HomeMy WebLinkAbout891188 J-5 T19N, R119W State oC Wyoming Corner Record (In compI/8I7CØ with /he CORNER PERPETUA TlON AND FlUNG ACT, ~ StsIutB8, 1977, SøcfIon 3fM1-101, øt ssq., IJI1d /he RuIø8 and RBgultillons of /he Bosrd of Rsgis/nltIon for PtofB88IonBI Eng/I1ÐÐIB and PmfÐssíonaI Land SUMJyrns) Reverse side of this form may be used if more space is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if comer is lost or obliterated). Description of comer morunertation evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this corner. Sketr:h of relative location of morunent, BCC8SSOfies, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent comer(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for rø-establishment of lost or obliterated corner. RECORD: 1909 G.L.O. RESURVEY; CORNER COMMON TO SECTIONS 7, 8, 17 &. 18, T19N, R119W. FOUND: A SET 2" PIPE WITH AN ATTACHED 2.5" BRASS CAP APPROPRIATELY INSCRIBED; STONE MOUND TO WEST. SET: 1/2"x 5' STEEL CONDUIT ALONG SOUTH EDGE. S 89°10'40H E, 2648.83' 1/4 Õ;t C'I I 3C N o iø § en 1/4 ... ,r SECTION 17 T19N, R119W- ...~.- ,." {~'I}') ~.-- . CORNER FILED THIS FORM o CONTROLLING CORNER DA 1'£ OF flEW WORK: MA Y 28, 2003 OFFICE REFERENCE: 03-06-05 This comer record was prepared by me ø, under my direction and supervision. CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM A' B C D £ F G H J K L M N o P Q R 5 T U V W x y Z 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B URVEYlNG 906 MaIn Street Evanston, Wyoming, 82930 Corner Name: NORTHWEST Section:JL T 19 N, R.J1JLW, 6TH PM; Cross-Index No.; J-5