HomeMy WebLinkAbout891297 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1977, Section 36-11-101, et. seq., and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Proftssional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors) Reverse side of this form 'may be used if mOTe space is needed. Record of original survey and cilation of source of hislorical information (;.f corner ,:s lost or obliterated). DesC'ription of corneT monumentation evidence found and/or mOTL'u'ment and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this corneT. Sketch of Telative location of monument. accessoTies, and TejBrence po'inls wÜh CO'UTse and distance to adjacent cOTneT(s) (if determined 'in this sUTvey). Method and Tationale JOT r'eeS'tablishment of lost 01' obliteTated COTneT. ...:..,- ,. RECORD: IRON POST, SET BY KEMMERER COAL CO. PROPORTIONATE IvIETHOD, WITH ALUMINUM CAP MARKED AS SHOWN. REPORTED BY //{~ / 6~~ / \ ! ~, FOUND: 3" ALUMINUM CAP 5/8" REBAR. STANDING THE" GROUND 4", A '1" CALVANIZED STEEL PIPE l' TO THE WEST OF CORNER, TR72 TR71J JR62 ON OUT OF RECORD MONUMENT SET: SSRING 0\.\\0S "( G~ 0C)v NOTHING ~;è ~. w.... W _I Ü ç"") ('" C'd 0>- LtJ ¡...- ?: ~~,:~ ll.'! -' Q LtJ (1:: ¿~: _1 C1 C) TR72 TR711 TR62 ('",,1 r-' \-:::J .. ",~-,,- PLS 482 1999 ""- -.-l ,/ MONUMENT THIS RECORD r- (.;"l N Ci' Date of Field Wor'CC) JULY 2. 2003 Office RejeTence: '¡ R ,'¡ 7 CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, 'AddTess This carner record was pTepared by me or undeT my, diTectwn and supervision. SEAL & SIGNATURE Crank Companies, Inc. P.O. Box 631 Kemmerer, Wyominq A 1 8 C o E F G H J K L M N o p 83101 Telephone NumbeT: \307ì877 -9093 Corner Na7ne: OF 72.67,71 1 2 21N I G I R 11 6W, 6TH PM Cmss-Index No..21 -22 Section: T