applicabk: Law. No,nd in ' ' a ion to ea~ integer at ~e r,m prL~vidtd tn ~c ~otc. Section 10 ~[~ Bo~wcr a oblxg t . ? 5 ..... ;-..~, ~m'ch~ ~ Not~) r,,r ce~t~ lo,~c~ '-"~"vT?- -w~- do0a not renay ~e Loan a~ a~.~eca. ~o~owcr t~ am= g~t) [ v In~r~e. Morcgag~ iu=ur~s ev~uate their ,,,ul ,i~k on W1 ~ach insurmce in force Item time to time. ~nd rorer in~o ag, crmctxta wi~ o~cr p~i~ ~t 6h~e or modi~ ~e.R rt~k. or reduce 10~$c~. ~c~c agrc~cnta ~c on te~ ~d conaitio~ that are 5atisf~tury tO thc mo~g~tc i~ur~ ma ~e o~cr party (or pmics) ~, tb~c a~eenmnt$. ~csc ~gree~nZ ~ require me ~gage im~urcr tu n~c Pa7~nta ming m~y mur~ of Nn~s ~at ~e mn~ge tnmircr n~ have avdlable (wN~ ~y mclu~ ~ds obt~d fn.t ~ Moagagc A~ a r~utt of ~e.s~ aU~mcnm. ~dcr. ~ p~c~er of ~e Note. moth~ i,~mm. ~ [cin~ur~, ~ty o&~ critiC, or my affiliate et my of thr fi~r=going. ~' ~ceivc (d~r~tly or indirectly) mo~t~ drove/~om (or ~ght tm ch~actm=d m) ~ ?omen of Bo=ow='~ p~)m~n~ [o~ Mo~g~gc hsmmce, m ~chmgc for sh~i~ or mo~'ta~ ~ mortgage ~ur~'a flak. or r~umg losses. If ~u~ agre~nent provl~s tb.a~ a, affiliate of ~adcr t~ce* a ~e el ~e ~rer's fl~k in c[dt~c f~ a 3~c o~ ~e prmfiu~ p~d to ~e minter. ~ amngemunt is uft~ mrn~d "candvc r~n~." ~u~: MoNtage ~s~ce, ~ any nther ternn ur the Lo~, fiu~ ~gr~mt8 ~511 not In~ea~e the Bo~nwer wgl owe for blo~a~c ~ce, ~d ~h~ ~1~ ~t em illr BOITOW~ {0 ~Y r~d. S 7 lq FI f' Co) AnT such agrec..mentt wtU not arb:ct the x~gb~ ~w~ baa - i[ ~y - ~th r~t lo the Mortgage lnsm'ancc ~d~ thc ~om~ors ~ot~flon AcT o[ J~ ar any oth~ l~w. ~ bi~ga~e ~r~cc~ to ~ve ~e Mortgage lns-ran~ ~tnat~ autonmiicalLy, dod/or to r~civc a re~ of any Mm'tga~ Ina~cc pr~ that w~ ua~ at the dina nr ~h ~cdlatiun or l~.nation. I1. A~~t of ~Scellan~ ~; r. rfcitme. All Mbccll~cous Procged~ ~e hareby 1I ~e Property ts d~g~,l. ~,ch Mis~ll~u~ ~ ~fll be ~p~li~ to tegtor~lon or repair ur ~e ~Y, ii ~e re~otaUon or refer b econ~,mlt:all~ re~iblc ~d L~dcr'a se~ity i~ not lo~n~. During ~.ch rep~r ~d rcatoratio~ period, L~der zh~l have ~ r~ghl to h~ld ~uch Mi~g~eoa, Pro~ unal ~d~ h~ had ~ q,p,,tu,fi~ t~ in~cct ~ch ~ove~ to ~mre ~ work h~ b~ compl~ed Lmdcr's ,ntiafachon, provided ~at mcr tnxp~dan shill be m~dert~ pr~tly. ~g~ may pay tot repairs ~d restoration in a ~glc di,bum~ or ~ a s~es of prugrm~ l,aymen~ a~ thc work b completed· U~e~s an ~greem~[[ b made in writing or Applicable ~w ~equir~ inmre,t to be paid on ~,,d, bli~II~cm~ ~. ~n6er ~nfll ~t br retluhed lo p~ Bo~ow~ ~y inler~ or e~in~s on Mi~tella,mms ~owed~. If ic re0tor~ioa or ~p~r b no! eeono~caUy fca~;hle or ~ader'~ ~rity would whirr or not then flue, wi~ ~e e~ces~, ii a,,y, pfid m Bo~'uer. ~ch Mbeegm~ proc~ds ~hall ~l,l,li~ in.&e order provided for ~ Section 2. In ~ ever of z to~ t~i~g, dc~lion, or lo,~ ~ w~ue of ~e Prope~y, ~e Pre~ed~ ~h~l be ap~l~ to ~e v).ms x~u~d by dtb 0crucify ~tm~t, whc~er or not ~ due, wi~ ~he c~uc~S, if ~Y, p~d to Bo~ower. tn ~e ~ent of a p~/al laki,g, dc~cfi~, or Io*~ in v~ue el ~e Prepay tn u~lch th~ [~ir v~Uc of ~c ~ope~y ~diately be[ore ~be l,zrdzl t~ing, dc~cdon, or lo~a in v~ue i~ equil to or grmt~ ~.l,m, thc ~o~t of ~c ~m~ secured by ~b S~urity Insm,,,,~,d inm~ialely b~orc ~c p~i~ ~mg, d~cfion, or b.~s~ h, v~luc, t~ Bonowcr ~ ~nger o~em,~se agr~ ~ w~Jng. ;he ~rcd b~ ~i~ Security I~tmm~t sh~l t,e r~u~ by ~ ~unt of ~e Misoellmeous ~oceed~ muhi.pl~l hy ~t~ following fr;6en: (a) the ~tfl ~o~t of ~he sumq ~ecmred ium~i&tcl5 before ?~i~ t~mg, de;m ert~n, or lo5~ iu ~d~ divid~ by (b) ~c ftir ~ket v~ue of ~e ~opert)' before ~c p~fl t~ag, de~tion, or lo.ss In value. A~v b~ shill bc pfid to Bo~ow~. In the even uf ~ p~i~ t~ng, dcat~cuon, or loc. e in vgue of ~e Prope~y ~r, whidt d'~e fdr m~rkct vflue of ~e P~o~y lmled[amly I~erofc ~e ~.~id ~ng, dcetm~ioa, or [os[ in v~ b less lhan Ih~ m~t of ~c ~u~ ~re~ i~a~ely befog. ~he pa,ti~ t~iag, de,traction, et lo0s in v~ue, Bonow~r mid ~dcr o~vbc a~ee in ~ti~g, ~e Miscclt~m pm,:m, ls ~h~l be ,~li~ to ¢c cecured by ~ 5e~y h~su umet;t wh~er or nm ~e ~ ~ ~ due. If ~c Prepe~' i~ ~donea uy Bo~ower, ar if. ak~ notice ~ ~ndcr to Do~ow~ ~hat Opp ~,;,~g P~Y (a~ defm~ in the next ~t~ce)o~ to n~e an award u) settle a claim ~r ~ower f~b to respond lo ~tdm within 30 day, afl~ ~hc ~e ~e notice is g~ven, ~der is to coD~t ~d apply ~e bl],ce.U~eous ProceSs either., mxmration or repair of ~c ~ove~ or m~m~ s~rcd by ~iis S~ity Instmm~t, whether or no~ ~ g~. "Op~,~ivg pmty' n~ ~e ~i~ ~ owe~ Bo~,.v~ Ml~cell~eous Pn,~a or ~c p~y agent whom go,wet hzs a right of actlo- rcg~d to Mis~gmcous ~oce~. Bo~ew~ sh~ll be in &fault if ~y ~ion or preening, w~er dvil or criminal, b bc$~ ~t. ~nderb judgm~t, could remit in f.r[eltme of ~c ~pcny or o~er ~tefi~ imprudent of i,mr~t in ~c ~o~y or d~t, un~r ¢~t, 5e~ty ~mment. Burmwc~ ~a cure ,~h ~ default ~d, accel~adon h~ Ocm~rrm], ~ciasta~e ~ provided in Smion 19, by causin[ ~ e.c¢on ~r pmc~h~g ~ bc tmp~t u[ ~nda'~ htuc~ ~ ~e ~opefly or hghu unPer ~s .S~:,69 I,.qt~t~nt. ~c pmc~ o[ -' -- ~y awed or claim for dm~gc6 d~t ~; attfibu~blc to ~e imp~mt of ~n~'~ tmere5~ J, thc ~c her,by ~oign~ ~ $h~l be p~d to All Miscellmcou~ ~oc~d~ ~t ~e not ~pli~ to resmrztkm ur fellah' ~ ~c ~0pc~y ~fl[ appli~ in Qe or~r provklnl [m in ~tion 2, r:c~..-n; 4 -~098',L&8,.'8816 Ol EIsa · Ct-' 9CG 2BP WHJffl ~d 9~ NFI£ 17.. lanrn,wcr Not Rdcasc'd; Forbcatraocc ~By Lender Not a Waiver. k:xten~ton of the ]irne p~,),ment or rnoaification of amortization u[ tl[= ~u,~ ~ccu,cd by. thi~ Security In~trumcat ~rtmt``d by to Borrower or any Successor in Interest of Borrower shall tao~ oprral: tim trina.sc dic liabili~ of B~rrowcr any Succei;or tn Interes, ~,f B,u'owcr or to rc'fu~c to c~xtcnd lime tbr payment or o~r~.'i~e rn~dthl amortization o! the turns secured by this .Seca*dry ln..,tr,,u,~ut by fc~oi'l of any demand made b',' tl',e originll Dorrowcr or any Sueces;or: tn Interest of B~rrower. Any forbraraut;r hy Lt~ticlcf in cX~rci~ing any riot or rem~y i,t:h,li,g, without limk~tion. Lcader'r. a~ptanc~ of paymer, t~ ixom third pe~oos, enmleg ar Sazo~zor; in lnterelt of l~orrower or in arnoums lc,~;i tiia~i thc amount then duc, shall not be a waiver of or l~r¢clud¢ thc cxcr=ia; of any right or tersely. 13. Jnlnt ant Se,'~a'ul Liability; Co-ai~ne-r~; Succmmr~ and Amiens ~ouna. 8orro,~er coveaanls and agrees ~at ~orrow~r's obligatton~ aaa liabUi~y ~;hzll l~e joint .and ,~:-.,'erll. [Iowcvcr. any P~orxower wi~o CO-signs thi~ $~urit), Iu~Lr~ne.m but toes not excite me Note (a "vn-aig.rr"): (a) ia co-signing thi~ Security lnsm,m~,..,ly lo mortgage, grant lind convey the co ngnct'a interest m ~e l:,ro~rcy under terrn~ ut thi; Security la~truraem: 0) i~ .t,t l,e,sonally obligat,:d to pa:~ thc ;tun~ accurst by thi~ Security Instrument: aaa (e} agree; mat Leader aaa my other B ,r~ ,~=r ca,, ago'ce to ~tcad. mod[fy, forbear or n~xt:e u.ny at:,:,,,,nodafion~ with regard to the t~rn~ of th.i~ Sectary lastrxn-nen~ or the Nora ,~l~hout the co cipher's consent. Subject lo thc provi~ions of g~ction 1~, any Succes~r irt ln~nre.~t af Bon'uwct v, hu Borro,.ver's obllgadcms under tlii= $¢curily In~trumc. m in writing, and ir, approv*d b)' L``~de'I', shall obtain ail of Borrower's ri§ht~ aaa benefits ur~der r. bis Stn.~rl;y ln,q·ru~De//t, l:lolro'wcr ~hall not bc rclct~ed h'om Bortuwe~'a obligation= and liability under th; $'ocurily Instrumenl ~.mle,:s Lend~ ;~8rr:r_.-; u~ xuch cereal= in writing. To,-~ ¢ovanants ~.nd a~ementa of thi~ Secur[ly Iaatramcnt ~ail brad (except at provt6ea in So,ion 20) ~ci benetit the ~cee~or~ and assi.g-n~ or 14. l.olm Churl:ea. L~ud~.'r ma~e charg~ Borrower tee~ ~or se. fyi. ecs Perf~rme~ In ct~rm~fiou with Borro~er'~ default, for ~h,' l,mposc of prot~'dag Lcn6cr'~ iatere~t in th~ property an~ hi}lin under this Security I~t. rumem, including, but not li~mr~ m, auorn~s' fc~.,, ptOl,x:llY inav,xtion :nd v~luation fees. 1, teg~,~ to any othcr fcc~. thc absence of expr~ au~onty in rhi; Security Io.gmlment m cheer a fee tO Borro,~er shall not 1¥' t~nst~tl ~ a prohibition ua tko ch~rgin~ of =uch t'e``, l~aacr may not cbzrge fCci that: ;re expre;.'.ly probibit~ by tht.~ Securi[y Insm mrs, ,r I,y ^ppliciblc Law. If thc Lo~ i~ ~abject to a [aw which act~ m~m;um loan rb~rges, md ~at law 1~ finally irUr~r'prr, nl t~at lac interior or o~er lo~n chargm collect~l or to be c, ol[cztcd in cormccuon with ~e Loan ey,'eeri p~mitted limits, then: (a) ,'my ~;uch loan c.barge ~all be reducr, d by fl~c ~,uouat nccc~ary to rcducc thc charg,~ ,~ d,= l,etmittcd limit; and (b} ann ~uma already ~ollec~ed lrom l:;orrower ~hich excee&'A lirmt5 will be refun6ed to Borro'.u~. lm~der nkay cho0~c to make thio rcfunfl bY reducing the principal owcA under thc Note or by making a chrect paymm'u to Borrau.,er. If a refund r~ug¢:; t~dncipal, thc [edmlLitm will Dc trcated a~ a pa.nial prepayment without any prepayment c.~arge (w~erher ar not prepayment charge U p[ovi, de~ for ,nO'r thc Nut;k BOI'I'0'~,'CE'~ a,C-,c-,~t~nC'C of an)" SUch reD. nd made by d.ifg6'I payrncm to Dorrowcr will con~{ute a waivm' of :my rl.~:~[ of amion B,.,rr,~'r., .fight ht¥¢ LrisiB,; C~tt of ~ucl~ overcharge. 15. Notiem. All notice~ t~ven Ivy Borrower ,.,r l.~,dc,' it', cormccdon with thi~ S~curit7 ln~tr~rn~al ,,ust Ix: in wfitir~. Any notice to Borrower in connection wi~ ~lx Security lnslrumr, nt shall bc flccm~ to have beell g~¥en to Burrow,~, when n',ail~ by' first cl~.~ mai ~r wh~ acmall), delivered to Borrower'; notice afldre'.a it' ~;ont by o~er n'~an~. Notice ;o troy ,.m,: Bt,~,',we~ shall constitute aoticc to .Il Borrower~ · unlr.,~a Al~plkablc Law e. xpr~aly requires othoP.~i~.e. The nouce aag. re~s ;hall b,e ll~a Prnper~y Addles unles; Borrower h~ tleslgnu~ea a ~uh~titutc nufi~.e/~ld~'css by notice to I. znflct, Borrower ratail promp0y notify Ixndcr of Borrower'e ~ange of ~dre;s. lt- Le~.0er ;pedfiex a pruc:dmc D: fcporting c~ange of address; ~1)~ Bo~owcr sh~l only r~orta ch~mge ut act~re~ mrough that ~pecmed Ther~ may De only one ~e~lgn.a;eA nntic~ address m~tl¢~ thi~ S,-curity In.~trurncnt at any one tim,,..'my a0tic¢ to l.x-nder ~h~ll bo givm by detivlmng it or by rr~lthg it by £xrst t'.t~ss ,,tail u', l.c~cr'= addrca~ rioted herein unless |remic, h~.s d:~igr~e..d ~'~othcr addre~= by nouce to Borrower. Any notige tn ~o~mcction wi,~ ml.~ Security Nstrum~m shall no~ bc d=,,,:tl t,~ have bccn given to l.,.~dcr until .~. nl.!y r,-~eived by I_r. nd=. if any ~bticc req~rgl by that 'secarity 1nxtrtir~nt ks 'also requital re,des ApplicaDlc- Law, the Appli,cable. l.aw ralui~emcnt will satisfy thc corrt;~poading requirement under ti:us Secu.rily l.natrtuneat. Form a0S'i 1/0'1 .r- I ~!gE 5CS NH.dP'I ~J--t I I : 9 I E:882__. 92 l',l f'l f' 492 16. Governine Law; So'm'ability; Rule~ of Construction. Thb Security lnr..trument shale be flovemed by federal law anti the law of thc jurbdivtiou iii which thc l~op:rt)' i~ located. All rights and obligation0 contained ~n ~is Security Instrument are s-ubject ,o ;,ny TOl. lr:.r.~t'i ~.ld liJuitalior~ of Applicable Law. Apl~licablc Law milht explicitly or ;mpbcitly allow the parties to asree by eontrac~ or it iidgbt br. ,die.i, but ~uch ailcnc, c 5h~ll not bc construed a~ a prohibition against agr~tmt by contract. In ~e event ~aat ally provls!on nv i:la~u'~= .f thi,~ St'euiity lu$Lrumcnt or thc Note ¢omtlict~ with .Applicable Law, s-ach conflict shall not affect other provisions ot ml~ .'¢,ecurky In~tmmrmt ur tlic Nutc whid~ can be giv~U effect without Otc conflicting provision, As used in. rht~ ,qm'.nriry lnstram~lL: 00 .uid. S of thc masculLnc gender shall mcan and includc corresponding rtcuter word.', or word8 of the feminine gender; (b) wor~ in the singular shall me;m ;iud j,acludr Iht idms] m}d vice versa; and (c) thc word "may~ gives dole dir,¢retion wi]line] ~ obligalion to take any action. 1'7, Borrowcx~s Copy. Borrower 6hall be given one copy of ;he Note and of thi~ $¢a:~lrity 18, Tra.sfca' ol' the Property or a Btmcfic.~] lo]crest in Borrowar, As u~ed irt this Section 'lnteres~ m the Property" me,'m; soy legal or beneficf'al in<rent ii[ thc Plui~ett~. including, lint not limited to, those bermficial int~re~t~ trangfl~rred m a bond for deed, con]rat; for t~eed, tn,~rallment sales contract ur c:scrow agr~etuent, thc intent of which is the tranffcr of title by Borrower at a rutm'~ date to a parchmser. If all or ar~y par~ of the Prope~y nr ~.y h,le, e.xt i. the Pt~Jpec[y is sold or transferred (or if Borrower i.~ net a natural p~ruon an~ a beneficial in'.elest irt Borrower l~ ;old or tra~sr<rTral) wid~u.t 1.e:Mm'.', pcior w,itten consent, Lender may rcqu.irc teamed]ate payment in th]l o! all e. urr~ secured by this Security Ln~trument. However, ~lth opd.. shall .or be cxcrcised by Lendel' if ~u~ c~crci$c is prohibited by Applicable Law, l[ Lender ~crci=<~ this opdon, Lender shall ~ive Borrower notice of ~cceleradon, 'lhe notice shall provide a period of not les~ Chnn .30 days from Lb= date fix< notice is given in accordance with Sec]los 15 within which Borrower mug pay all ~urn~ $ecttred by ;his Security Im-tmmem. If Borrower fail,; In pay Ihr~r. sl..x l,,i,, to th: expiration of this period. Lcndcr may invok~ any remeaie~ perrmtttd by 19. Borrowr. da Right to Reiuf-tate After Aeetq~ation. if Borrow, er meer~ certain ct~nditionL lq,,m~w~r <~a.li have thc light ~o have cnforccmcnt of this Security instrument discontinued at any time prior to the e~lte~t of: (~/) five ~ays '0clove uale nf rl~e Property pur~-uant to ajay puwct of ~lr cO~lralned in this Security ln~mment; (b) ~ch other per]od as ApplicaJ~le Law might specify ~or the mrmln,arlnn of Borrower's fight Lo reiuatate: or (~) cntry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrumemt, Tho:e oondi0on$ are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender 'Al sums wi,id, d,r:. would bc due u~dcr thb S¢curiD' Ir~trtmmnt and, ~c lqotc ~ il' no acceleration had occurred; (b) cur~ any default of any other coveaantf or agr~cmrmls; (,:) pays all C~lmn,~c.s incurred in =forcing uhb Security Instrument, in¢lLtdJng, but not lirmted to, reasonable attorne~/¢ feeg, property insper, don and v;dll;~lhm f~ex, dud orhcc f~s incurred for thc purpose of protecting l.cnder's interest in ~ Pro0erly and rights under mrs Secu~nty Iniu--m-nent; and (d) ,aYr-x ~ll('.]l ~utlmt aa Lclldcr nla~ roasonably requixc to a~amm that Lcndcr'~ interest in tho Property and righ~ under this ~ecuntY Instrument, and Borrower'50bUgatlnn tn pay the sums secur~ by this S~cu;'ity Iri,tl'tmaenL ,hall continue anchaz~ed. Louder may require that l:lorrowcr ~a,y. me~, rei..n~, aremem ~ expen,q,~ in rme or mort of thc fullowblg fofam, as ~clcct~ by Lender: (a) cmn; ~o) monc-y omcr; ~ ) c~,l'~.lllD0, clle¢l,i., b'ekrll': check, ue~urer'; check or caxhlel"s thee'k, provhlr~l m*y at~z.h uh~k is d~'a'w,l Ul~n a~ institution whmc dcpos[t~ ~re i~s~red by -~ t~eral ~g~cy, i~tmmenrality or endW[ or id) Electrontc Funds Tea.xfer. Itl,,,,, ,ei.~taLcmcaI by Borrower. thL~ Security Instmmcm and obligations secured hereby chMI remMn ~lly et~ective a~ if no acceler.~don b.~ Occnrred. However. thi.~ right LO rcinsuttc alia.Il apply ia thc ca< of acceleration under Seclion 18, 20. S~)a nf Note; Change of Loaa Service; Nutke uf Grie~'ance. Thc Note or a pmia.l iaterea in th, Note (tOgether ',V~ thi~ $~c-onty lng, tm'nero) can De ~ld one or more times without prior m..i~:r. Borrower, A $~le might result in a ;hangc in the emity 0mown as th~ 'boaa Se~,icer") that cell~cta Periodic Payments due untlrx ~h. N. lr. mid this Security Inatrunm~t m'~d pcrforr~ other mortgage loan ~ervi~ing; obhgationS trader ;he Note, ;his 5eeuglty lnnmme~t, and Applicable La'.~, To.re als. mighL one or more cha~ge.~ of thc Loan Scr','ioc~ um-cl~tc:d to a ~le of the Note. I[ thoro i~ a change o~ the Loan Servicer, Oorruw~ will hc glveu w,itten no, Lice of thc c]llI~gC which will :tare the omc.and address of thc n~v Loan Sorriest, the ~tres, to which paym,nt~ ]hould be made and my o~h~ I.nfrrrmarlna RF. SPA Ol ~IgZ 9E:G EOP [dH_qP"l requires in connection with a notice of transfer of se~icing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations to Borrower will remain with the Loan Servicer or be transfen'ed to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Note purcahaser unless othea'wise provid~ by the Note purchaser. Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this Security Instrument or that alleges Hat the other party h~ breached any provision of, or any duty owed by re.a~on of, this Security Instrument, until su~ Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (with such notice given in compliance with the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the other party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice to take corrective action. If Applicable Law provides a time period ,,,hich must elapse before c~rtain action can be taken, that time period will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and opportmaity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and He notice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant id Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity to take corrective action provisions of this Section 20. 21. I-lazardous Subs-lances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances" axe those substances defined as toxic or hazardous subs~ces, pollutants, or wastes by Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petrolem'n products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, rmterials containing asbestos or fom'ua.ldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) "Environmental Law" means federal law~ anct laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate to health, safety or environmental protection; (c) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any response action, remedial action, or removal action, as defined in Environmental Law; and (d) an "Envirom-nental Condition" means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or o~er,,vise trigger an Environmental Cleanup. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, ~torage, or release of any Hazardous Substances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Proper~y. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property (a) ~at is in violation of any Environmental Law, (b) which creates an Enviromnental Condition, or (c) which, due to the presence, use. or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adversely affects the value of the Property. T~e preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on tl~e Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of He Property (including, but not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer products). Borrower shall promptly give I~nder written notice of (a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual 'knowledge, (b) any Environmental Condition, including but not limited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any condition caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazar6ous Sub~tance ~vhich adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Propeany is necessary, Borrower shall promptly raise all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. Nothing herein ~all create any obligation on Lender for an Environmental Cleanup. Form 3051 1/01 92 Nflf' 494 NoN_UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security In.vtrument (but not prior to acceleration under Section 18 unless Applicable Law provide~ otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a) the default; Co) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the s-urns secured by this Secua4ty Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any Other defense of Borrower [o acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date .vpecified in the notice, Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured hy this Security Instrument without furtl~er demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Section 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. If Lender invokes the power of sale, Lender shall give notice of intcnt to foreclose to Borrower and to the. person in possession of the Property, if different, in accordance with Applicable Law. Lender shall give notice of the sale to Borrower in the manner provided in Section 15. Lender shall publish the notice of sale, and the Property shall be sold in the manner prescribed by Applicable Law. Lender or its designee may purchaSe the Property at any sale. The proceeds of the sale shall be applled in the following order: (a) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it. 23. Relea.~e. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall release this Security Instrument. Borrower fiaall pay any recordation cos~. Lender may charge Borrower a fee for releasing this Security Instrument, but only if the fee is paid to a th[rd party for services rendered and the charging of the fee is permitted under Applicable Law. 24. Waivers. Bonower releases and waives all rights under and by virtue of the home~tead exemption Daws of Wyoming. Form 301:;1 1/01 c,r~ .-vt.' ,~ ,92 l'.,IFIF (~-~" -' ~ 495 BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees [o Lc terms and covenants contained in ~his Security Instrument and in aay Rider executed by Borrower and recorded with i.r. Witnesses: MIRIAM MORILLON (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -])orlox~ cr (Seal) (Seal) -Borrower -Borrowcr (Seal) (Seal) -Borrower -Borrower (Seal) (Seal) -Borrower -Borrower (~6(WY) Form 3051 1101 L,JH--JP'I ~J-I 2[ :cji CIDO~ 9~ HI-If' STATE OF WYO~G, LIlqeOLI~ The foregoing inctrument wa~ acknowledged before me this by MIRIAM MORILLON County ss: My Commission Expire~: ~Od q 2CE~ Notary Public Form 3061 1/01 H H J I'q 497 FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER (One-Year Tre,xmry Inde~x - Rate Caps) THIS FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this2?TE day of 3u'l~, 2003 , and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to a.mend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Security Deed (the "Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned ("Borrower") to secure Borrower's Fixed/Adjustable Rate Nme (the "Note") to · W~LLS F/~RGO HOP~E MORTGAGE, INC. ("Lender") of the same date and covering the property described in the Secuhty Instrument and located at: 370 RIVERVI~W DRIVE, ALPINE, WY 83128 [Property Address] THE NOTE PROVIDES FOR A CHANGE IN BORROWER'S FIXED INTEREST RATE TO AN ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE. THE NOTE LIMITS. THE AMOUNT BORROWER'S ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RATE BORROWER MUST PAY. ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agrecmems made in the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and' agree a.s follows: A. ADJUSTABLE RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES Tiao Note provides for an initial fixed interest rate of 4.625 %. The Note also provides for a change in the initial fixed rate to an adjustable interest rate, as follows: 4. ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE AND MONTH1,Y PAYNIZNT CHANGES (A) Change Dates The initial fixed interest rate I will pay will change to an adjustable interest rate on the first day of Jm;¥, 201o , and the adjustable interest rate I will pay may Ch~ge on ~at day every 12th month thereafter. The date on which my initial fixed interest rate changes to an adjustable interest rate, and each date on Which my adjustable interest rate could change, is called a "Change Date." 0025691106 MULTISTATE FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER - ONE-YEAR TREASURY INDEX- Single Family - Fannie Mae Uniform Instrument (~843R (0006) Form 3182 %/01 BE lq FI .r' 498 (B) The Index Beginning with the first Change Date, my adjustable interest rate will be based on an Index. The "Index" is the weekly average yield on United States Treasury securiti~ adjusted to a conatant maturity of one yen, as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recent Index figure available as of the date 45 days before each Change Date is called the "Current Index." If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index that is ba~ed upon comparable information. The Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. (C) Calculation of Change~ Before each Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate my ncw interest rate by adding TWO AlqD THREE-QUARTERS percentage points ( 2. 750 %) to the Current Index. The Note Holder will then round the result of this addition to the nearest one-eighth of one percentage point (0.125 %). Subject to the limits stated in Section 4(D) below, this rounded amount will be my new intere~n rate until the next Change Date. 'The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay the unpaid principal that I am expected to owe at the Change Date in full on the Maturity Date at my new ~nterest rate in substantially equal payments. The result of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment. fl)) Limits on Interest Rate Changes The interest rate ! am required to .pay at The first Change Date will not be greater than 9. 625 % or less th~ 2.7_50 %. Thereafter, my adjustable interest rate will never be increased or decreased on any single Change Date by more than two percentage points from the rate of interest I have been paying for the preceding 12 months. My interest rate will never be greater than 9.S25 %. (E) Effective Date of Changes My new interest rate will become effectiYe on each Change Date. I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment beginning on the first monthly payment date after the Change Date until the amount of my monthly payment changes again. W) Notice of Changes The Note Holder will deliver or mail to me a notice of any changes in my init/al fixed interest rate to an adju~able interest rate and of any changes in my adjustable interest rate before the effective date of any change. The notice will include the amount of my monthly payment, any information required by law to be given to me and also the title and telephone number of a person who will answer any question I nay have regarding the notice, B. TRANSFER OF TIlE PROPERTY OR A BENElqCIAL INTEREb'T IN BORROWER 1. Until Borrower's initial fixed interest rate changes to an adjustable interest rate under the terrm stated in Section A above, Uniform Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument shall read ~ follows: Initials: ~.~ (~843R [0006! Page 2 of 4 Form 3182 1101 Transfer of the Property or a Benefic{al Interest in Borrow.er, As used in th. is Sec!ion 18, "Interest ia the Property" means any legal or beneficial interest m the Property, but not limited to, those beneficial interests tr~sferred in a bond for deed, contract tot ac. ea, installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intent of which is the tr~sfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. If all or any pm of the Property or any Interest in the Property is sold or transferred (or if Borrox~,er is not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior written consent. Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However. ~is option sha.ll not be exercised by Leader if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall ~ive Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 nays from the date the notice is given in accordance with Section 15 within whicla Borrower must pay ail sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these surm prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument w:thout funiaer notice or on Borrower. 2. When Borrower's initial fixed interest rate ch~ges to aa adjustable interest rate under the terms stated in Section A above, Uniform Covenant 18 of the Security Instrament described in Section B1 above shall then cease to be in effect, and the provisior~s of Uniform Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument dali be mended to read as follows: Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Interest in the Pror>ert¥" means arty legal or beneficial interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, tho~e b~eficial i. ntc4'est~ transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intern of which is the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Property is sold or trznsferred (or if Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may require inmaediate payment in full of all sur~ secured by thi~ Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. Lender also shall not exercise this option if: (a) Borrower causes to be submitted to Lender information required by Lender to evaluate the intended transferee as if a new loan were being made to the transferee: and (b) Lender e at Lender's secunt will not be ~m tared by the loan assm'npnon and reasonably deterrmn s th' ' ~ 'y ' . ' P ' . . ' . that the risk of a breach of any covenant or agreement m this Security Instrument ~s acceptable to Lender. To ~e extent permitted by Applicable Law, Lender may charge a reasonable fee a~ a condition to Leqadcr's consent to thc loan ~sumption. Lender al~o may require the transferee to sign an assumption agreement that i.s acceptable to Lender and that obligates the transferee to keep all the prorrfises and agreements made in the Note and in this Security Instrument. Borrower will continue to be obligated under the Note and this Security Instrument unless Lender rele~es Borrower in writing. If Lender exercises the option to require immediate payment in full, Lender ~hall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given in accord~ce with Section 15 within which Borrower must pay all Initials: 1~843R (0006) Page 3 o~ ¢ Form 3182 lt01 5OO ~ums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower Fixed/Adjustable Rate Rider. accepts and agrees to the [~:n$ and covenants contained in this ($e~) ($efl) -~o~ower -~o~owcr -Bo~owcf -~o~ower ($eai) -BO~QWc[ -Bo~0wcr (Se~) ($e~) -Borrow¢~ -~o~owcr l~)~84.3 R {0005) Poge 4 of 4 Form 3182 1/01 nr~..-nn'~4 7~RSS&2_8~.OCIS O/ 2192 9CS