HomeMy WebLinkAbout891316SENT DY:TETON LAND TITLE CO, ;10-18-91 ; 9:45A~ ; 30'1'13~b30~ bU~'l'lU~zu;y '1 THE TITLE OUAP, ANTY OOMPANY Or WYOMINO, INC. FOllY ~ WARRANTY DEED MAURICE HOPPE AND BLYTHE _~Q.~_~E grantor'_ .... , of DOUGLAS OREGON for and in con~idaratlon of 0.00 . __Count7, .nd State DOt/ARS In hand paid, receipt wherQo! i~ htreby acknowledged, CONVEY A.N'D ViA.I%l=LANT TO MAURICE D. HOPPE /~ BLYTHE B. HOPPE, TRUSTEES OR THEIR SUCCESSORS IN TRUST UNDER THE_ HOP__PE .... FAMILY TRUST DATED JUNE 25, 2003 AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO Erantee..__, of. DOUGLAS County and State of. OREGQN the followin/~ describod real estate, ,ltuate L~ o! Wyoming, to-wit: .~ Count1, and State Lot 1 of Block 1 of the Red Bluff Addition Phase I to the Town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the Official plat thereof RECEIVED LINOOLN COUNTY CLERK 891316 Hereby releasing and waiving all rl~kt~ under and by 'virttlo of the homestead exemption laws o! the State of Wyo. ming, WITNESS ..... T~,F,J.~.:.h hand_ Atteat Seal; JUNE, 2003 ..... thbi._._lS-'P~ ........ day o{ MALICE HOPPE' BLYTHW' HOPPE OFFICIAL SEAL STATE oF_Q..REGO~. / JAMES H. SMITH ~' NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COUNTY OF_JACKSON COMMISSION NO. 326816 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT. 31,2003 The foregoing lnatrument wu .~rmowledSed bQtore me b7 ..... MAURICE HOPPE A['~.._BT,YTNF._. HCll~PF.. __ Witness my haad and oHlclal seal. My Commi~s~.-..~'~lrel: 10/31/2003