HomeMy WebLinkAbout891416~o "0 g0 BOO/.< --~PR 891416 FOR VALUE ~CE~ED, the FIRST NATIONAL B~-WEST, a Natmnal B~ng Co¢oration, organized ~d eMsting ~der T~ LAWS OF THE ~ITED STATES OF AME~CA, the mo~gagee nmed in ~at ceaain mo~gage hereina~r described, does hereby tr~sfer, ~sign, set over ~d convey MI right, title and Mterest in and to said mo~gage, whch was given to smd mo~gagee by. Jason Cazier & ~nn Cazier oorded in b gi=ing on P g= 3Sq, m= office of the Coun~ Clerk of i.{..o]. County, Wyo~g, and which covers pr°peAy described as follows: R£CEIVED LINP_,OLP,,! COUIqT,{ C,L[Rg Part of Lot 3 of Block 11 of the Townsite of Auburn, Lincoln Countyl Wyomjng being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 3,.and rods; thence East 8 rods; thence South 20 rods; the point of beginning. running thence North.20 thence West 8 rods to Together with the note or notes secured thereby, to the WYOMING COMMUNITY DEVELOPME}Yr AUTHORITY Its successors and assigns, subject however, to all of the agreements, conditions, covenants and stipulations therein contained~ as well as all fights of redemption provided by law. Datedthis 71-h day of July ,20 03 Wyoming STATE OF ) ) SS COUNTY OF Lincoln ) /~I~ATION~/5 BANK --xWES T Roxie g~s; I~E Loan Officer The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Roxie Jenkins this 7th day of July ,20 Notary Public ~ 03 SEAL: My Commission EXpires: .~(2V WCDA FORM NUMBER 203