HomeMy WebLinkAbout878115 NOTICE: THIS SUBORDINATION,AGREEMENT RESULTS IN YOUR SECURITY INTEREST IN 'FI-IF~ Pf'~.OPERTY BEcoMING SUBJECT TO AND OF LOWER PRIORITY THAN TIlE LIEN OF SOME OTItER OR LATER SECURITY INSTRUMENT. THIS A'GREEMENT, made this day of December, 2001 , , by RIGO CHAPAI~R0 AND LISA CHAPARRO, HUSBAND AND WIFE owner of the lancl her'einafter described and herelrmfter referred to [is "Owner," and THE BANK OF STAR VALLEY present owner and holder of tim mortgage and note first hereinafter, described and hereinafter I~eferved to as "Mo~*tgagee;" WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS, Rfgo C~a~pa~0 a~d ~isa Chapa~o, husband a~ ~l~e did execute a mortgage dated September 27, 2001 , to The 3ank as mortgagee, coverlng: See at~ached gxhibtt A [or gegaZ Desc~t?tlon. to secure a note in the sum of $ 218,513.49 , dated September 27, 2001 , il'l favor of The Bank of Star Valley ? .... which mol-tgac.:le was recorded October 1-, 2001 , In book 473PR , page 978 , Official Recorcls of said county; and ..... W[..IEIZEAS, Owner has executed, or is about to execute, a mortgage and note i. the sum of $ 200.,000.00 , dated Decembe: favor of State FArm Financial Services, F.S.B. hereinafter ~eferred to as "Lender," payable with Interest and upon the terms and conditions clesc~'ibed therein, which mortuaue is to be recorded concurrently I~erewith; and WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to obtalnln'g said loan that saici mortgage last above mentioned shall unconclitionally be anti remain at all times a lien or charge uporl the land hereinbefore described, prior anct super'lot to the lien or clmrge of the mortgag~ first above mentioned; and WHEREAS, Lender is willing to make said loan provided the mortgage securing the same is a lien m"clmr~e upon the above described property prior and superior to the lien or charge of the mortgage first above, mentloned and providecl that Mortgagee will specifically anti unconditlonally subordlnate the lien o~~ charge of the mortgage first above mentioned to the lien or charge of the mol-tuage in favor of Lenc_le~-', anci £uberdination Agi-eement - ~ i'. ' WHEREAS, it is to the mutual benefit of the parties hereto that Lender mare stJch loan to Owner; and Mortgagee is willing that tim mortgage securing the same shall, when recorded, constitute a lien or charge upon said land which Is ul~conditionally prior i~/cJ superior to the lien or ci~arge of tile morluage first above mentionecl. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits nccruir~g lo the parlles hereto and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereloy ncl(nowleclged, and in order to induce Lender to make the leith aloove referred to, it Is hereby declared, understood and agreed as follows: (1) That said mortgage securing said nete in laver of Lender, and any renewals o~' extensions tl~ereor, shall unconditionally be and remain at all times a lien or ct~arge on the property therein described, prior and superior Lo the lien or charge of the : mortgage first above mentioned. (2) That Lencler~ woulcl not make its lean above described without ti'lis subordination agreement. [3) That this agreement shall be the whole and only agreement with regard to tim subordination of l:he lien or charge of [he mortgage first above mentioned to the lien or charge of the mortgage In favor of Lender above referred to and shall supersecle ancl cancel, but only insofar as would affect the~prlorlty between the mortgages herelnbefere specifically described, any prior agreement as to such suborctinatlon inchJcling,' but not limited to, those provisions, If any, contained in the mortgage firsL above mentlonecl,' which provide for' the subordination of the lien or charge tlmreof to another mortgage or mortgages. Mortgagee declares,, agrees and acknowledges that (a) He consents to and approves (I) all provisions of the note and mortgage in favor of Lende~ ahoye referred to, and (Ii} all a~reements, including, but not limit~d to, any loan or escrow agreements, between Owner and Lender for the disbursement of ._ the proceeds of Lencler~s loan; (b) Lender in making disbursements pursuant t0 any such a¢reement Is under: no obligation or duty to, nor has Lender represenled that it will, see to the application of such proceeds by the person or persons to wlqom Lender disburses such proceeds anti any application or use of such proceeds for purposes other tha.p those provided for in such .agreement oF agreements shall not defeat the sul:~orclination !~erein made In wl~ole oF in part; (c) fie Intentionally and unconditionally waives, relinquishes and subordinates I:he lien or charge of the mor'tgage first above mentlonect in favor of the lien or charge upon said land of the mortgage in favor of Lender above referred to and unclerstands that in reliance upon, and in consideration of, this waiver, relinquishment and subordination specific loans and advances are being aS~cl will be made and, as part and parcel thereof, specific monetary and other obligations are being and will be entered into which would not be made or entered into but for said reliance upon tills waiver, relinquishment and subordination; , and {d} An endorsement has been placed upon the note secured by the mortgage first above mentioned that said mortgage has by this instrument:been subordinated to the lien or charge of the mortgage In favor of Lender above referred to. NOTICE., THIS SUI3ORDINATION AGREEMENT CONTAINS A PROVISION WHICH ALLOWS THE PERSON OBLIGATED ON YOUR REAl_ I~I1OI~ERTY SECURITY TO OBTAIN A LOAN A PORTION OF WHICH MAY. BE EXPENDED I:OR OTHER PURPOSES THAN IMPROVEMENT OF THE LAND~ STAT E ~ SS COUNTY OF, h~a2n '." The foregoing Instrument was ack mwledged before me by Rigo Chaparro and Lisa Ch~parro [l~[s 14th day or Dcember , 2001 · My Con,mission Expires: [--. ]A.~:~c~O[~ · STATE OF Wyoming ,SS COUNTY OF Lincoln The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me by Rod Jenser_z~_ President of the Bank of Star Valley this ,t~ f'/'t day of December 2001 Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: EXHIBIT A ti' 7 5 4' Legal Description for Rigo Chaparro and Lisa Chaparro That part of the S1/2NI/2N1/2SW1/4NW¼ of Section 19, T32N Rll8W of the 6th P.M., within the North Afton Water and Sewer District Annexation to the .Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 379PR on page 508 described as follows: BEGIN NING at point on the North line of said S lA N 1/2 N 1/2 SW ¼ NW 13, S 88 ° 51' 16" E, 312.00 feet from the northwest corner of said SI/2N¥2N¥2SW¼NW1/4; thence S 00°17'00'' E, 165.24 feet, along a line parallel with the west line of said S1/=NIANI/2SWI/iNW¼, to a point on the south line of said S1/2N1/SN1/=SW¼NW¼; thence N 88047'30'' E, 477.43 feet, along the said south liue, to the southwest pipe of that tract of record in said Office in Book 385PR on page 505;. thence N 00011'59'. W, 165.76 feet, along the west line of said tract, to the northwest pipe thereof, on the north line of said S¥2NX/2N¥2SW¼NW¼; thence N 88°51'16'' W, 477.65 feet, along said North line, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH the right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land 30 feet in width, with the north line described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said S~AN¥2N¥2SW¼NW¼; thence S 88°51'16'' E, 312.00 feet to the northwest point of the land described as Parcel B shown on Map of Parcel Division filed October 27, 2000 as Instrument No. 869314 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.